Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bombino fined $40K for illegal crop shipments - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Bombino Express imported 34 packages of Indian mangoes and yams that were labeled “ladies apparel” through Los Angeles Internationalo Airport in July. Airport dogs discovered the packages and officialss confiscatedthe shipment. Federal and stater laws ban importing of untreaterd mangoes and yamsfrom India, whichy can be infested with numerous crop-damaging pests, includinhg the devastating Oriental fruit fly. “Invasive pests are a primary threat toour crops, and keepinfg them out of California is vital to the securityy of our food supply and the stabilit y of our agricultural crop,” California Department of Food Agriculture secretary A.G.
Kawamura said in a news release. Bombino will pay $40,000 in civil penalties, and face a $1.6 millionh penalty if it violatesethe agreement, according to the agreemenrt with the Attorney General and CDFA. Agriculture officials say the Oriental fruiy fly could costthe state’s millions of dollars in crop eradication efforts and quarantine “It’s critical that imported produce be properly inspecterd to avoid devastating and costly pest infestations,” Attorneyt General Jerry Brown said Monday.

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