Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bell Canada fine: Do you expect Canadian companies to be truthful in their ads? -

Bell Canada fine: Do you expect Canadian companies to be truthful in their ads?

The lowest possible price, after the mandatory fees, was $80.27, or 15 per cent higher. Are you surprised by the Competition Bureau's findings? Why or why not? Do you expect Canadian companies to be truthful in their ads? Let us know in the comments ...

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Saint Thomas Health Services launches massage service for babies, mothers - Nashville Business Journal:
A free, 15-minute massage will be offered to womebn who deliver their babies at Baptisg Hospitaland MTMC. The massage is providedc during a hospital pendingphysician approval. The patient can choose to have the therapist focuw on the neckand shoulders, back or legs and Additional 15-minute sessions can be purchasex for $20 each. Pregnant women and parentsa interested in infant massage have accesd to these services outside ofthe hospital. Baptist Sporta Medicine clinics, which provide outpatient rehabilitation and in addition to sportsmedicine services, will also offer therapeutic massaged and complete infant massage classes.
The services will eventually be expanded to participatingt outpatient clinics in the Nashville areas basedon demand. The therapeutic massage services available for womenm before or after deliveryyare $75 for an hour session and $40 per half hour The complete infant massage classexs are more in-depth than the introductionj classes and are $40 per couple. Prenatal and neuromusculafr massage techniques can assisg a woman during pregnancy or after childbirth by reducingmuscle tension, addressing postural issues and improving the immunw system's ability to reduce swelling.
Infant massage releases endorphinsx for babiesand parents, supports the development of neuro-pathways, helps to relieve colic and increases bonding between parents and baby.

Friday, June 24, 2011

LCRA to sell wastewater system to cities - Austin Business Journal:
The Brushy Creek system serves fivewastewater providers, including Cedar Park, Round Rock and portionzs of Austin, the Fern Bluff Municipal Utility District and the Brushy Creek MUD. “Whil the city of Cedar Park is appreciativre of the LCRA for setting up this system and providing a necessaryt service toour residents, we believe by purchasing the syste m we can save our rate payersd money,” Cedar Park Mayor Bob Lemon said. this is in the best interest of our city and our Under an agreement with customers and an alliance withthe , the LCRA has developedd and expanded the regional system and the Brazows River Authority has operated it since 1996.
Roun Rock, Cedar Park and the LCRA next need to negotiatre a purchase agreementby Sept. 1, and work with the othe entities served bythe system. The memorandum of understanding call for those cities to pay all debt relatex to thesystem — about $115 million — and costas related to the financial transaction. The cities will also pay $2.6 million to the LCRA at the closinbg for projectmanagement fees.
“I am proudx of the contribution the LCRA has made to help develop a regionapl system that has allowed economic developmenty and environmental benefits for the saidThomas Mason, LCRA general “We have worked with the cities to negotiate a fair price for the rate payers of the Brushyg Creek system and the rate payers of the LCRA’ss other systems.”

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bexar County children required to take new vaccinations - San Antonio Business Journal:
Parents are required to add five new immunizations for the upcominb school year as a result ofstate mandates. Metrk Health anticipates these requirements will affect upto 50,000 studentsw in the San Antonio area. Startingh Aug. 1, K-12 students will be required to take two dosezs of theVaricella (chickenpox) vaccine. Students entering the 1-6 and 8-12 gradeas must continue to meet thecurrent requirement. Entering 7th gradre students are required to take the one dose of the meningococcalp vaccine thisschool year. Students entering the 7th gradew must havethe tetanus, diphtheria, acellulae pertussis-containing vaccine if they’ve not had the boosterr within the last five years.
Studenta entering grades 8 - 12 must have the booster shot if they have not had one in the last 10 Kindergarten students statewide are now required to take two dosea of hepatitisA vaccine. K-12 students must take two doses of the measles vaccine and one dose each of the mumps andrubells vaccine. In addition to the expandeds vaccinations, students need to be current on previouslyrequires immunizations. “These additions to the childhood immunization schedule will briny us closer in line with CDC recommendationzs and make Texas an even safer environment for vaccinepreventable diseases,” health director Fernandol Guerra says.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Schwarzenegger says day of reckoning is here - Boston Business Journal:
“California’s day of reckoning is here,” he said. With no the state could run out of cash in 14 Three months after the state budget was California facesa $24 billion deficit. Schwarzenegger has alread y proposed massive cuts to health careand prisons. Now he’s looking for structuralp reform to make government more efficient and stretcbhtaxpayer dollars. He’s asked the State Board of for example, to make textbooks available in digital formats — a move that could save In 2004, the governor talked aboug blowing up boxes and consolidating but the initiatives never gained They’re back.
Schwarzenegger is proposing once again to eliminate and consolidater more than a dozenstate departments, boards and commissions. This includes the Waste Management the CourtReporters Board, the Department of Boatingv and Waterways and the Inspection and Maintenance Review Earlier this year, the state begahn consolidating information technology departments. Now Schwarzenegger wantes to consolidate departments that oversee financial institutions and mergee taxcollection operations. In July, state leaders will receiv recommendations on how to moderniz thetax code.
“This will be a tremendoue opportunity to make our revenues more reliabled and less volatile and help the state avoide the boom and bust budget s that have brought ushere today,” Schwarzeneggee told lawmakers. It’s not goingb to happen in 14 days, he said. But it couled happen before the Legislature adjournss for summer recess onJuly 17.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Airport traffic sinks 9.5% in April - Business First of Columbus:
The on Tuesday said 525,223 passengers used the airport in down 9.5 percent from 580,193 passengers a year The decline represented the first apples-to-apples comparison of airporty use data in a number of months because it didn’ty include a full month of traffic on Skybusw Airlines, which folded in the early days of Apri 2008 after carrying about 13,700 Columbus-based Skybus, which reached the height of its popularituy shortly before its demise, had been a key factot in the double-digit percentage declines in passengers postec at the airport for the past several But with the discount carrier out of the equation for last the decline was “attributable to a soft national and internationa economy,” David Whitaker, vice president of business developmengt and communications for the authority, said in a release.
Trafficv through the first four months of the year at Port Columbua was down 21 percentat 1.9 million passengerzs from 2.4 million in the same period a year Excluding traffic generated by Skybuds in 2008, the passenger count at the airport fell 7.7 percent for the period. cargo shipments at dropped 22 perceng in Aprilto 13.7 million pounds. Cargo shipments had fallen 23 percentrto 52.6 million pounds for the first four the airport authority reported.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Exxon ordered to pay $507.5M in spill case - Memphis Business Journal:
million in punitive damages plus interesft to plaintiffs affected by the Exxon Valdezs oil spill that impacted residents and businesses living alon the coast of Alaskain 1989. The made theit ruling Monday after the case was sent back fromthe . At the Nint h Circuit level, justices were charge d with determining interest andappellate costs. The Nintg Circuit confirmed the punitive damage amount aftefrthe U.S. Supreme Court determinee compensatory damages and punitive damages shouldx be assessed usinga 1-to-q1 ratio.
In its latest the Ninth Circuit confirmedthat Irving-based Exxohn (NYSE: XOM) is responsible for $507 million in punitive damages and must pay interesft on the judgment at the rate of 5.9 percentr dating back to 1996, when the initial judgment against the compan was first issued by a The federal case against Exxon Mobilo has been languishing for more than a The Ninth Circuit said both sideas will cover their own attorney’s fees. The originalp jury verdict against Exxon Mobiowas $5 billion, an amount that has been reduced by 90 perceng during the more than 10 yearws of litigation, according to court records.
An Exxon Mobill spokesman said Monday, "We are aware that the opiniom has been issued and will review the opinionn beforecommenting further."

Monday, June 13, 2011

Experts outline keys to region
They include the “for sale” signs on boates and foreclosed homes andcondo units, as well as those on commerciakl buildings throughout the region. Add to the mix othert problems that predated the housin g bust andthe region’ s challenges are many. Its residents face ballooning insurance rates andproperty taxes, sprawl, acute trafficv jams, inadequate public transit, education fundinh shortfalls, over-reliance on tourism and real estate and dwindling population growth. But, for all its South Florida has a number of assets keepinf thearea desirable.
If properly these strengths could make the differencse betweena healthy, cohesive region and a dysfunctional James Murley, a professor of urban and environmentapl solutions at , said the region’s greatesg strength is the international nature of its Shipping, finance and foreign investment are a few of the economif drivers of that strength. Economist J. Antonio Villamil, dean of ’sx business school and a board member ofthe , agreesa South Florida’s international ties are a major economicx strength. is a leading cargo hub becausse it’s the gateway betweeh North andSouth America, he noted.
Another assetg is the region’s adaptable, multicultural workforce, Villamil said. Despitde the housing crisis, the 6.1 percent unemployment rate in Miami-Dade fall slightly below the 6.5 percent statewidw average, he said. “ lot of that has to do with the factthat we’rd a global city.” Jamees Tarlton, president and CEO of the , agreed that workforcde diversity is important for growth.
“There’s a huge servicre industry here inSouth Florida, but you need to continur to diversify that,” he To that end, education plays a But, with shrinking tax revenude and public schools facing across-the-boarxd cuts, it’s more difficulft to train a dynamic workforce. “The mone y is really a big issue. The amounf we spend per student is abig issue,” said Kellyy Smallridge, president and CEO of the Business Development Boarrd of Palm Beach County.
While Southj Florida has not traditionally been known for itseducational institutions, there have been significant strides over the past few Smallridge said, noting the , schedulefd to be fully deployer on FAU’s Jupiter campus in 2009, and the ’w bio-imaging center, also being built at FAU’s Jupitefr campus. High-tech, life sciences, health and aviation/aerospace are the kinds of industriesz Smallridge said can fuel sustainableeconomicx growth.
Aviation/aerospace has a synergistivc cluster in Palm Beach County, in particular, and around the region’ws airports in general – but there’ws still much to be done for other industries to reach criticak mass, she said. “We have to be in these knowledge-based industries that don’t go through the ups and down ofreal estate, tourism and construction,” she said. One way to attractr desirable businesses is to lower unnecessarh regulatory hurdles that drive up the cost of land for buildinfcompany facilities. Smallridge said.
Costlyy real estate also has implications for workforce Whilethe region’s population has fallen or sloweed in the last few years, a May 2008 FAU studhy reports a projected doubling of populationj in the next 50 years – a poinft that underscores the need for long-ternm affordable housing solutions. Thoughj house prices have fallen sharply, the workforce housing problejm isn’t solved, said Ralph Marrinson, chairman of the . “Io don’t care what the economy is doingt now.” Marrinson said less onerous regulationszwould help, along with building homea in more dense clusters.
Villamilk said another solution is to tax propertie s at theiractual use, not at estimates for their optimal worth. All agree that business leaderse are doing a much better job than they were five or 10 yearsw ago by working together to create new opportunities for the instead of just being focused on their counties. But, with its patchwork of municipalitiesw and three strongcounty governments, regional political cooperationh may still need to catch up – particularly in the area of

Friday, June 10, 2011

Rambus Board Chairman Steps Down After Serving 21 Years - Wall Street Journal

Rambus Board Chairman Steps Down After Serving 21 Years

Wall Street Journal

Rambus Inc. (RMBS) Chairman Bruce Dunlevie has stepped down from the company's board, saying he is leaving the post due to the increased demands of his responsibilities at venture capital firm Benchmark Capital. Dunlevie has served as a director of the ...

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Radio mogul eyes West Coast empire - Portland Business Journal:
News that Larry Wilson agreed tospende $11 million to buy two Paul Allen-ownesd Portland radio stations made headlines when the deal was signed on May 12. Perhaps more significant thanthe however, is Wilson’s plan to headquarter his fledgling Alphaa Broadcasting Corp. in Portland. His return to radiko after an eight-year hiatusw has provided a beacon of hope for abatterefd industry. Wilson’s last radio , sold for $2 billion in 2001. He ownexd more than 5 percent of Citadel at the time of its Wilson left the industry to care for hisailingg wife. She died in February 2008 followinga 13-yeart battle with cancer.
Now Wilson, 64, has raiseds $60 million to buy his way backinto Portland-based put up about 80 percent of Alpha’s startuo money, with Wilson providing the he said. His purchase of KXL (AM 750) and KXTG (95.t5 FM) represents the largest transactionm in radiothis year, said Doug Ferber, president of Texas-basefd LLC, which acted as the seller’es broker. These stations are just the Within the year Wilson anticipatews that he could own more stations in othedr top 50Western U.S. markets. He aims to eventuallgy build Alpha into a businesswith $50 millionb to $70 million in annual cash flow, accordinbg to Ferber. That woulde put Alpha into lofty company.
, the second-largest radiio operator in the country, reported 2008 operating cash flowsof $76.7 millio on $311.5 million in Other top radio companies have operatingh cash flow above $100 Wilson is looking to grow at a time when many of the nation’e largest publicly-traded radio companies are retracting. A late-1990s acquisitiob spree burdenedthe nation’sd largest radio broadcasters with debt. Further batterinbg the industry, radio ad sales dropped 9 percentin 2008. Threew of the five largest U.S. radiio businesses, including Citadel, reported losses in the first three months ofthis year. The others reporteed lower profits.
Against that backdrop, Alpha Broadcasting may have the deepesg pockets in radioright now, said B. Eric Rhoads, a 40-year radioo veteran and owner of tradwepublication RadioInk. That Alpha Broadcasting is not burdener by debt gives it an advantage over the majorradilo companies, said Al Stavitsky, journalism professoer and director of the University of Oregon’s George S. Turnbullk Center in Portland. The sale of the Portland radip stations still must receive Federal CommunicationsCommissiob approval, a process likely to extend into the Until then, both stations remain under the contropl of , owned by Paul Allen, Microsoft co-founder and Portlandd Trail Blazers owner.
Both yielded profits or ran at break-eveb under Allen’s ownership, said broke r Ferber. Wilson plans to improve profitability at the stations without significangcost cutting, he said. “You can’t cost cut your way into successain radio,” he said. “W e have to put money back into the promote it, advertise our product.” The geographicd reach of each station gives Alphwa Broadcasting advertising opportunities that Rose City Radio didn’tg pursue, Wilson said. KXL, a 50,000-watt news and talk radioi station, can be hearcd from the Oregon coast and considerably south of themetrl area.
Sports-oriented KXTC, “The Game,” likewise broadcastx far across the state and into Wilson plans to hold more events linked to each by bringingin speakers, hosting sportx shows and selling tickets. Past histor suggests that Wilson will invest in more toolasfor on-air staff and will add new service s for advertisers, said Rhoads, the industry By spending more during an industr slump, Wilson accepts that he may sacrifice alreadyu thin profit margins. “We are preparede to ride this bad time, if we have to, for two or threw years,” he said.

Monday, June 6, 2011

With Draft on deck, some intriguing questions -

With Draft on deck, some intriguing questions

With that in mind, here are some of the key questions to ponder as the Draft draws near. Live coverage of the 2011 First-Year Player Draft begins with a one-hour preview show on Monday at 6 pm ET on and MLB Network, followed by the first round ...

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Greenberg Traurig opens London office - Denver Business Journal:
Paul Maher, former co-vice chairman of Mayerd Brown, will serve as chairman of the officed anda co-chairman of the firm' global mergers & acquisitions practice. The firm will operate as Greenbertg TraurigMaher LLP. Two other former Mayerd Brown partners, Fiona Adams and Cate Sharp, will join "London is key to our global strategy, and we have patientlgy waited for theright leader, in termxs of quality, cultural fit and business Greenberg Traurig President Richard Rosenbaum said in a statement.
Sincwe January, Greenberg Traurig has addec more than 40 lateral shareholders in some ofthe firm'ds key growth areas, including restructuring, corporate and litigation, health care law, intellectual property, real estate, financing and tax. Miami-based Greenberg Trauri has the 13th largest Denver operation among law firms by numbere of locallybased attorneys, with 49, accordin g to the Denver Business Journal's weekly list of June 5. It is the larges firm with a major presencein Denver, with 1,840 attorneys firm-wide.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kayak Overturns, Pearl River Man Dumped in Hudson River -

Kayak Overturns, Pearl River Man Dumped in Hudson River

Police said the 46-year-old's boat overturned about 6 pm and several calls were received from local residents reporting a man in distress off 186 River Road, according to South Nyack-Grand View Police Chief Robert VanCura. The man, who was not injured, ...

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