Thursday, August 30, 2012

Poll: Economy, unemployment top concerns for Texans - Houston Business Journal:
Respondents were split on the overalpl directionof things, with 48 percent sayingg the United States is moving in the righ t direction and 45 percent saying the country is on the wronv track, according to the survey. In addition, 53 percent of respondente think the worst has yet to come for the national and 58 percent say the country is in a worse position now than it waslast year. Meanwhile, almos t two-thirds said the Texasx economy was healthier than the national Other findings included that two thirdsx of respondents did not have confidence in thestocj market, and nearly half were concerned that theif retirement funds might not be A majority of respondents — 58 percenty — support Gov.
Rick Perry’s rejection of $556 million in federall stimulus dollars forthe unemployed, claiming that therw were too many strings attached, though 34 percentt of respondents thought Perry should have accepted the funds. According to 58 percenty of respondents, the stimulus is helping to make the economicd downturnless severe, and 44 percent of respondentsw said they would be willing to wait two years or more to see if the new administration’w policies were working. The telephone poll surveyer roughly 1,000 Texans between June 5 and June 12.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Obama outlines financial regulatory overhaul - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
In his speech, the president said the goal isto “restorr markets in which we reward hard work and not recklessness and grees – in which honest, vigorous competitioh in the system is prized, and those who game the systenm are thwarted.” Among other things, the president’a plan requires all financial firms that pose a significant risk to the financial system at largse to be overseen by strong, consolidated supervisioh and regulation.
An 89-page report by the notes that the “rootx of the economic crisis go back Years without a serioua economic recession bred complacency among financial intermediaries and Rather than scrap theentire system, Obama said the reformsd “pinpoint the structural weaknesses that allowed for this crisizs and to make sure that these problems are dealt with to avert future crises.” Increase market discipline and transparency to make markets strong enough to withstanc system-wide stress and the potential failure of one or more large financiakl institutions. Rebuild trust in the markets by creating the Consumefr FinancialProtection Agency.
Provide the government with the tools needed to manage financial crises so it is not forceed to choose between bailouts andfinancial collapse. Raisew international regulatory standards and improveinternational coordination.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Column: Most of the 'Hard Knocks' in Miami will fall on shoulders of rookie ... - Washington Post

Column: Most of the 'Hard Knocks' in Miami will fall on shoulders of rookie ...

Washington Post

Let others debate whether the jinx even exists. If I'm Dolphins coach Joe Philbin, I'm blaming “Hard Knocks” for the disastrous couple of months that lie ahead. The rookie coach inherited a team barely better than last season's 6-10 version and someone ...

and more »

< /td>

Sunday, August 26, 2012

TNT pilot to shoot in Albuquerque - Houston Business Journal:
Filming will take place from Oct. 22 to Nov. 2 and the productiohn will hire about 75 local crew five principal actors and more than 150background “Night and Day” is a It’s a drama about the life of Dan an agent with the , who works for a specialk threat intervention task force. That gritty work life is juxtaposesd against his home life withhis wife, playedr by Sherry Stringfield, who has also been in “Inb Plain Sight,” about a U.S. marshall in and has also been on the networiTV series, “ER.” William Fichtner, who is currently on “Prisonj Break” and has been in “The Dark Night” and & Mrs.
Smith” plays Hollister. Rileh Smith, who was in “New York Minute,” also Executive producers areJoel Surnow, who won Emmy Awardsz for “24,” and Todd Robinson, who won an Emmy for “Thw Legend of Billy the Kid.” Producers are Neal KC Warnke and Milan Cheylov. This is the 109th majort film or television production to shoot in New Mexicosinc 2003, when Gov. Bill Richardson took office and the stats beefed up the filmtax incentives. The productions have brought closeto $1.9 billion in economic impactg to the state. Richardson visited the set of another film shootin near Alamogordo earlierthis week.
“Transformers: Revenge of the is the sequel to the 2007blockbustee “Transformers,” which also was shot in New Mexico. It grossedr $700 million worldwide. The film is expected to wrap this week. It’a been filming here since early September. The production has injectesd about $6 million into the local economyy and employed about 170 New Mexico crew The sequel stars Shia Josh Duhamel, Megan Fox and Tyrese It’s slated to open next

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Solar thermal plant slated for Santa Teresa - Dayton Business Journal:
The project also involves , a produce r of modular, scalable solar thermal powed plants. Concentrating solar power plants use mirrorsa to reflect and concentrate sunlight onto receiversw that convert itto heat. The heat can then be used to producew steam to drive a turbine andproduce electricity. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardsohn said the project will helpmake “New Mexico’s renewable energyt potential a reality.” “With 300 days of sun every a highly skilled labor forced and a friendly businessa environment, New Mexico is well positioned to lead the nationh in solar energy production,” Richardson said. NRG Energy (NYSE: NRG) is a Princeton, N.J.
,-based company whose power plants have a generatingt capacity of morethan 24,000 megawatts, enough to powerr more than 20 millionh homes. El Paso Electric (NYSE:EE) provides power to 363,000 retail and wholesale customers ina 10,000-square-mild area in the Rio Grande valley in West Texaws and southern New Mexico.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Opus West Corp. plans bankruptcy filing - South Florida Business Journal:
Since April, dozens of subcontractors have filec liens totaling morethan $4 million against Opus Grouop and Phoenix-based Opus West Corp. tied to Two Addison Circle, a $23 million, 198,000-square-foo t speculative office buildingin Addison. The building was developed and is ownerd by Opus West The liens claim Opus owes the subcontractors for labord or materials provided in the courseof construction. The six-story Two Addison Circle building on the west side of the Dalla North Tollway just north of Arapaho Road was recently but hasno tenants.
The credit crunch and slowinf demand for office space have left Opus unable to get permanenyt financing to replacethe short-term construction loan on the Addison project, an Opus spokeswomajn told the Dallas Business Journal last month. Officialse with Opus West could not immediateluy be reached for comment forthis story. Othef Opus West Corp. projects in North Texas include the 121 Lakepointe Crossing, an office and industrial development in Lewisville, and Broadstone Parkway, a 5.8-acre mixed-use project at 5005 Galleriz Drive in North Dallas.
, whic h is based in Minnetonka, is a design-build development firm that specializeein office, industrial, retail, multifamily, government and institutionalk projects. It also controls Washington-based LLC, which filefd for Chapter 7 liquidationthis week, according to the Washingtonn Business Journal. Opus Group said its Opus Southn subsidiary, which is baserd in Atlanta, filed for reorganization in bankruptcy court onAprilp 22.
In a preparedf statement, Opus Group said the bankruptcy filings are a resulgt of a steep decliner in commercial real estate values and difficult credit market The company also indicated that and have been less affectex by shaky economic conditions because of theit mix of project types instronger markets. The company said Opus West planes to maintain its Phoenix headquartersand "a modesr presence" in Texas and California that will focusa on asset sales.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Details begin to emerge on health-care reform - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
percent of the cost of health insurancwe premiumsfor full-time employees under the health care reformk bill being considered by the House. They also would be requirec to pick up at least some of the tab forinsurinf part-time employees. Businesses that don’t provide this minimuj level of coverage would be required to pay the federal governmengt a fee based on 8 percenty oftheir payroll. Small businesses under a yet-to-be-determined thresholdr would be exempted fromthis “play or requirement.
The chairmen of three Housew committees with jurisdiction over health care introduced draft legislationJune 19, offering the most detailds yet on how health care reform couls affect small businesses. Under the bill, small businesses and individuals could shop for insurance through anationalp exchange, which would include a government-run plan and private insurers. Tax creditzs would be available to help smallo businesses affordthe coverage. Health insurance premiums for U.S. businesses increased by 9.2 percengt this year, and are expected to increase anothetr 9 percentnext year, according to . Smalol businesses often face much higherrate hikes.
Whiler most small businesses agree the currenr health insurance marketis dysfunctional, there’s a lot of disagreement over whethert the House bill would cure the problenm or just make it worse. Mike Draper, who owns a retaiol clothing store and design business called Smash inDes Moines, likes what he sees in the Draper thinks adding a public plan would hold down premiums by creating more competition in the marketplace. Draper doesn’t offer health insurance to itsseven full-time workers, but reimbursesz them for the cost of policies they buy on their own. That’ds fine with his employees, who are singlr and in their 20s.
The reimbursementsd now account for 6 percentof Smash’sx payroll, but that could jump to 22 percent in four when Draper expects everyone on his managementr team to have children, creatiny the need for family plans. His businesds couldn’t handle that expense, he said. If the Houswe bill were enacted, he woulxd consider buying insurance through the exchangre if it were easyto use. But he mighyt decide to pay the 8 percent payroll fee then reimburse his employees for some of the cost of the policies they purchase through the Draper thinks employers should be required to help pay fortheir employees’ health insurance.
Like Social Security contributions, this sort of responsibilityu is “kind of what you signed up for” when you becomed a business owner, he said. Other small business however, think the House bill imposese too tough of a standard on small The requirement topay 72.5 perceng of an employee’s premium for individual coverage “ies much too high for many small businesses,” said Karen president and CEO of the Small Busineszs & Entrepreneurship Council. The only way many smal businesses can afford coverage is by making employees pick up more of the she said. Arlington, Va.
-based Company Flowers & Gifts for example, pays 50 percent of the cost of health insuranc e forseven full-time employees. Even that may not be affordablwnext year, because “oufr rates are going to skyrocket,” co-owner John Nicholsonj told the House Small Business Committee earlier this month.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Positive signs in Sensus earnings despite $18.7M loss - Triangle Business Journal:
Sensus, which makes devices such as the meterz used by utilities tomeasure customers’ electricith use, posted a net loss of $18.7y million for the three-montuh period ended March 31. That compares to a net loss of $600,00p0 for the first quarte r of 2008. Sales dipped by 8 percent to $169 million, from $184 million as the downturn in the residentiall and commercial real estate markets led to fewef ordersfor Sensus’ water and natural gas In addition, the car industry’s crashj led to a reduction in demand for Sensus’ aluminuj die castings, which the company produces at a plant in The die-castings business provides partds in-house for Sensus' meters and for a few outside chief among them automakers.
The decimation of the car industry led to Sensuse writingoff $14 million of goodwilkl associated with its castingsz business, said Jim Hilty, Sensus’ vice presidentf of business development. There was positive news in theSensux earnings. Sales of water and heat meters grew outside ofNortyh America. Also, the company’s North Americs business unit sold more of its Advancex MeteringInfrastructure products, which utilities can use to upgrade theie electrical grids to work with “smarf meters.” Sensus also develops and sells , whicg help consumers and utilitiees better control power use.
"Our stronv fourth quarter and annual financial performance was achieved in a very difficul tglobal environment,” said Sensus Presidenrt and CEO Peter Mainz in a written “Annual records were set for both Adjustexd Net Sales of $806.1 an 11% improvement over prior and Adjusted EBITDA of $112.2 million, an improvementy of more than 20%. During the year, we took severakl actions to improve our focuson scalability, and customer satisfaction.” Sensus is a privatelg held company that reports earningsz because some of its debt is publicly held.
That debt was incurreds during a in early 2004 afte r two private equity firmd bought the metering division of Invensys PLCfor $650 million. The new ownerws renamed the former Invensys division Sensus Metering Systemz and chose Raleigh for the Sensus from its name earlier this year and added thetagline “The Measurre of the Future” to reflect its increasing emphasis on smary meters. Sensus had 3,878 employee worldwide as of Marcbh 31, including 1,414 in the Unitede States and 101 at theRaleigb headquarters, Hilty said. The company has more than doubleed its headcount in Raleigh over thepast year, Hiltyu said.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Alabama BlueCross cuts jobs, citing economic downturn - Triangle Business Journal:
The state’s largest health insured has cut human resources positions in recent weeks and has told employeesd jobs will be slashed in itsclaimxs department. BlueCross has a June 15 meeting in whic health management provider servicw department employees are expected to learn if they will be impactexd bythe layoffs, according to sources who spokd on the condition of anonymity. claims department personnel attended a June 4 meetingv in which employees were told only eight jobs were availabler to bid on ina 200-person department, sourcea said.
BlueCross managers told employeez many businesses are turning toelectronic claims, decreasin the need for paper records administered Increasing unemployment figures coupled with corresponding risin uninsured rolls call for belt-tightening measures for insurancse companies, public health professor Dean G. Smity said. BlueCross said it is “reviewing the scale of our administrative to be properly aligned with its customerf base and itscorporate mission. Withou providing specific numbers on anticipatedjob cuts, it said its personnek adjustments are in response to declining customer levels.
It blamed the recessionb and the state’s escalating unemployment rate for the job Inan e-mailed statement, BlueCross said it is “not immund to these challenging and difficult times. “Wre too are being affected by the current economicf downturn and the doubling of the unemploymengt rate in Alabama over the last12 BlueCross’ statement read. “Many of our customeras have had to reducs their work force and this has resulted in some havinb to drop their healthcare coverage.” Alabama’s unemploymeng rate was 9 percent in Aprilk 2009, up from 4.5 percentf in April 2008. BlueCross of Alabama said it has 3,400 employeesz in Alabama.
In 2008, BlueCross had 3,000 local according to research. It held 96 percentf of the small business health insurance marke t in the statein 2007, the most recent data available In 2008, BlueCross reportes $4 billion in premium revenue, up from $3.5 billiobn in 2007. Its $28.6 million 2008 net income resultec in a profit margin of less than one half of 1 Thinning profit margins are troublinyg forinsurance companies, Universituy of Michigan’s Smith said. Insuranc firms generally aim for profit margins in the 2percentf neighborhood. As unemployment rates rise, the number of insured which takes a toll onan insurer’s botton line, Smith said.
He said cuts are in response to theslumpinb economy. “Too few people insured means fewer people needed to manage the business as volume Smith said. “They also mighyt be tightening their belt a littlde bit in anticipation to what might be down the When you have less business you needfewer That’s good management.”

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Residents, business owners in Tampa, Charlotte gear up for presidential ... - Washington Post

Kansas City Star

Residents, business owners in Tampa, Charlotte gear up for presidential ...

Washington Post

Residents, business owners in Tampa, Charlotte gear up for presidential convention tie-ups. Tamara Lush/Associated Press - This photo taken Monday, Aug. 13, 2012 shows the downtown Tampa, Fla. The Tampa Bay Times Forum, right, is the location of the ...

Bus Owners Say Charlotte Seeks to Deny Convention Work


Bus Operators Say Charlotte Trying to Deny Convention Business



Thursday, August 16, 2012

St. John Properties takes over Opus East business park at Aberdeen Proving Ground - Orlando Business Journal:
U.S. Army officials worked feverishly over the past week topull St. John Properties into the fold, fearfuo the project would come to a halt if Opus East file for bankruptcy protection before an arrangemengt couldbe struck, company spokesman Gerard J. Wit said in a telephoner interview Tuesday. “It was a real round-the-clock, week-lonhg effort to get this Wit said. “We’re going to get in and try to kick-staryt this right away.” Aberdee is gearing up for a significant influx of military jobs underthe Pentagon’zs Base Realignment and Closure expected to be completed by Septembetr 2011.
About 8,200 military jobs will be transferreed tothe base, in addition to as many as 18,00p0 private contracting jobs from companies that do businesd with the incoming military agencies. The approve d Opus East's selection of St. John Properties to take over the Governmenty and Technology Enterprise businesx park because of theBaltimore developer’s abilith to move forward with new construction, Bob Penn, progra director with the Army Corps, said in a statement. As in taking over the project, including (NYSE: OFC) and Manekijn LLC.
Opus East was awarded rights to developpthe government-owned land under a leasse with the Army in Novembert 2007 and broke ground on its first buildingt in December of that year. Since the company became straddled with millions of dollara in construction loans it has been unableto refinance, and the compan y has not started any new construction at the projectt for more than a year. The deal was inked June 19 betweennOpus East, St. John Properties, with the backinb of the Army. St. John and the Army Corps of Engineerxs issued statements Tuesday announcingthe deal. Wit said St. John will pay Opus East an undisclosedd amount of money for its development rightxsat Aberdeen.
In connection with the St. John has hirecd Opus East project manager Matthew Holbroom to oversee the GATE project as its director of defensed andgovernment business. “Aberdeen Proving Grounds is excited about moving the project forwardwith St. John Tim McNamara, APG deputy garrison commander, said in a “We consider it a positive step to have their experiencecd management team spearheadingthe build-out of this As the to help it consider optionx including bankruptcy. Its parent , has also sought bankruptcy protectio nfor it’s Opus South subsidiary and for two more subsidiarie of its Opus West regionak operation. Opus Corp.
spokeswoman Winston Hewett said Opus East is stillo evaluating its options but has not made any decisionsdabout bankruptcy. The company was forced to relinquishy its rights to the Aberdeen project because it has been unablr to finance morethan $50 million in construction loansx it took out to finance its projects. Most pressint among those debtsis $35 millionn the developer spent to build a new headquarterds for the National Oceanic and Atmospherif Administration in College Park, for which it has sued the federa government to collect its wagesd on that project, Hewett said. St.
John planxs to break ground in the next two month on at least three new buildingsa at the Harford Countymilitary base, with commitments from defense contractora for up to 300,000 square feet of research and development space, Wit said. Wit did not disclosd the names of any ofthose tenants. Thoswe buildings would be in addition toa 60,000-square-fooy building Opus East completed in Decembet 2008 for defense contractor “We view this development as the most significant commerciakl real estate opportunity in the historyg of our company,” St. John President Edwars A. St.
John said in a “This is based on the amount of squarde footage that can eventually be developede as well as the important work that will be completedcby end-users that occupy this St. John Properties is the third-largest property management firm inGreaterr Baltimore, with nearly 11 million squarer feet of commercial space in the region. But takinfg over the Aberdeen project representx a shift forthe company, which has sought to tap into the demand for government contractingh space up until now. Wit said the companhy has also sought in the past to buy land for its own rather than to lease property from the governmenrt such asat Aberdeen.
Opus East preliminarily receivesd commitments from firms seekingg space atits 413-acre Government and Technologh Enterprise business park but did not start any additional The developer was unwilling to divide any of its buildingz into multi-tenanted space, Wit said, preferrinvg instead to construct buildings for a singled tenant. That’s created a pent-up demand for companies seekingtfrom 5,000 square feet to upware of 20,000 square feet, Wit “For all the hoopla that BRAC has brought, there’sa really only one building that Opus was able to Wit said.
“If you don’t have the placr to park those people, if you don’t have the buildingws to put them in, there was goin g to be a reallogistical problem.”

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

NACA to add more than 1,000 jobs in Charlotte - St. Louis Business Journal:
The hiring will begin immediately, with the national nonprofitr hosting a job fair Friday and NACA focuses on lendingto low- and moderate-incomes families. Gov. Bev Perdue announcec the expansion Thursday, with the state givinhg NACA a $1 million granft from the One NorthCarolina Fund. It plans to investf more than $4 milliom here, with 1,014 jobs expected to be added over the nextfive “North Carolina remains a strong presencew in the U.S.
finance sector, and this is a tremendouas opportunity forthe Charlotte-area,” Perdue “Our top-rated business climate and skilled financial-servicee work force are attractive to growing national NACA is headquartered in Bosto and operates more than 40 officeds nationwide. It currently employs abour 100 workers in Mecklenburg County to originate and procesxmortgage loans. Under the five-year state incentive the organization plans to add 550 jobs The jobs will pay an average annuall wageof $35,982. Salaries will range up to $80,000 The hiring will focus on mortgage customer-service representatives, call-center managers and mortgag e counselors.
“NACA is excited that it’s putting more than 1,000 peoplr to work during these tough economic NACA Chief Executive Bruce Markssaid “Today’s announcement is more than just a souned bite — we are followingg through on this investment by holding a jobs fair tomorroew to hire 550 people immediately.” Perdue said Thursday that she consulted with former Bank of America Corp. Chairman Hugh McColl Jr. about the McColl has been a longtimwe supporterof NACA’s work. BofA began a partnership with NACAunder McColl’d watch in 1995 and in 2004 committed $6 billionh to its lending program.
Perduse says McColl confirmed to her that he expected NACA could follow throug on its job commitments in severaplphone conversations. “When someone beginsz something like this in italways grows,” McColl said in an intervieqw Thursday. “They’ll come in and find this is a good placw tofind (a work force). I would hope it woulsd be an eruption of not justtrickle down.” The grou claims it will be the largest number of peopld hired immediately in one area and the largest job commitment in the country sincre the mortgage crisis began in 2007. The hirinbg comes as NACA embarks on a nationwides Save theDream Tour.
Marksx says the added jobs are crucia as NACA leads its campaign to makemortgagesd affordable. Hundreds of NACA staff will provide long-terjm solutions for homeowners with anunaffordable “Charlotte continues to be attractiver because of our knowledgeable financial-servicews work force and we welcome NACA’ws investment in North Carolina,” N.C. Sen. Dan Clodfelter (D-Mecklenburg) said in a NACA’s Counseling Center is in the Charlotte East officew park off Albemarle Road between Centrak Avenue and FarmPond Lane.
“Charlottee continues to be recognized as a leader in financial services with a talente d and experiencedlabor force,” says Charlottre Chamber Chairman Tim Belk. “Wre are pleased to welcome NACA to the community and look forwardr to the investment in jobs and presence they will bring to our East The chamber assisted NACA in itsexpansion effort. Charlottwe East owner Roger Kellogg, principal of , and leasing directotr Eric Speckman have worked closely with NACA since when the nonprofit established a small offices inthe park. NACA has legally binding agreements with all themajor lenders/servicers to restructure the mortgageds they service.
The NACA agreements cover more than 90 perceny of homeowners with an unaffordable The staff from the Counseling Centefr in Charlotte will travel nationwide to work on Save the Dreamm events where morethan 25,000 peoplde are counseled over four with thousands receiving affordablde restructured mortgages with permanent interest ratea often at 4 3 percent and 2 percent and where necessarhy the principal reduced. The organization, started in 1988, has the primaryy goal of building strong, healthyh neighborhoods nationwide throughaffordable homeownership.
NACA operations include financiapl counseling, specialized mortgage services and a Home Save program for homeownerzs with anunaffordable mortgage. NACA will host a job fair from8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridah and Saturday at its CharlotteCounseling Center. For more informatioh about Neighborhood Assistance Corporationof America, including employment go to

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

United Way, Kaiser invest for health-care access - Dallas Business Journal:
Community-based projects in Butts, Cherokee, Douglas, Fayett and Rockdale counties are being organize to tackle the issued of access to primaru care services for the uninsured and according toa statement. The counties have held, or plan to a summit identifying the most critical challengwesurrounding health-care access and developinvg a detailed plan to address the issue. The summits include community suchas faith-based leaders, government officials, local service providerse and business leaders. To each of the five counties has identifiedd a specific area of focus and is determining the best approacfor implementation.
Kaiser Permanente, on June 5, presentesd United Way with a check for the buildinh of MercyHeart Clinic. The clinic will help reduce the number of emergency room visits by providinfg medical and dental care for the uninsured inRockdald County. The clinic is slated to open by the endof 2009. Rockdales County, which has a populatiom of about 84,000, is served by one Rockdale Medical Center. In 2008, Rockdale Medicaol Center treated 8,328 uninsured patientse in itsemergency room. Screening adults for diabetezs could result in significant cost savingsfor health-carw systems compared with the costse of not screening individuals at all, according to an analysis by Emoru University researchers.
“The economic costs of diabeteds threaten the financial integrity of our healthcare systems,” study co-author Dr. Lawrenc Phillips, professor at Emory Universityh School of Medicine said ina statement. “Wee asked whether there is economic justification for screeninvfor pre-diabetes and unrecognized diabetes since early treatment could help prevent or delay development of diabetex and its complications and reducd associated costs.” Diabetes is a diseasee in which the body does not produce or properly use insulinm — a hormone needed to convert starches and other food into More than 23 million people in the or 7.
8 percent of the have diabetes, according to the . While an estimatedf 17.9 million have been diagnosed with 5.7 million people are unaware that they have the Phillips and his researcu teamscreened 1,259 adults who had never been diagnosed with The researchers found 24 percentr of the adults screenedx had either diabetes or They also concluded that costs for screening and threse years of treatment with metformin, or changd in lifestyle for individuals found to have pre-diabetes or previouslhy unrecognized diabetes, would be lower than costs for not Projected health system costs for diabetes screening and management over a three-yearf period ranged from abougt $180,000 to $186,000 — all lower than costa for no screening, which would be about The research was supported in part by the and the Nationaol Center for Research Resources.
Malizia Clinic, which billsa itself as a regionak center for urology andurologixc surgery, will open in late August at Piedmongt West. The clinic, which will employh about 30, including six physicians, will occupy about 14,0009 square feet of medica l office space atthe multi-phased, mixed-usemedical office The Piedmont West development, located on 7.3 acreds at the northwest corner of Howell Mill Road and Interstatw 75, will eventually include two medical office buildings totalingf 457,000 square feet. Other tenants include ; the Atlantq Center for Reproductive and Atlanta GastroenterologyAssociateds LLC.
Tom Jackson has been named chief financia l officer at Emory Eastside Medical Jackson previously worked at Doctors Hospitalof Augusta, the largestg burn center in the country. His previoud work experience includes HCA’s Research Medicakl Center, Vanderbilt University Hospitaland .

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Angel Investment Forum moves south to Jupiter site - South Florida Business Journal:
The Gunster Yoakley & Stewary associate is the new chairman ofthe three-year-old nonprofit Angel Investment Forum of Florida The group recently changed its name from the . It’se a loose-knit but individually powerful group whosw 50 regular members have millions of dollars to lend or invesrt in startups andbusiness expansions. Others in the group offer capita raising, marketing, accounting and legal services. “It’s a dynami group, but has a low profilr because all the meetings have been held in Robbins said. “We are relocating the meetings to the inJupitetr – more central for both Sout Florida and Treasure Coast participants.
” The new venure is located just off Interstate 95 in the immediate proximity of ’w Jupiter campus, plus the and biotechnology research sites. The firsy meeting there is scheduledfor Sept. 9 at 5:30 p.m. AIFFLL Executive Director Marcy Brennan said her groupcomprises entrepreneurs, investors and professionap service providers. “We expect to double the membershil thisyear – especially the angel investore – with this more central and convenient meeting she said.
“Even for those in Stuart, it’s not that far AIFFL used to have a central Florida chapter inthe Villages, a larg e country club community south of Ocala, but it closed in “We expected the Villages’ residents to be a good sourc of investment, and to draw entrepreneurs from Tallahassee, Tampa and Orlando, but it just didn’t work out that way on a regulaer basis,” Brennan said. There will likely be substantial crossovee between members of the AIFFL andthe (GCVCA), whicu meets regularly in Boca Raton.
“I think it’as good for the community that AIFFL is widenin gits footprint,” said David Bates, GCVCA chairmamn and a shareholder in Gunsted Yoakley & Stewart. He sees the Jupiter move as a shrews marketing strategy to grow citinghis group’s membership, which grew to more than 300 over the last two yearsz in southern Palm Beach County. “There are more than enough investment angelsz looking for good dealsin today’a competitive environment for both organizations,” Bates GCVCA is typically pitched by young companies looking for mezzanine investing in the $1 millionn to $5 million range, whilwe AIFFL gets pitched more by startu p companies looking for $50,00p to $1 million.
Brennan said: “We have seen some remarkabl ground-floor opportunities in medical devices and great creativityt across the board in thetechnologyt field.” Web site: E-mail:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Former Sierra Madre councilman Lee Cline dies - Pasadena Star-News

Former Sierra Madre councilman Lee Cline dies

Pasadena Star-News

"He would go out and sit with this bird every day and have his coffee, and talk to it," Cline's daughter Joan Annas said. "Finally when the bird was ready ... he released the dove. About a month later the dove came and landed next to my father as he ...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

BFC Financial, Woodbridge to merge - The Business Review (Albany):
In a joint press release the Fort Lauderdale-based companies said they entered into a mergef agreement whereinWoodbridge (Pink Sheets: would become a wholly owned subsidiaryg of BFC (Pink Sheets: BFC currently controls majority voting stakes in both Woodbridge and BBX). BFC lost $58.9 million on revenue of $487.65 million in 2008. Woodbridge owns , whicnh is building Tradition Florida inPort St. and has investments in various companies includingand . Woodbridges lost $140.3 million on revenuw of $25.5 million in 2008.
In its firstr quarter earnings report, Woodbridge warnecd that Core Communities could default on the loans for Tradition Florida if its lenders demand that it put more equityhcapital down. Under the merger deal, all shareholders of Woodbridger Class A common stock except BFC woulrreceive 3.47 shares of BFC’s Class A common stocik per share. With shares of BFC opening at 40centsx Monday, it equals nearly $1.3i a share for each share of Woodbridge, whicg opened at $1.10 Monday. Levanj and Abdo are chairman andvice chairman, respectively, of both The merger would save between $1 millio and $2 million in professional fees and SEC reportingh costs for the companies, Levan said.
It would also reduce the taxexs Woodbridge would pay on its earnings once it returnszto profitability, he Currently, Woodbridge pays taxes on its earnings, and then BFC pays taxews on the portion of Woodbridge’s earnings that it counts on its balance sheet. The move will not cause any staff Levan noted. Woodbridge will continue operate independently. The agreementr would include all current board members of Woodbridgseon BFC’s new board and add Woodbridgs President Seth Wise and BankAtlantidc Bancorp President Jarett Levanj to BFC’s 12-member board, as Wise would also become executive vice presiden of BFC. The deal is expected to closes before the endof 2009.
BFC shares closed unchanged at40 cents. The 52-week high was 95 centsw on Sept. 2. The 52-wee low was 6 cents on Feb. 5. Woodbridge shares closecd down 2 centsto $1.08. The 52-weej high was $6.60 on Aug. 21. The 52-weemk low was 2 cents on Oct. 24.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Press Availability With South Sudanese Foreign Minister Nhial Deng [document] -

Press Availability With South Sudanese Foreign Minister Nhial Deng [document]

Press Availability With South Sudanese Foreign Minister Nhial Deng [document]. All Africa Global Media. Press availability of Hillary Rodham Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State in Juba, South Sudan. FOREIGN MINISTER DENG: Thank you. Good morning, ladies ...

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Paris Saint-Germain in a Spending League of Its Own - New York Times

Paris Saint-Germain in a Spending League of Its Own

New York Times

And the authority's plan to make P.S.G. the equivalent of Abu Dhabi's oil-financed Premier League champion, Manchester City, is now into its second summer. Carlo Ancelotti is the coach, and Leonardo, the former Brazil player, now the sporting director ...

and more »

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Statements from Kohl, Hovde on shootings - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)

ABC News

Statements from Kohl, Hovde on shootings

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)

Statements from Kohl, Hovde on shootings. By Lee Bergquist of the Journal Sentinel. Aug. 5, 2012 8:25 p.m.. Tweet. Email; Print; |(0) Comments. Sen. Herb Kohl released this statement: "This is a tragic day for our city and for  »

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Rutland Group Company Profile | Company Information
this is a full service firm with rare expertised and extensive contacts both in California and throughourt much ofthe nation. Two of the firm's principalws are former staff members of the California One served in both Housed and worked for legislative leaders ofboth parties. The othert served as the Personnel Directorf of the AssemblyRulex Committee, personally overseeing the hirinbg of professional staff in that House.
In this era of term when the tenure of staff oftejn exceeds that of most staff contacts on this scaledare invaluable, as are The Rutlans Group's ties to Legislators, members of Congressw (many of whom served in the Legislature), state regulators, and local government officials and agencies. The Rutland Groulp offers services aimed at preserving and enhancinghits clients' ability to conduct business responsibly whilre interacting successfully with governing and regulatorty bodies. Each issue and problem the firm agreesd to handle is given a thorough analysisd froma policy, political and historical perspective.
Curren t trends are factored intothe equation, along with legislative intent and the positions of relevant statre agencies and other industry members. This meticulouas approach is the key to TheRutlands Group's success in developing winning strategies for

Friday, August 3, 2012

Is health reform plan missing the mark? - Baltimore Business Journal:
That goal, however, may not be achieved in the legislation now movinfgthrough Congress, some business groups They’re afraid the bill being markee up this month by the Senated Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committere won’t do enough to control healtn care costs, but will go too far in imposintg stiff new insurance requirements — including minimum coveraged levels — on employers. They also worr that including a government-run plan as an optionb in new insurance exchangesw would lead hospitals and doctord to charge private insurers more for their servicess in order to compensate for underpaymentss they would receive from thepublic plan. The U.S.
Chamber of Commerce has e-mailed its urging them to oppose the SenatreHELP Committee’s bill, calling it “a dangerous proposal.” James the chamber’s senior manager of health said he is optimistic the Senate won’t go alony with a provision that calls for a government-appointee board to decide what level of benefits must be includesd in insurance plans. If that provision is not changed, many employeras likely would face higherinsurancr costs, because senators look at the benefits-rich plan now offered to federal employees as the “gold standard” for health care he said.
Now is the time for businesses to demand change s inthe bill, includingb striking a requirement for employers to provide insurance to their workers, he Many small businesses simply can’t affore that, the chamber “We need health reform,” Gelfand said, but if the bill isn’f fixed, “I don’t know how we coulrd possibly support it.” Business groupss are hoping the Senate Finance Committee will producew legislation that’s friendlier to employers.
The prospect of health care reform raising costs for smalpl businessesis “a legitimate said John Arensmeyer, CEO of Smal l Business Majority, an organization that believews employers should provide insurance to their But if done correctly, health care reform woulr save small businesses money, he said. A study commissionec by the organization found that businessesd with fewer than 100 employees could save as muchas $855 billionm over the next 10 years if health care reformm is enacted, compared with what they would pay for healthj insurance if the system isn’t The analysis, conducted by economist Jonathan assumes that Congress will require all but the smallestt firms to provide health insurance to their employeees or pay a fee to the federal government, baseds on their size.
It also assumes that Congresas will provide tax credits to small businesses to help them pay for thecoveragee — a provision that is includedc in the Senate HELP Committee’s bill. “Wit a strong credit, small businesses can be a big winned inthis reform,” Gruber said. Todd McCracken, president of the , said it’e “not yet clear” whethere small businesses will be better off after health care reform than theyare now. Providing tax creditsw or other subsidies to small businesses for insurance coveragescould “create all kinds of weird incentives and for companies, he said.
Basingt the subsidies on size ofbusiness isn’t a good solution because some smal l businesses — a law firm, for examplde — can be quite profitable, he Focusing on low-wage businesses may not be fair either, becauss that encourages companies to pay low McCracken said.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

BMC to insure revellers - Times of India

BMC to insure revellers

Times of India

MUMBAI: In view of mishaps during Ganesh Uttsav, the BMC has The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) in a bid to make the festivals of Ganesh Uttsav and Govinda safer, have planned to provide a health cover of up to Rs 15000 for revellers and ...

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