Friday, December 30, 2011

Successfully growing traditional plants of the season - Alexandria Echo Press

Successfully growing traditional plants of the season

Alexandria Echo Press

Several traditional holiday plants make their appearance in your local retail markets this time of year. If you're looking for a gift plant or a decorating accent, there are many from which to choose. Several traditional holiday plants make their ...

and more »

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Washington Business Journal:
Arnold & Porter LLP in D.C. namedr Charles Curtis a partner inbusiness litigation. At King Spalding LLP in D.C., Daniek Donovan was named a partner in government advocacy andpublicv policy, Courtney Trombly joined as and Paul Clement rejoined in the national appellat and strategic counseling practices. Expanding its labor and employment practicein D.C., Ford Harrison LLP hired Patrick Stewart as senior counseol and Jaclyn West as associate. Miller & Chevalier Chartered in D.C. brought on Barry Pollack as a member ofthe white-collare and internal investigations practice. Dilwort Paxson LLP  in D.C. appointexd Louis Rothberg of counsel ininternational law.
Winston & Strawn LLP  namesd William Barringer, Daniel Porter, Christopher Dunn and James Durling international trade partners inits D.C. Mark Duvall joined Beveridge & Diamond PC in D.C. as a Craig Young joined LeClairRyan PC in Alexandrias as a partner in the bankruptcypractice group. Foley & Lardner LLP in D.C. namee David Hickerson a partner. Akin Gump Strausds Hauer & Feld LLP in D.C. made Scott Alberino and NathahOleson partners. Merchant & Goulxd PC in D.C. named W. David Wallacwe partner.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Business Journal of Milwaukee: Nomination
Nominations will be accepted throughg Jan. 29, 2010 for projectss in the following Best NewDevelopment -- office, industrial, retail/hospitality, residentiak and health care; Best Renovation -- industrial, retail/hospitality, residential and healthg care; Projects may be nominated in more than one category. A pane l of real estate expertsd will judgeall nominations. To nominate a project or real estatse deal, please complete the informationj for each of the categories listedbelow (pleasde include additional firm names if there is more than one or specify N/A if the categorh does not apply.
Each category must be completexd in order for a project to be If there are firms on the projec t that are not listedby category, please include theirt information under "other". Nominations must be submitted using the form Additional information may be submitted in hard copy orvia e-mai to, or by fax to 414-278-7028. Forwardr mailed nominations to: The Businessa Journal Real Estate Awards, 600 W. Virginiwa St., Suite 500, Milwaukee, WI 53204. The deadlines is Jan. 29, 2010.
2010 Real Estate Awards January 29, 2010 (Projecrt or Deal of the Year projectd may be nominated in more thanone

Friday, December 23, 2011

Shooting victim Stephen Pollock's mother begs for help - BBC News

BBC News

Shooting victim Stephen Pollock's mother begs for help

BBC News

The body of 21-year-old Stephen Pollock was found at a house in Weaver Terrace, Paisley, at about 23:15 on Wednesday, following a disturbance there. His mother, Nancy, said she could not believe he had been "brut »

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Free Chick-fil-A meal on July 10 - South Florida Business Journal:
The giveaway is part of the Atlanta-based chain’s fifth-annual Cow Appreciation Day, which honors its "Eatg Mor Chikin" Cows. In a related promotion, parentd can enter photos of their cow-clad children as part of a "Showe Us the Cow" online photo contest, for a chancd to win a $1,000 U.S. Savingsw Bond. Between now and Aug. 31, childrenj ages 10 and younger are encouraged to work with an aduly to submit creative photos of themselves dresseeas cows. The contest Web site, has details about uploading photos forthe contest. Once the pictures are uploaded, the publi c can vote for their favorite photothrough Aug. 31.
The 20 photographes that get the most Internet votes will benamedx semifinalists. From the semifinalists, Chick-fil-A will select five finalistss and one grand prize winner based onoverall quality, appearance, originality, creativity and The entrant's age will be takenn into account for judging, Chick-fil-wA said. The grand prize winner will receivwea U.S. Series EE Savings Bond with a maturit y valueof $1,000, a cateree party for their classroom, free Chick-fil-A Kid'sx Meals for a year and a digital among other gifts. Also each Kid's Meal from June 22 to July 25 will include miniatureCow figurines, while supplies last.
One out of everyy 100 of the cows will have gold spotw instead of the traditional black spotss and will be packaged with a card redeemable for a freeIce cream.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Walker finds rhythm for Deacs - Charlotte Observer

Walker finds rhythm for Deacs

Charlotte Observer

AP WINSTON-SALEM After missing Wake Forest's first nine games, 7-foot center Ty Walker is making up for lost time. Walker finished with career highs of 12 points and nine rebounds Sunday as Wake Forest hit key free throws in the final minute to hold ...

and more »

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bombino fined $40K for illegal crop shipments - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Bombino Express imported 34 packages of Indian mangoes and yams that were labeled “ladies apparel” through Los Angeles Internationalo Airport in July. Airport dogs discovered the packages and officialss confiscatedthe shipment. Federal and stater laws ban importing of untreaterd mangoes and yamsfrom India, whichy can be infested with numerous crop-damaging pests, includinhg the devastating Oriental fruit fly. “Invasive pests are a primary threat toour crops, and keepinfg them out of California is vital to the securityy of our food supply and the stabilit y of our agricultural crop,” California Department of Food Agriculture secretary A.G.
Kawamura said in a news release. Bombino will pay $40,000 in civil penalties, and face a $1.6 millionh penalty if it violatesethe agreement, according to the agreemenrt with the Attorney General and CDFA. Agriculture officials say the Oriental fruiy fly could costthe state’s millions of dollars in crop eradication efforts and quarantine “It’s critical that imported produce be properly inspecterd to avoid devastating and costly pest infestations,” Attorneyt General Jerry Brown said Monday.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Water Authority and conservation groups create fund for Rio Grande - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The Authority’s bills will offer a box customers can checok toindicate they’d like to donate to the Living Rivef Fund. The fund will be used to purchasw water rights so that water can be kept in the maintaining flows for plantsand wildlife. Customers will be able to add $1 to theie payment total and designater it as a donation tothe Fund. The boxees will appear on bills startingtthis month. The Authority partnered with , , , , and the on the The water rights purchase program is in addition toa $250,00o0 initiative aimed at leasing water back from farmerxs so that it can be kept in the rivef to provide sustained flows.
The Water Authority gave $225,000 to that fund and conservation groupsprovided $25,000. The Water Authoritu also is contributing $160,009 annually to a Rio Grande silver minnos breeding program and is involved in habitat restoration efforta onthe river.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Missouri lets Embarq set its prices - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Missouri operating company forOverland Park-based local phon e service provider Embarq (NYSE: EQ) met the conditions to be a competitivwe telecommunications company set forth in a bill the Generall Assembly passed last year, the release The designation means that the PSC no longef controls price and rate regulation and that Embarq can independentlg alter telephone rates based on market conditions. For the 61 residentiap exchanges newly designatedas competitive, the law keepz Embarq from raising rates by more than $2 a line each montu for the next four years, the release said.
The PSC will keep monitoring Embarq’ss rates and subscriber base; the PSC staffr can alert the commission ifEmbarw doesn’t comply with the limitationsa or raises its rates so high that they keep customers from receivinh the service. The residential exchanges becomingfcompetitive include: Appleton City, Blackburn, Brazito, Butler, Calhoun, California, Camden Point, Centerview, Chilhowee, Clarksburg, Clinton, Cole Camp, Craig, Dearborn, Deepwater, Eugene, Fairfax, Green Ridge, Hardin, Harrisonville, Holden, Holt, Hopkins, Houstonia, Ionia, King Kingsville, Leeton, Lexington, Malta Bend, Maryville, Missouri City, Montrose, Mound New Bloomfield, Newburg, Orrick, Otterville, Richland, Russellville, Smithton, St.
Thomas, Strasburg, Sweet Syracuse, Taos, Tarkio, Tipton, Urich, Warrensburg, Waverly, Wellington and Windsor. Embarq has received competitiver classification in dozens of Missour citiesthis year. The company has been looking to gain competitivd status throughout the country because local phone companiesdare regulated, though others that provide localo phone service, such as cable companies, are not, an Embarwq spokesman said earlier this year.
Competitivre classification requires the existence of two separate entitiesx also providing local phone one of which can be a wireless provide r and the other a wireline company that offersx local voice service through facilities it owns in part orin Embarq, the nation’s No. 4 local phone service provider, ranks No. 3 on the Kansad City Business Journal ’s list of area public companies. by in an $11.6 billiob deal expected to close in the firsft halfof 2009.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fishermen, regulators discuss dismal cod report -


Fishermen, regulators discuss dismal cod report

AP / December 9, 2011 PORTSMOUTH, NHâ€"Fishermen trying to survive an unexpectedly dire assessment of the health of cod in the Gulf of Maine gathered in New Hampshire on Friday with scientists and rulemakers to seek ways to head off a ...

N.H. session hears d ata on overfished Gulf of Maine cod

The Boston Globe

Scientists Say Cod Are Scant; Nets Say Otherwise

Sarasota Herald-Tribune


Thursday, December 8, 2011

N.C. foreclosure filings drop - Baltimore Business Journal:
North Carolina ranked 36th in the nation for foreclosurew filingslast month. Foreclosure filings in the state fell nearly 16.1 percent in May from April. Across the foreclosure filings rose 18 percent in May from ayear ago. Thered were 321,480 foreclosure filings nationwide, whicbh affected one in every 398 U.S. households. California and Florida posted the top foreclosure ratesalast month. Filings nationwide fell 6 percent in Mayfrom April. Irvine, Calif.-based RealtyTrax tracks default notices, auction-sale notices and bank Its figures exceed those compiled bythe N.C. Commissionert of Banks. The company countsx every foreclosure filing, including multiple filings for asingler household.
The commissioner counts each householronly once, regardless of the numbe r of filings it receives.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Economist: FDIC gearing up for bank closures - Nashville Business Journal:
“They know they’re going to take down a larges number of banks andthey can’ t do it until they’re staffed said Mark Dotzour, chief economist and directo of research for the Real Estate Center at . Dotzour expecta federal regulators to establish an similar to the that disposer of assets belonging to insolvent Savings Loans in the late 1980s andearly 1990s. “Once they start to sell [foreclosed real we’ll find out what the market really is,” Dotzoue told attendees at an economic summitin Tampa.
Dotzour blamed federalp intervention for the lack of commercial real estates investment activity inrecent months, as well as the failure of businesses to make majofr decisions. “Nobody knows what to do so they’res doing nothing,” Dotzour said. Government, in its quest to help the is causing harm by propping up failinh companies and regularlychanging rules, he said. “Peopld are frozen. It’s not that they don’gt want to invest in the future, the rules are unclear,” he He jokingly called the FederalReserver “inksters” for routinely printing monety to bail out big business, including banks that are stil not making many loans.
The government’zs role in a capitalistic society, he “is to make the rules and get off the dance Businesses and individualsthat can’tf pay their bills shoul resolve their problems in bankruptch court, not with money from the government, he It’s a process that has worked for for generations. “Everyone has a lesson to learn including youand me,” he said. “We have to live withinn our means.” Dotzour expects foreclosure rates to continueto climb, real estate prices to fall more and cap rates to rise to at least 9 percent before leveling off. In 2010 and 2011, interest rates will begin to aswill inflation.
Once investors realizre the market is at deals will begin to flow he said. In the meantime, he compared the bad loanss that remainon banks’ books to a smelly cat litter box and the feds keep throwing more litter on top to mask the But they’ll eventually have to removd the organic material to fix the problem.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Highest-paid CEOs
There were no major changes in bonus ordeferred compensation, but the average valus of perquisites and miscellaneous payments fell from $272,000 to according to research conducted by Spring House-basex human resource firm . The data are based on filings with the Securities and Exchange Commissionand year-over-year comparisons include companies who changed CEOs between 2007 and 2008. Strategif Research’s Dan Ebbert, who compiled the data for the Philadelphi aBusiness Journal, said the drop off in other compensatiomn was to be expectexd as companies are under great scrutinh when it comes to handing out perks to In all, 23.
4 percent of overallo compensation for the CEOs was direct cash (salary and bonus), with only 18 percenft coming from just salary.

Friday, December 2, 2011

GOP Candidates Step Up Attacks On Each Other - NPR


GOP Candidates Step Up Attacks On Each Other


Since then, the candidates have gotten tougher on each other. From left, GOP presidential candidates Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney participate in the Fox News/Google GOP debate at the Orange County Convention Center in September. ...

Republican Candidates Step Up A ttacks Against Each Other as Primaries Near


What Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney have in common

Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Convera folding into U.K. company - South Florida Business Journal:
Vienna-based Convera (NASDAQ: CNVR) will be After the merger, Patrick Condo, Convera's CEO, will become the chairmab of the board, and Colij Jeavons, Firstlight's CEO, will become the CEO. Convera's plan of dissolutio contemplates an orderly wind down of its busineszsand operations. After filingv its certificate of dissolution, Converw intends to make one or more distributions to its stockholderse of cash availablefor distribution, subject to applicable legall requirements. Convera will then delist its common stock from The new company will brinv together the vertical search technology of Convera and the advertisingb sales and marketing capabilitiesof Firstlight.
It will have over 60 corporate customer accounts and 120 existin g Web sites withapproximately 1,50o0 advertisers. When the merger becomes effective, Convera will own 33.3 percen t and Firstlight willown 66.7 percent of the tota l outstanding common stock of the new company, subjectf to certain adjustments which may enable Convera to own up to 42 percenty of the new company prior to the distribution. The merget is subject to Convera stockholders' approval and certain other customarytclosing conditions.
The mergere is expected to closethis

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Human Capital: People on the move, July 1 - Austin Business Journal:
Signature Healthcare of Brockton hiredd Steve Friot as director of healtg carefacilities management. He previously served as director of facilities operationdat . , a design and construction firm with localo officesin Worcester, appointed Roberty Stephens director of business development, healthh care. Stephens has more than 20 years of experiencse marketing and selling design andconstruction services. Matthe w Tepper joined CB Richard EllisInvestorx , a real estate investment managemeng firm, as an associate director for the global multi-manager Tepper, formerly of , is based in Boston.
Malm & D’Agostine PC , a Boston-based law firm, addeds Elise Wald as an associate in the trust and estatespractice area. Wald was previously an associate at Blankstein and LundLLP . Rob MacElhineyt , vice president of in Weymouth, was namec to the board of directors atthe .

Friday, November 25, 2011

Q&A with Clinton Memorial chief Andy Riddell - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Since taking over the struggling in Wilmington inNovember 2007, he’s kept employeees up-to-date on the institution’s progressd though the “Riddell Rumor Remover” newsletter. He’s published more than 100 often containing more strategy and financial info than most CEOs wouldfdare release. The frank style earnesd the newsletter the E2E Communication Awardfor “Most Transparenft Employee Communications” for 2008 from McMurry, a Phoenix-based communications/marketintg company. The newsletter also has been honorefdby Chicago-based for best practices in internal communications.
Clinton Memorial, a 95-bedd hospital, has been losiny money for several years and is lookinbg for anaffiliation partner. And thousands of layoffsz at package-carrier , formerly the area’s largest won’t help the hospital’s finances.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Like hairstyle, your brand should evolve with time - Business First of Louisville:
The most recent example of a re-branrd involves . In May the brand became ... (anyone? anyone?) . Yes, the good folks from GMAC Financiao Services decided to distance themselves from that whole opting for anew look, a new messags and, ideally, a new Away went the blocky blue and orangde GMAC Bank logo and in came with a swooshy, lowercase purple as the new mark of the new “straightforward” bank, “builty on the foundation of GMAC Financial Services.” All of the bank’s messagingt is new as well, with an emphasis on straighft talk. Think for a moment, abouft how much time and effort were requirede forthis change.
Every piece of marketing material, every sign, evergy statement, every everything had to Time will tell ifthe re-brand will servw GMAC well and help it gain market shar e and earn consumer confidence. One thing I know is It had tobe done. With GMAC ordered by the governmenft to raise more capital and the GM brand in the news seeminglhy every day in anegativ light, a bank with GM in its name did not inspirre confidence. So GMAC went with the brandingy version of the old TVshow “Extreme Makeover.” And I pointy all of this out to make sure you understand that changd this dramatic is not necessary 99 percent of the Most companies never have to go through a massivwe re-brand.
But that doesn’t mean your brand shoulcd not evolve with the Like your wardrobe oryour hairstyle, your brand should look like it belongw in 2009 and must evolve as your business Brands must remain current and relevant — and in some way awaree of what’s going on around them. Otherwise, you’re the guy in a Memberw Only jacket with a feathered do partex right downthe middle. There is another option out which we call abrand refresh. Let’s take a look at a prominentt local company that my firm has been workinv withfor years, Blackboard Inc. Blackboard recently completed abrans refresh. The D.C.
-based company built its reputatiojn inthe e-learning world helpingy schools and campuses bring education But through organic growtn and acquisition, the company’s offerings evolved to support multiple elements of the education experiences — from learning to academic life and campus communication. And it had grown acroszs multipleeducation settings, including higher education, the professional ranks and So the brand needed to evolve to reflect this expanded supporg of education while staying true to its core After more than a year of planninfg and testing, Blackboard rolled out a refreshed identity conveyexd through every brand asset.
The changes was reflected in its Web its logo, its event presence and even its tone of voice and written style. The foundation for the refresh wasthe company’s education story, which now is told througuh three key areas: Blackboard Learn, Blackboar d Transact and Blackboard Connect. Here is what Robert the company’s vice president of globa l marketing, had to say abourt the exercise: “We think there’s a lot of value in the core heritag e of theBlackboard brand.
As we worked on tellingg the story, though, we decideds we needed to think more broadlty about how we communicate our commitment to Reinforcing the best of what gotus here, but calling out the broaderr value we could bring to educationh for our clients and for our own peoplse carrying out that work. ” If you think about that for a second, it makes a lot of A brand refresh is not just abouyt staying current with the times or updatingf theWeb site.
It’s also abouy creating a rallying point around whicyto re-examine the way you are doinv things and how you are communicating internally and Morton says the exercise inspired him to look with freshu eyes on a lot of including the company’s approach to “The world is already full enough of boring, overlyh formal business communication,” he says. “We didn’ t want to pile on any more.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dean Foods to relocate corporate office - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Dallas-based Dean (NYSE: DF) will relocate from its currentf location at 2515McKinney Ave. into 240,000 square feet of spacew inside Cityplace. The move is expected to take placse in the first quarterof 2010. "We are pleasec to be able to relocate our offices withij Dallascity limits. Many factors worked in our favor, includinvg the real estate market, space availabilitu and other economic saidGregg Engles, chairman of the board and chief executive officert of Dean Foods. "The City of Dallas is our and we are pleased to remainj here and continue our many civic andcommunityy partnerships.
" Dean said in a statement it is movint because the company has outgrown its currentg workspace, and new space is needed to addresss the company’s changing needs. The leased will take occupancy at Cityplace to abouft 80 percent from aboutr 60percent now, said Sarah Payne, vice presiden at Stream Realty which handles leasing in the building. Employees will beginh moving in December and the move will be phaserd inthrough March, Payne said. "Thias was a huge win for the City of Dallaas to keep them inthe city, because they lookefd all over," Payne said.
She said Dean Fooda considered existing spaceand build-to-suite in the Legacy/Frisco area, as well as othefr buildings downtown. Brokers familiar with the searcg said Dean Foods considered Fountain Place and Bank of Americza Plaza among other downtown buildings with significany squarefootage available. The asking lease rate for spac e in Cityplaceis $24 per square foot, plus Dean Foods will occupy floors 34 througb 40 in the 42-floor, 1.2-million-square-foo t building.
Dean Foods occupies about 150,0000 square feet at its current

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Turkmenistan: Generalities (So Far) at the Annual Gas Jamboree - EurasiaNet

Turkmenistan: Generalities (So Far) at the Annual Gas Jamboree


Turkmenistan's annual Oil and Gas Conference opened today, with hundreds of energy executives and government officials flocking to Ashgabat to see if the president -- who decides everything -- will do any further "diversifying" of his country's vast ...

and more »

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New restaurant to fill shuttered Clubhouse at Lenox Square - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
, owner of the upscale Buckheadx mall, announced Friday it has signed an agreementrwith Charleston, S.C.-based restaurateur . to open Lenoxs Square Grill laterthis fall. Lenox Squarwe Grill will fill a major vacancy in a signature slot atLenoxs Square. The Clubhouse, part of the countr club-inspired restaurant chain originally founded by celebrity investors Kevin Costnetr andJack Nicklaus, created a void at Lenox Square’e front door when it closed last September. “We’ve seen such remarkable success from local restaurant operatorsin Atlanta,” Tisha assistant vice president of leasing for Simohn Property Group, said in a statement.
“CentraArcht Restaurants is a great example, with proven conceptzs that really stand the test of time while maintaininvg a loyal patronage fromAtlanta diners. We’re lookinb forward to another strong partnership with CentraArchy and continuing that traditio n with LenoxSquare Grill.” CentraArchy is the compant behind Tavern at Phippxs at Simon-owned Phipps Plaza. The 12,500-square-foot Lenox Square Gril will feature300 seats, a large bar and ample outdoor seating areas. It will be open for breakfast, luncy and dinner daily.
CentraArchy is also the parent compan of NewYork Prime, Californias Dreaming, Joey D’s Oak

Monday, November 14, 2011

The work force reported for the week ofApril 12-1u8 was down 3 percent when compared with the surve week in April 2008, the National Agricultural Statistics Service Hawaii Field Office said It was up 2 percent from January. Pineappls and sugar cane workers totaledf900 workers, down 22 percengt from the same period a year ago as a resulg of layoffs at and on Kauai. Maui Land Pineapple laid off 204 workers in July whileGay & Robinson, the private, family-owned company on ended its sugar cane operations in September 2008.
Hawaii’s totak farm work force — which includes self-employed farm operatorw and unpaid workers such as familty members and others working 15 houre or more perweek — totaled 10,300 workerx for the survey week, down 1 percenrt from a year ago. The average wage paid to all hired workers during the survey week was estimatedat $13.36 per 1 percent higher from a year ago. Hawaii farmes employing one to nine workeras paid an averageof $10.97 per hour and the combined averagse wage for field and livestock workers was $10.28 an hour.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

For years, Cincinnati attorney Tom Gabelman has kept the Banks marching forward - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Gabelman’s view is the Tri-State’s biggest work in progress: the Banksw riverfront development. From on downtown’s southwest cornet to on the east, therd is no space larger than a legal pad thatGabelmahn hasn’t touched in some way in his 10 years as special outsidre counsel for Hamilton County. The 51-year-old partne r at Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease has either litigated, negotiated or contemplated every deal point in the 100 or so contracta now in place amongriverfront stakeholders.
Those contracts covere who has the right to build where and who pays rent to They spellout cost-sharing arrangementss for roads, sewers and water And they spell out in great detai l how to split revenue from thousandes of riverfront parking spaces. The newesyt contract will yield benefits for taxpayers this whenthe -Dawson development team breaks groun d on 300 apartment units just west of . It’sw the first phase of what’s projected to be more than $600 millionb in private developmenton Cincinnati’s riverfront, where $1.4 billionb in public investment has been Gabelman has been the county’s most seniorf adviser on all of it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

David E. Roberts Executive Profile
is executive vice president of Upstreaj for Marathon Oil Corporation and servesz as a memberof Marathon's Executive He joined Marathon in June 2006 as senior vice presidenty of Business Development. Mr. Roberts previously served as executive vice president and managintg director for BG Group with responsibility for Asia and theMiddlse East. Prior to joininb BG, he served as advisor to the vice chairman of ChevronTexaco Corporation (now Chevron from 2001 to 2003, wherse he provided strategic and operational advice to executivew management regarding the company

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ex-Yahoo lawyer joins Mintz in Palo Alto - Washington Business Journal:
After a six-month stint as Yahoo’ss senior legal director of commercialp litigation, Floyd’s position was terminated when the Sunnyvald Internetcompany (NASDAQ:YHOO) began cutting costs. In her briefr stay, Floyd provided general counsel and advicd on a host of commerciallitigation issues. In additiobn to managing national and international she was also responsible for defending and managinvg unfair competitionclass actions, trade secregt misappropriation, and matters involving the Storeds Communications Act and the Computer Decency Act. Floyd spent abou 10 years at Oakland-born Crosby, Heafey, Roach & May, whicjh was acquired by Reed Smithin 2003.
She departef Reed Smith as a partner inthe firm’s regulatoryg litigation practice focused on antitrust and unfair competitiobn claims. Floyd said she chosed Mintz forseveral reasons. Key among them was the firm’e litigation practice. Also, she was impressed by her talks withSan Diego-based Mintz litigator Dan who she said has always spoken with “greatf enthusiasm” about practicing at the firm. “The officr here in Palo Alto, while it’ws very small is growing and Ithoughgt it’d be very exciting to have the opportunityh to get into a smallp office of a larger well known firm and help it Floyd said.
Mintz Levin’sx Palo Alto roster stands at abouft 20attorneys today.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Times' retirement plan hit by $154M loss - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Net assets of the plan for the which owns the Globe and fellto $417.7 million. The plan was particularly hard hit bysome $171.5 millionb in losses within several mutual For example, the plan’s largest holding, the Vanguare 500 Index Investment fund, suffered a nearly 40 percent loss in Another fund in the Times’ the Vanguard Asset Allocation Investment fund, droppedd nearly 32 percent year-over-year. Only one of its majod fund holdings, the Dodge Cox Income Fund, posted a positive return in 2008. Investmentsd in fixed income and insurance assetsdgenerated $5.3 million in income. Dividend income of $11.6 million also helpes offset losses.
Interest income from the company’ s borrowing from its retirement fund totaled The Times has traditionally matchecd a fraction ofGlober employees’ contributions to their 401(k) accounts, howevetr a proposal in front of leadership woul d eliminate the program.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Survey: Hiring slowly improving - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Those two sectors employ more than 90 percent ofthe nation’sa private-sector workers. The Va.-based association’s report is based on a monthlhy survey of human resourcer professionals at more than 500 manufacturing and 500service companies. Employment expectations for June aredown 37.1 percent in manufacturing and down 8.2 percent in the servicess segment. In the manufacturing 24.5 percent plan to hire in June, whichg is the highest percentage of such companiesz that said they will add jobs sincdeNovember 2008. In addition, 25.9 percent said they will trim In theservices sector, a net total of 24.8 percen of corporations will create jobs in with 41.
4 percent saying they will hire and 16.6 percent sayingb they will cut jobs. That 41.4 percent represents the highesr such tally since September 2008 inthat sector. A combination of unemployec people seeking work and less jobs to go arouncd means recruiting difficulty in both sectors in May was way down comparecd with ayear ago. In the manufacturingf sector, a net of 23.8 percent of companies had less difficulty with recruitinglast month, and in the servicde sector, a net of 35.8 percent of companiesa said the same.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

PERB chair Rystrom dies - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Rystrom was appointed by Gov. Arnoldx Schwarzenegger to the five-member PERB board in August 2007. She becamee chair in February 2009. The board enforceds collective bargaining laws that covet more than 2 millionCaliforniqa public-sector employees. It also rules on challengeds to decisions issuedby PERB’s general counsel and administrativre law judges. “Tiffany Rystrom capped a distinguishe career by channeling her passionj for the law intopublicf service,” Schwarzenegger said in a statement followinyg her death. “She raised the bar on quality, integritg and consistency with the Rystrom entered the legal field after six year in advertisingand marketing.
She startesd in 1977 as judicial clerlk in the California Court of She went on to become deputy district attorney in Marinn County before moving to the Office of the Californiaw Attorney General and intoprivate practice. She is survivedc by her long-time partner, Californiaz Labor CommissionerAngela Bradstreet.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

KV Pharmaceutical expects loss - San Antonio Business Journal:
The Brentwood, Mo.-based pharmaceutical company anticipates the costs related to the productiomn stoppage and recalls will hurt fiscal year resultsxby $140 million to $150 million, accordingv to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchangde Commission. Due to an internal investigation intomanagement misconduct, KV has delayedc the filing of its annual reportr and expects matters to be resolved by the end of July,accordingt to Tuesday’s filing. Late last KV and recalled drugs following problemswith manufacturing, includin g the production of oversizeds tablets.
In March, KV said it with the FDA that outlinews a series of measures that will permit KV and its subsidiariews to resume manufacturingand distribution. The conseng decree requires KV to hire an independent expert to reviewthe company’s facilities and certifty compliance with the FDA. “The requirements under the consent decred have had a materiap adverse effect onthe company’ s results of operations and liquidity position,” accordingg to the filing.
“The company is exposede to significant costs as a resultf ofthe multi-product recall, the costs associatedd with the disposal of company inventorgy and potential claims certain customers may assert …” On Monday night, a in

Friday, October 28, 2011

Report: D.C. area posts a strong economic performance - Sacramento Business Journal:
The report ranked the 100 largest U.S. metro areas based on unemployment rates, wages, gross metropolitan product, housing pricee and foreclosure rates in thefirst D.C. ranked No. 13, whiles San Antonio, Texas, placed No. 1 and Detroit came in last at No. 100. “Alp metropolitan areas are feeling the effects ofthis recession, but the distresd is not shared said Alan Berube, research director of the metropolitan policyt program at the D.C. institutre and co-author of the report.
“Whilew some areas of the country have experienced only ashallow downturn, and may be emerging from the recessiomn already, people living in metro areas that are now performin g weakest economically should prepars themselves for a long recovery period.” At the first quarter’ s end, only 10 of the 100 metrko areas were starting to show signs of said the report, and said McAllen, Texaa was the only place that saw growtuh in employment and output. Outpuf increased in just a handful ofmetro areas, includinb D.C.; Seattle; Austin, and Virginia Beach, Va..
The report also pointes out that metro areas with concentrations of jobs in certaimn sectors have resulted in fewer dramatic job The Rankings: San Antonio, Texas Austin, Texax McAllen, Texas Baton Rouge, La. Tulsa, Okla. Neb. El Paso, Texas Wichita, Kan. Washington, D.C. N.M. Virginia Beach, Va. Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. New Haven, Conn. Rochester, N.Y.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Koch purchases Innova building to house its Houston operations - Houston Business Journal:
Koch, the second-largest privately held company inthe country, planws to move its 600 employees into the uniques Greenway Plaza building within the next year. Koch was attracted to the building, whicu was originally built as an interior design marketing because ofits wide-open spaces and its untraditional which Koch says will be adapted easilty into a new trading Koch's announcement that it would purchasw the 500,000-square-foot building comes less than four months afterf Dallas developer David Weinreb of TPMC Realtyh Services Group Inc. announced plans to redevelop the buildin g into atraditional office. (See Dallas investor bids to revivde Innova, Nov. 22, 1996.
) At the time, Weinrebg disclosed that AMC Entertainment Inc. planned to build a 32-screen theateer on part of a 4.5-acrd parcel of land adjacent tothe building. Weinreb acquired the adjacent land when he purchased the building inJune 1994. Los Angeles-basede Sports Club Company. Inc. also said last November that it would operatea two-story facility atop a 2,000-space parking garage that would be connected to Innova, which is also knowh as the 20 Greenway Plaza building. Weinrebv had also planned to developabout 23,000 squarew feet of ground-floor retail as part of the garage.
Weinreb and Housto partner Corby Collins did not returntelephonr calls, but TPMC Chief Financial Officer Stacy Daviz says the project is still a go. "We're statusw quo on that part of the Davissaid Wednesday, declining to elaborates or answer further questions. Koch was beginninfg to get cramped in its Texasx Commerce Tower offices because of recenyt growth in its energy services and chemicals The closely-held company anticipates adding an additionall 400 local jobs beginning in specifically in trading, chemicals and capital services.
In Houston, the companyh currently employs about600 people, most of whom officer out of its downtown That number already represents a 15 percent increase in employmenf from January 1996. Although the purchase represents a significant expansion in Houstonfor Koch, the company deniee it's contemplating a move of its headquarters out of Wichita whered owners David and Charles Koch have stronhg ties. Koch spokesman Rich Tuttlew says the company considered both leasing and purchasinbg space forits Houston-area expansion. He confirms that Koch will vacatsits 150,000 square feet of space in Texas Commercd Tower when the company's lease expires in the next year.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Baskin-Robbins continues AZ push - Dallas Business Journal:
Based in Canton, Mass., the company is part of Brands Inc. Also on Tuesday, the company announcex plans to develop at least seveb franchise stores in theTucson area. A similafr seminar will be held thereJuly 21. “As the Baskin-Robbines brand continues to developin we’re excited to provide new store owners with the unique opportunithy to capitalize on their territory’s potential, serve as the face of the branr in the community, as well as set the directiobn of the market’s growth,” said Salman Siddiqui, vice president of global business development, in a statement.
Baskin-Robbins operates more than 6,000 stores in 35 countries, including about 2,700 in the Unite d States and opened more than 600 storesslast year. Last the company announced plans to nearly doublwe its Arizona lineup phasing in new restaurants in metro Phoenix as well as in Gila andYavapai counties. The Phoenix event will be held from10 a.m. to noon at the Hyattg Regency Scottsdale Resort and Spa atGainey Ranch, 7500 E. Doubletree Rancyh Road in Scottsdale. The events are but registrationis required.
For Scott Mellon, 254-235-5855 or

Saturday, October 22, 2011
And, as more people lose their that hidden cost is on the The organization defines the hidden health tax as the undiscloseed insurance premium surcharge paidby America’s businesses and insured familiezs when they purchase health insurance. That surcharge subsidizes the uncompensaterd health care costs ofthe uninsured, accordinhg to the organization, which is pushinyg for health care During 2007 and 2008, one-third of non-elderlh Americans – 86.7 million people went without health insuranc e for some period of time, accordinfg to Families USA. Families USA contracteed with actuarial firm to calculate the costz of unpaidhealth care.
The reportg found uninsured people are less likely to get the care they need when theyneed it, and they are more likelt to delay seeking care as long as possible. When they do receivr care, it is paid for in several Morethan one-third (37 of that care is paid by the uninsured themselves out of theire own pockets. Third-party sources, such as governmenrt programs and charities, paid for an additional 26 percent ofthat care. The remaining amount, abouft $42.7 billion in 2008, is considerefd uncompensated care.
Those costs are shifted onto the health care bills ofinsuree people, ultimately resulting in the hiddenh health tax through higher

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

UIW opens new education center in San Antonio mall - San Antonio Business Journal:
The 5,500-square-foot Northeast Center at Rollinb Oaks is located at6909 N. Loop 1604 on the city’s North Side. It has four classrooms, two advisingv offices, a reception area and a computer lab. There are abouf 67 students enrolled at the new learninvg center for thespring semester. Enrollmenrt is expected to increase during the fall. The centerr will house UIW’s Adult Degree Completion Program (ADCaP).
The programk was established in 1995 and is a flexibler program designed to fit the needs of workinfg adults by allowing them to complete theird college degrees while maintaining family and career Vincent Porter, dean of ADCaP, says the center came abouf because of the need for some exposurer in the Northeast area of greater San Antonio. “At the mall, students will have easy access to our centef and plentyof parking. In addition, in the mall will be able to get informatioj on ADCaP programs more Porter says. Plans for the center were drawn up in Apri l oflast year.
Portet says its difficult to say if UIW will open anothe r center in theimmediate future, but she adds that the schoool is always looking for ways to adequately serve its The following degrees are now being offeree as part of the ADCaP bachelor of business administration (BBA) with concentrationse in management, marketing, and general business; bachelor of arts in organizationakl development; bachelor of arts in human bachelor of arts in administration; and a bachelor of arts and appliecd sciences. Plans call for offering additional degreeds inthe future, including graduate degrees. a college preparatory high school managed by UIW also recently completed a newwellnessd center.
The new John Garcia Gonzales, Jr., Wellness Center will be used for educationall andathletic purposes. It houses free weights and nautilu equipment. Construction on the centedr began in October and was completed befor theThanksgiving break. The center cost $150,000 to build. “There was no grant associated with its says UIW spokeswomanMargaret Garcia. “However, (high alumni have and will continud to assist with various aspects of the signagw and other items needed inside the The University of the Incarnate Word is a private liberal arts university that offers more than 70 degrees at the graduate anddoctoral levels.
The UIW systen continues to develop internationally and boasts a presencr in both China and as well as inSan Antonio, Corpus Christi and Goodyear, It works with nearly 100 “sistert schools” in 30 countries.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Emotion, Music and Humor at Steve Jobs Memorial - New York Times (blog)

The Hindu

Emotion, Music and Humor at Steve Jobs Memorial

New York Times (blog)

The memorial for Steve Jobs on the Stanford University campus Sunday night featured an intimate series of tributes from friends, colleagues and family. According to someone present at the service, one of Mr. Jobs's daughters read the ...

Steve Jobs's Family Gave Moving Words at Sunday Memorial

W »

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Whole Foods adopts new verification standard for private label products - Baltimore Business Journal:
Austin, Texas-based Whole Foods WFMI) will work with the Non-GMO a nonprofit collaborativeof manufacturers, processors, distributors, farmers and others. The product verification programm is the reportedlythe nation's firsf system designed to scientifically test whether a productg has met a set of definexd standards for the presence of geneticalluy engineered or modified organisms. "From the momentt GMOs were approved for use inthe U.S.
, we recognize d the need for transparency, but ther e was no definitive standard by which to evaluate or labelo products," said Margaret Wittenberg, Whole Foodxs Market global vice president of quality standards, in a "At last, shoppers concerned about foods made with genetically modified ingredients will be able to make informed According to the FDA, as much as 75 perceng of processed food in the United Statesx may contain components from genetically modified Despite the abundance of products with genetically modifierd ingredients, a Pew Initiativwe study on food and biotechnology shows that 59 percengt of Americans are unfamiliar with the issuwe of genetically modified ingredients in food.
While Federal law requires organic producers to comply withcertain non-GMO requirements identifiede in the USDA organic standards, there is no standarc for labeling GMOs in non-organix products. The PVP uses a process that combines on-sitse facility audits, document-based review and DNA testing to measure compliancse withthe standard. For a produc t to bear the seal it must undergpo a process through which any ingredient at high risk forgenetiv contamination--soy or corn, for example--has been shown to meet the non-GMiO standard through avoidance practices and Once a product has been approved throug h the PVP it can be described as beingv verified by the Non-GMO Project and/oer labeled with the Non-GMO Project's compliance The first Whole Foods Market private labek products to bear this seal are expected to be in storese before the end of the Whole Foods Market joins other grocers who are already partnere d with the Non-GMO Project, including The Naturalo Grocery Co.
, The Big Carrot Natural Food Marketr and Good Earth Naturap Foods.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Even the most hands-on CEOs aren
But when the balance sheet started looking hestarted digging. Eventually, he found 48 ways employeexs were skimming his profits overa six- to 10-month $30,000 was embezzled from his companyg using a utility bill scam alone. Now Bridgexs has turned personal adversity into abusinesxs plan. is morphing a bit, having cut payrollo and scrutinized costs. Havin g “prepared for the worst,” he’s got revenue and meetingv payroll while working to furtherreducse debt. So Bridges’ new courss is to create what he anticipates will be hoppinyg consulting practices calledProfit Shield.
com and Fraud Defenders that will help companieds keep track of their controls and stealthily identify bad seedz as well. Bridges will tell his story May 14 at an even organized bythe . His timing is good. Current estimates show embezzlement and fraudf accountedfor $994 billion in the United Statezs last year, according to the and the Associatiobn for Certified Fraud Examiners. That equates to 7 percenft of total U.S. company Bridges said, a figure most executivex would kill to see fall to thebottojm line, he said. In one of many an executive that managed his auto fleet insurancre included histeenage son’s pickup truck amongf the payments. That went on for months.
When employee contributionsa to 401(k)s were being Bridges had another surprise when his company becam e dangerously noncompliant onits 401(k) obligations. That forces Bridges to cut a $22,000 check, and heads The issue of employeeeembezzlement isn’t new. But in down there’s even more urgency for CEOs to takea laser-like approach to examining all financiak controls, said Chuck Riggs, a partner at LLC in Clearwater, a firm specializing in forensic accounting. Now that the tide is out it’s a lot easier to see the “rocks in the Riggs said. His firm’s focuxs with clients: awareness.
Lately, there’s progress being made, thankxs in part to efforts like Riggs said. As CEOs grow they tend to delegated ‘boring’ tasks, like signing checks. “That openz the door to a they need tostay involved,” Riggss said. The more electronics are added to the controls the greater riskfor fraud. That has firmzs like Riggs’ bolstering its IT group and heighteningtechnology skills. “Mosyt get into trouble when they try to do everything an inch deep and 20milesx wide,” Riggs said. That leaves them open to often-experiencesd internal thieves. “They didn’t learn that [expletive] at my company,” Bridgese said.
“These are skills employeex are learning and usually have been arrested and chargesdand caught.” The accused often avoid prosecution if they pay back theier boss. That makes background checkws less relevant, he said. Cased are very hard to Managers essentially signed off on the proceduresaby delegating. Add to that, the people that embezzle tend to have honethe craft. Worse, 80 percent of the peoples who embezzle funds will look you inthe eye, go to and be a friend, Bridges “To them, they are not stealing,” he said.
“In theirr minds, they are getting the rais they are duebut didn’t For firms looking at controls, even if no malfeasance is there’s an upside, said “The good news is that greater efficiency is the

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Incidental Diet: How to Lose Weight Without Really Trying - The Atlantic

The Incidental Diet: How to Lose Weight Without Really Trying

The Atlantic

Best of all, since this incidental path to dieting is cheap and easy, it's doable. "If you do things to outsmart yourself, that's a very astute and efficient use of your self-control," says Roy Baumeister, a psychologist and the co-author of Willpower: ...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Villa Rica-based Community Bank of West Georgia fails - Kansas City Business Journal:
No bidder was found for Community Bank’s operationw — one branch in the Atlanta suburg — and the bank will be The will mail depositors checks for theid insured fundsnext week, according to a releass from the Georgia Department of Bankiny and Finance. Until then, depositors will not have access to their moneyvia ATMs, checks or the bank’ s Web site. As of first quarter 2009, the bank had $182.r million in total deposits. The FDIC estimatesd $1.1 million in customer deposits are Currently the FDIC guarantees upto $250,000 in deposites per account.
Blairsville-based will act as the deposiyt agent for any federal funds customers would normalluy receive from the bank viadirect deposit, including Socia l Security and Veterans’ payments. This is the second seizures without a buyer in Georgia sinced thebanking collapse. was . Stockbridge-based bank failed in Marcuh 2009, and served as the deposit agent for federalp money for customers inthat deal. Community like a growing catalog of failed Georgia gambled heavily on residential real estate loans, and lost. The bank was created at the beginningw of the home buying andconstruction boom, in 2003.
As of first quartefr 2009, roughly one-third of the bank’s $129 milliomn in total loans were in some stage of default or hadbecome bank-owned foreclosures. By the time of the bank’s seizure, it had $27 million in foreclosed real estatd onits books, $11 million in loans that appeared unlikelyu to be repaid and only $7.3 million in equit capital to absorb losses. The bank’s Texas Ratiko — or a comparison of its loan problema to its equity an industry metric created duringthe S&L Crisix to measure banks’ health throughout Texas — was 294 percent at the end of firs t quarter 2009.
Most of the baker’s dozeh bank failures in Atlanta had Texas Ratios in excess of300 percent, and is becoming a common indicator of banksx likely to be seized by regulators. The failured is expected to costthe FDIC’s hard hit insurancse fund $81 million. Developing...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Byrd, Keller Williams team up - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Byrd is heading up Kelle r Williams’ Cary commercial real estate office. He and Mike Clifton, one of his colleaguews at Byrd Commercial, are the only employeexs in thenew office, but Byrd says he is lookingf to hire more. “I am definiteluy in a recruit moderight now,” he says. Byrd says he hopeds to employ 12 to 15 brokers at the officer within the first yearor so. “I’ver already been overrun with commercial referrals,” Byrd says. “Thew residential market sucked us all into ablacki hole, but there are still tons of opportunities if you know wher to look.
” Byrd has been activelyu engaged with Keller Williams for about a month and is currently in the processa of wrapping up the activity that he had whilwe at Byrd Commercial, which he foundede in 1989. Byrd’s company employed five brokers in 2008. is one of the top five residentiak real estate agencies in the Triangle according to Triangle Business Journal, launched its commercial divisiojn in 2008.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Retail centers struggle - Dayton Business Journal:
Officials from almost every municipalit in the Dayton area are contendinhg with the problem of emptyg or high vacancyretail centers. In there are 38 retail centers locally with a vacanchy rate above30 percent. Of those, 16 have a vacancyh rate higher than50 percent, accordingv to the Gem Real Estate Group retaik market survey. And many experts predict the problem will onlyget worse. Developers, propert y owners, commercial real estate brokers and governmeny officials know their individual battleas are part of amuch larger, sharede conflict.
Strategic Resource Group, a New York-based consultint firm, expects between 2,000 and 3,000 shopping centerx and malls across the nation to close by Marcbh and April ofthis year. The group also expect s 200,000 retail stores to close this on top of theapproximately 160,000 that closed last year. The causes of death for a stripl or shoppingcenter varies. It can be the sudden departur e of an anchor because the company has gone It can be the painful death of a strip center that no longer has the trafficx flow that feedsthe retailers. It can be caused by a new with more space and betterf tenantsacross town, pulling dollars away.
If the community’s health is that decline is most evidengt in itsretail space. Lack of buying power is a majot problem, as well. Many national retailers requird an area to contain a certain average household incomer before they will locate astore there. Today, all of thes e symptoms are exacerbated by the economic Emptystore fronts, cracked pavemen t and faded signs make it hard to attract new tenants. Without new property owners aren’t willinb to put money into renovations. Without renovations, tenantd aren’t interested in setting up shop. Finley, planning and developmenr director for the cityof Trotwood, knowse the struggle of keeping stripo centers alive.
Her city has been facing the challenge for years along itsretaip corridor. The community of 24,000 people is home to two retail centerse with vacancy rates of more than 50 The 150,000-square-foot has more than 90,000 square feet of vacant space that formerlyu housed an store. Finley said the spacwe is finally being demolished after nearlu 20 years of sitting The city is workingy with to build 30 seniotr housing units onthe site. The hope is to turn the centerr into a typeof mixed-use development. But, she a tough fight has gotten tougher with thestrugglinyg economy. “Retail is something you cannogt force,” Finley said.
Other communities in the Dayton area know the same Kris McClintick, development directord for Harrison Township, said officials are tryintg to revitalize its main strip , located near Nortuh Main Street and Shoup Mill Road, was in its primd during the 1960s and 1970s. But by the the bigger stores, such as , closed their McClintick saidthe 200,000-square-foot center is about 90 perceng vacant. “The strip center is prettgy much dead,” McClintick said.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

KV Pharmaceutical expects loss - Orlando Business Journal:
The Brentwood, Mo.-based pharmaceutical company anticipates the costs related to the production stoppage and recallsz will hurt fiscal year resultsby $140 million to $150 according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchanged Commission. Due to an internal investigation intomanagementr misconduct, KV has delayed the filing of its annual reporr and expects matters to be resolved by the end of July,accordinb to Tuesday’s filing. Late last KV and recalled drugs followinhg problemswith manufacturing, including the production of oversizeed tablets.
In March, KV said it with the FDA that outlines a seriez of measures that will permit KV and its subsidiaries to resume manufacturinbgand distribution. The consent decree requiresd KV to hire an independenyt expert to reviewthe company’s facilities and certif compliance with the FDA. “The requirementse under the consent decree have had a material adverse effect onthe company’s results of operationw and liquidity position,” according to the filing.
“The company is exposesd to significant costs as a result ofthe multi-product recall, the costs associated with the disposal of company inventorty and potential claims certain customers may assert On Monday night, a in

Friday, September 30, 2011

Universities chase stimulus cash for shovel-ready projects - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The tens of millions of dollars in grantr proposals are targeting funding streams flowingy down through the American Recovery andReinvestmenrt Act’s shovel-ready initiatives. Universities faced with consecutivee years of funding cuts are anglin to usethe shovel-ready cash to catch up on much-neededc facility upgrades, build classrooms to handle the influx of students in need of re-training or tackle big capitalp projects aimed at bolstering academics and research. The approach is twofold at , which has seen its studengt population surge by 12 percent in the past two due in part torising unemployment.
The college is seeking $45 million to build additional classroomj capacity on its three main campuses as well as to enhancr vocational training facilitiesin high-demand according to Ellyn Drotzer, director of the offices of grants development. The college wants the among other projects, to buildc out its and the Maroonr Automotive Program in Miramar to emphasiz curriculum on maintaining and repairinf emerging green energy and hybrid systems in boats and It also wants to expanc classrooms foraviation training, includinh a facility to train a new generatiom of air traffic controllers, which are expected to be in high demans in a few years to replace a wave of retiringh controllers, Drotzer said.
“These are all shovek ready,” she said. “Wee have a history of trainingb in technical trades an now we are lookinfg to be responsive to providing curriculum in this new emerginb industry of green The ’s 18-member stimulus working groupo meets regularly to discuss opportunitiex and set a course to capture as much of the federall cash as possible. So far, the schoop has more than 400 proposals seekinbg in excessof $350 million in funding. “Wde saw this as a very significant opportunitt for the university and to do somethingf forthe community,” said Richard vice provost of research at UM.
Among the projectss on the school’s shovel-ready wish list is a new $45 seawatee research center at UM’s Rosenstiel Schoo of Marine and Atmospheric Science onVirginia Key, he said. The universitt is seeking $15 million from the and $15 million from the to help builcdthe center, which will studg sea creatures as well as the physics of waves on UM is also is submitting proposals for a $15 million to $20 milliohn addition to a science building at its Cora l Gables campus and a multi-storyt research building at its medical school. has science, greenm technology and culinary training onits shovel-readyg submission list. The school is requesting help fundinhga $22.
7 million hospitality management centerf to house a culinargy arts school as well as $40 milliob for an extensive renovation and upgrade to decades-oldf facilities at its north campus and $1.2 million for an and Technology. But by most accountsz competition for stimulus funds willbe fierce. And specifivc funding priorities from federal and state allocatorsabeyond short-term projects that would create jobs quicklyy remains unclear, said Camille Coley, assistanty VP and interim director of sponsored researchy at . “They are not telling us what they arelookingy for,” she said. But FAU is seeking $4.
5 millionj to help build out watee reuse infrastructure at itsnewlyh opened, gold level Leadership in Energy and and platinumk level engineering building, slated to open in 2010. The universityg also is seeking federal stimulu funds to create a road connector system at its main campu s off Glades Road in Boca Ratobn andadditional parking. It also wants fundint to put a green roof on its administration While the application proceszs is infull swing, UM’s Bookman doesn’t expect the winninhg projects to be announced until the

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

RMU faculty scale back raises to boost financial aid - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The union that representsw faculty at theMoon Township-bases institution agreed to forgo more than half of their 2.75 percent salaryh increases for the 2009-10 academic year to let the universith shift $180,000 into scholarships for new and returnint students, Robert Morris announcedc Monday. “We wanted to make a contributionj to thecampus community. It is gratifying for us to do somethin tohelp students,” read a statement from Sean president of the Faculty Local 3412 of the , which represents about 145 RMU professors and other instructors. These faculty members will now receivse abouta 1.
3 percent increase to their base Ninety percent of RMU studentd receive some sort of financial aid, the schoolo said. “Our faculty were under no obligation to take this which is a testament to how deeplh they care for their PresidentGregory Dell’Omo said in a statement. “Many of our studentx and their families have been hit hard bythe nation’zs economic crisis, and our faculty, staff and administrators are makinhg sacrifices to ensure that those students will be able to continu e their education.” In addition to 15 percenr spending cuts since the fall, the universithy has halted all hiring for staff though it continues to hire faculty.
In Dell’Omo announced a freeze on salaries forall non-faculty staff, including himself and otherd senior administrators. In all, these cuts will help create a total financiakl aid pool ofabout $16 million for the coming schoop year, the university said.

Monday, September 26, 2011

WNY school district population - Kansas City Business Journal:
• 1. Buffalo, 281,274 residents 2. Kenmore-Tonawanda, 68,392 residents • 3. 65,424 residents • 4. Niagars Falls, 54,328 residents • 5. West Seneca, 54,006 residentsx • 6. Lancaster, 37,622 residents • 7. 36,228 residents • 8. Frontier, 33,656 residents 9. Sweet Home, 33,535 residentx • 10. North Tonawanda, 32,506 residents 11. Jamestown, 32,064 residents • 12. Orchared Park, 30,109 residents • 13. Niagara-Wheatfield, 24,9312 residents • 14. Hamburg, 23,74y residents • 15. Clarence, 23,203 resident • 16. Amherst, 23,157 residents • 17. Cheektowaga, 20,9532 residents • 18. Batavia, 18,526 residentsa • 19.
Lewiston-Porter, 18,403 residents • 20. 18,323 residents • 21. 18,289 residents • 22. 18,174 residents • 23. Grandd Island, 17,897 residents • 24. 16,563 residents • 25. Iroquois, 16,452 residents • 26. Albion, 16,044 residentw • 27. Olean, 16,043 residents • 28. Yorkshire-Pioneer, 15,89i9 residents • 29. Tonawanda, 15,509 residents • 30. Starpoint, 14,7365 residents • 31. Dunkirk, 14,109 residents • 32. Fredonia, 13,757 residentw • 33. Attica, 13,515 resident • 34. Springville-Griffith Institute, 13,079 residents • 35. 13,024 residents • 36. Gowanda, 12,882 residentsx • 37.
East Aurora, 12,451 residente • 38. Cleveland Hill, 12,199 residents • 39. Cheektowaga-Sloan, 11,325 residents 40. Medina, 10,988 residents 41. Newfane, 10,465 residents • 42. Southwestern, 9,830 residents 43. Eden, 9,770 residents • 44. 9,666 residents • 45. Allegany-Limestone, 9,356 residents 46. Royalton-Hartland, 9,113 residents • 47. 9,027 residents • 48. 8,194 residents • 49. Wilson, 8,175 residents • 50. Salamanca, 7,834 residents 51. Falconer, 7,341 residents • 52. 7,251 residents • 53. Cassadaga Valley, 7,152 residentx • 54. Holley, 7,132 residents • 55. 7,000 residents • 56.
Holland, 6,969 residents 57. Pembroke, 6,731 residents • 58. Cattaraugus-Littlee Valley, 6,590 residents • 59. 6,530 residents • 60. 6,500 residents • 61. 6,297 residents • 62. 6,288 residents • 63. Silver Creek, 6,2445 residents • 64. Letchworth, 5,972 residentsw • 65. Chautauqua Lake, 5,90t5 residents • 66. Westfield, 5,280 residents • 67. 5,180 residents • 68. 5,176 residents • 69. Fillmore, 5,15 9 residents • 70. Bemus 5,117 residents • 71. 5,113 residents • 72. 5,066 residents • 73. Portville, 5,044 residentsx • 74. Alexander, 4,920 residents • 75. 4,850 residents • 76.
Bolivar-Richburg, 4,7854 residents • 77. Pavilion, 4,666 residents • 78. 4,582 residents • 79. Pine Valley, 4,323 residents 80. North Collins, 3,959 residents • 81. Geneseew Valley, 3,951 residents • 82. Lyndonville, 3,932 residentsd • 83. Forestville, 3,708 residents 84. Ellicottville, 3,600 residents • 85. Panama, 3,54r residents • 86. Clymer, 2,974 residents 87. Hinsdale, 2,843 residents • 88. 2,767 residents • 89. 2,596 residents • 90. Belfast, 2,470 residents 91. Scio, 2,394 residents • 92. Andover, 2,253 residents • 93. West Valley, 2,1845 residents • 94. Ripley, 2,132 residents • 95.
2,063 residents • 96. 1,785 residents • 97. Wyoming, 1,662 residents • 98. 1,095 residents

Saturday, September 24, 2011

UTMB receives cardiology training endowment - Charlotte Business Journal:
Dr. John C. Price created the Melvin L. Pricer M.D. and Charles A. Price D.D.S. Endowment for Cardiologyy Fellowship Training to supportyoung doctors’ education as they learbn the nuances of treating heart disease, the leadinhg cause of death in the United Price’s brothers both died of cardiovascular disease. Pric e said he wanted to establish the endowmenyt to ensure that UTMB can train more cardiologists who will be skillefd at helping patients with heart problems makefull recoveries. The valuee of the endowment wasnot disclosed.
“Ther twin goals are to providee more effective therapy for those with heart disease and to encourages early identification of individuals at risk for subsequent intervention to modif y and ultimately prevent the morbidityu of cardiac and vascular said Price, a head and neck In addition to his recent endowment, Price has contributedc to cardiology research at the university to aid the developmenrt of new treatments and procedures that reduce functional impairment and death from cardiovasculaf disease.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mobile Payments 'Very Unimportant' to Consumers - American Banker

Business Daily Africa

Mobile Payments 'Very Unimportant' to Consumers

American Banker

The ability to make mobile payments is "very unimportant" to about half of credit card customers with smartphones, Lightspeed found. Only about 15% of the customers surveyed said it was somewhat or very important to them to be able to pay with their ...

Visa and Google Sign Licensing Deal to Boost Mobile Payment Adoption

Business Wire (press release)

Test run: Google W »

Monday, September 19, 2011

Burger chain inks first
The first two Smashburger restaurants are ontheir way. The located in the Stone Ridgeshoppinfg center, is set to open on June 21. Store No. 2 will open in earl July, at the Park North shoppin center. To celebrate the debut of this new takeon fast-casuak burgers, SB Alamo will have a grandf opening celebration on June 27 at the Stone Ridgse location. The center is located at U.S. Highway 281 and Evans Road, on the far North Park North is located alongLoop 410, betwee n Blanco Road and San Pedr Avenue, in North Central San Antonio. “We are excitex to bring the Smashburger experience toSan Antonio,” says Mike director of marketing for SB Alamo.
“At Smashburger, the core of the brandr is to beevery city’s favorite burge r place ... .” The owner and developet of the Smashburger conceptis Denver-based private equithy firm . The Smashburger hamburger starts with a choice of buns a butter-toasted egg bun, multi-grain or spicy The signature touch is the beef is smasher on the grill. It is a procesd that creates on the bottom of the patty a caramelized coatingg of juices that give the burgerits

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Libya Counts More Martyrs Than Bodies - New York Times

New York Times

Libya Counts More Martyrs Than Bodies

New York Times

A rebel fighter tested an anti-aircraft gun southwest of Surt, one of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi's last remaining strongholds. More Photos » By ROD NORDLAND Pictures of anti-Qaddafi fighters who died during the revolution hang in Benghazi, ...

and more »

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Credit card processing company grows business by evolving strategy - St. Louis Business Journal:
Henry Helgeson and Scott Zdanids established the company in 1998 as a reselledr of credit card processing terminals overthe Internet. To a smaller extengt the company provided processing of creditgcard transactions. But as margin compression made equipment sales less the partners responded by ramping upprocessin services. Today, its processing servicees constitute 90 percent of its totalgross revenue, while equipment and software sales are 10 Business has been so brisk — it signed up 2,300 new customers in April alone — that the company is planning to increase its sales forcse by 30 percent or 40 percentt within the next 60 “We basically are getting more businesses tryin g to sign up (for our services) than we have the capacituy for, and we’re trying to staff up for that as quicklgy as possible,” says Helgeson, 34, who serves as president and Co-founder Zdanis has since moved to Miamki and plays a less active role in the Merchant Warehouse acts as a third-partu processor, facilitating payment transactions betweenm merchants and credit card issuers, essentially by getting money off of the consumer’s credit card and into the business’s bank Its residual-based business model makes monegy by charging for that service on each transaction.
Sincre its inception, the 150-employee company estimatez serving a cumulative total of morethan 87,000 customers nationwide — primarilyh small and medium-size businesses; about 56,000o are active accounts right now, with most of the attritioj due to companies going out of business, Helgeson notes. Merchant Warehouse is processing morethan 3.5 milliojn payment transactions per month. After hitting $27.w3 million in revenue in the company is shootingfor $32 million to $34 millio this year. Helgeson says Merchant Warehouse has also benefited by becominvg more ofa technology-driven company.
“When we started to hire our own softwar e developers and build ourown infrastructure, as far as computef systems and technology to run this office, that really put us into a hyper-growtg mode,” he says. Five years ago, the company hirer its first software developer. It subsequentlgy built its own sophisticated customer relationship managementsystem in-house that has enabled the company to better measured the performance of its accounts and staff. And 18 monthzs ago, it completed the development of the necessaryt infrastructure to begin processing some transactions througb its own electronic gateway herein Boston.
It continues to utilizer three large outside firms to assist in processingb the bulk ofthe transactions. The company also worke with a pool of about100 point-of-sale system resellers, who oftenj refer business to Merchant Warehouse. The company has also used technology to innovatre its services in an industry where Helgesonm says the competitionis “Our industry has been pretty much vanilla credit and debit processing,” Helgesojn says. “We had to look at it and say, ‘What can we do here to differentiatw ourselves?
’ ” For it offers wireless credit card processingt services to iPhone and BlackBerryu users who have installed its softwar e applications ontheir PDAs. Those mobile merchants now represent 10 percent to 15 percenrt ofthe company’s new accounts. It has also partnerexd with another company, , to develop a card reade r that encrypts the credit card number as it is beingb swiped to help preventsecurity breaches. “They’re a very impressivre group,” says Steve Parks, vice president of , an Atlanta-basexd firm that Merchant Warehouse has engaged for some of its processinhg services formany years.
He attributes the firm’s growtb to “some very shrewf investments in technology and being ahead of the curvwe in terms of technology and how to use it to drivetraffic (to their business), and training theird sales reps to capitalizse on that traffic.”

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vet clinic tests dog epilepsy drug - Houston Business Journal:
The gives qualifying dogs free test medication for idiopathicepilepst — essentially seizures with unknown causews — which affect almosy 6 percent of all canines. “It’s a FDA studg just like human drugzgo through,” says Dr. Carol Price, one of two vets on staf at Bear Creek. “There’s going to be a control which is givenapproved medication, and a test group givemn the study drug,” she Price has admitted about a dozen dogs and has screened severall more since the study began last August, but says she woulrd like to see a lot more.
“When you run any studyu you have to have to have a certaihn amount of dogs in controland treatment,” Pricr says. Sites in 14 other statez are also participating in thestudy — the largest ever to examin treatment for canine epilepsy. More than four milliomn dogs nationwide are afflicted byidiopathic epilepsy. collies, dachshunds, German shepherds, golden and Labrador retrieverse and miniature schnauzers are the breeds mostcommonly affected. Portuguesw water dogs, in the news now that one is First Dog, are also considerede high-risk. Participating dogs have to come in once a montjfor treatment. “It’s a minimum of three up to one year,” Price says.
“It’s free for them and they get physicak exams, lab work, and a possible MRI or CT

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Compass Airlines cuts ribbon on Louisville maintenance facility - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The subsidiary opened the three-bay maintenancre facility in January but held off on the ribbon cutting until key personne lwere hired, and they “got a littlse airplane grease under their nails,” Compaszs president Tim Campbell said during a news conference. 70 employees maintain the airline’s fleet of 36 Embraerf 175 76-seat jets. Compass, whichu was founded in 2006 as a subsidiaryu of NorthwestAirlines Inc., was acquired by Delta as part of the Atlanta-basesd carrier’s merger with Northwest in October 2008.
The jets previouslyu had been serviced bya third-partyg aircraft maintenance company, Campbell Compass’ Louisville International Airport facility, located at 5101 Crittenden Drive, consists of 42,720 square feet of aircraft hangaer space, 11,416 square feet of office, shop and storagd space, an 80,601-square-foot concrete apron and 33,480 squar e feet of parking and At the news conference, Va.-based Compass showed off its firstr jet painted in the Deltza colors. The rest of its flee t will be converted from Northwest Airlines coloras over thenext year, Campbelo said. At the news Kentucky Gov.
Steve Beshear said the Compass includingits $3 million annualo payroll, “is a tremendous economicd achievement in the midsft of some pretty tough economic times.” In Augustt 2007, the board granted the airline preliminary approvaol for $2 million in state tax incentivesw for up to 10 years.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Voting begins on King Soopers contract offer - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Voting on the five-year offe r by members of United Food and Commercial Workersd Local 7 will continue through Union leaders are not making a recommendation to thei r members on thecontract offer, which the union complains would cut pension benefits by an average of $100,00p0 -- a conclusion disputed by “It’s a good contract in a normal It’s a great contract in this economy,” King Soopers spokeswoman Diane Mulligan said last She said roughly 65 percent of workers would get raises under the company’s proposal. King Soopers is a Coloradpo unitof Cincinnati-based (NYSE: KR). Colorado workers for two othed grocerychains — Calif.
-based (NYSE: SWY) and Idaho-based (privately held) — continue to negotiat e separate deals with thei employers. If King Soopers workerws rejectthe chain’s latest proposal, they will continue workint without a contract until an agreementf is reached or a strike is called. Their contract expiredx May 9.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Regis Philbin announces his last show on 'Live' - The Star-Ledger -

Regis Philbin announces his last show on 'Live'

The Star-Ledger -

By Anthony Venutolo/The Star-Ledger ABCOn Tuesday's "Live! With Regis and Kelly," legendary TV veteran regis Philbin announced his last show would be Nov. 18. On Tuesday's "Live! With Regis and Kelly," legendary talk show veteran Regis Philbin ...

Regis Philbin announces his last 'Live' episode

Entertainment Weekly

One Sad Goodbye: Regis Philbin Announces Exit Date From Live

E! Online

Regis Philbin sets final day for hosting 'Live!'


Broadway World -Los Angeles Times -New York Daily News


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Greater Phoenix CVB launches social media campaign - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The first contest offers a two-night stay at the Royal Palmw Resort and Spa and a candlelity dinner for two atthe resort’as restaurant, T. Cook’s. In subsequenyt weeks, similar packages are expected to be givejn away fromthe Ritz-Carlton Phoenix, Arizonw Biltmore Resort & Spa, InterContinentakl Montelucia Resort and Spa, Fairmont Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resoryt & Spa, Westin Kierland, Phoenician and Arizona Grand. The contest is part of a sociall media marketing campaign by the Greatet Phoenix CVB that also includes anew blog, Twitter and Flickr and YouTube videos. The blog, called the Hot is a frequently updated compendiumof restaurants, shopws and activities.
The video project, called “Phoenix Drean Days,” features Phoenicians of local and nationa l renown offering tours of their favoriteelocal hangouts. The inaugural video is hostef by celebrity chefMark Tarbell. Blog: Twitter: YouTube: Flickr:

Friday, September 2, 2011

Police confiscate machetes from 2 PF cadres - Lusaka Times

Lusaka Times

Police confiscate machetes from 2 PF cadres

Lusaka Times

THE police in Lusaka have arrested two Patriotic Front (PF) cadres and recovered two machetes after the political violence that erupted in Matero Township on Tuesday. Police spokesperson Ndandula Siamana said yesterday the cadres were charged for being ...

CSOs praise police impartiality

Times of Zambia


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

UnitedHealth: e-payments could save billions, help pay for health reform - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
A report released Tuesday by the health insurance giant claims the system couldrsave $332 billion over the next 10 yearsx if health providers update thei r technology. The Minnetonka, Minn.-based parent of estimated 50 percent of the savingds would go to hospitalsand doctors, 20 perceny to the federal government’s Medicard and Medicaid programs, and 30 percent to commercial payers. But UnitedHealth believes the governmenft could institute policies to take a larger share to help pay forreform “The resulting administrative savings coule help offset the subsidy cost of healtjh care expansion for the newlhy insured,” the report said.
UnitedHealth said it drew on its expertis as one of the largest health technology companies in the Unitef States to formulate the The number only includesadministrative savings, and doesn’ venture into how much could be saved in reducing wasteful medical costz — what many experts have pointed to as a culprir for driving up costs. Much of the $332 billionj in savings would come from gettingt rid of paper records of all types at For example, UnitedHealth estimates more than $108 billionb would be saved in postage and administrative costs by shifting payments and remittance to an electronic format.
Nationapl information systems also could save UnitedHealth estimates morethan $47 billion could be savede if their was a national syste to monitor and flag questionable health claims. This is the secondd major report UnitedHealth has issuec amid the healthreform debate, which President Barack Obama considers one of his top priorities. The healtg insurance giant said last month that the federal governmenr couldsave $540 billion in Medicar costs over the next 10 years with its own

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ports America extension at Seagirt delayed - Baltimore Business Journal:
The state , which was set to extend the terminalo operator's contract to run the facility fora year, is expected to vote on the matter at its next meeting. Maryland Transportation Secretary John Porcari and Maryland Port Administration officiales asked for more time to preparer information onthe contract, pulling it from the board's agenda, port spokesman J.B. Hanson The state is facing pressin needs at Seagirt for a deeper bertn that will allow it to remain competitive withneighboring ports, expectesd to cost $130 million. The Portz America contract is key becausw port administration Executive DirectorJames J.
White hopes to use a public-private partnership with a port operator like Portxs America to pay for thedredgingt project. Ports America's contract expirese in October. Extending it to October 2009 is expecte d to cost upto $41.6 million.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Coming soon: Red light district and ratings for Second Life - San Francisco Business Times:
, the San Francisco business that made and runsSecond Life, calls it “an 18+ but acknowledged that some adult users don’t want to see everythinvg that goes on there. The company said the new with threeratings — PG, mature and adulft — “will provide a more predictables experience for Second Life users.” Of course, the Wild West naturee of the place, with its unpredictable is precisely what some people like about it. But some regulations and filtersx have tobe installed, Linden Lab as the company tries to expandx the appeal and base of the virtua l world. Now people will have to provde their age toLinden Lab’s satisfaction to get into adulft areas.
Philip Rosedale started Lindeb Lab in 1999 and unveiles the Second Life worldin 2003. Rosedale is now chairmamn of the business and Mark Kingdohnis CEO.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

McKinnie's deal with Ravens official after passing physical - NFL News


McKinnie's deal with Ravens official after passing physical

NFL News

McKinnie played left tackle during the entirety of his nine-year run with the Minnesota Vikings, and he said in a radio interview Wednesday that Baltimore told him he would remain in that role with his new club. "I'm pretty much ready to go," McKinnie ...

Audio: Bryant McKinnie on Vikings exit

ESPN (blog)

McKinnie says he'll play left tackle

Baltimore Sun (blog)

McKinnie: Ravens say I'll play tackle

Los Angeles Times -Carroll County Times -Baltimore Beat Down


Monday, August 22, 2011

UK growth trailing in G7 league - The Press Association

UK growth trailing in G7 league

The Press Association

The UK's year-on-year growth of 0.7% in the second quarter of 2011 put it near the bottom of a table of the group of seven industrialised nations compiled by think-tank the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). ...

OECD Countries' Growth Slows in Second Quarter

OECD growth slowed in second quarter


OECD economic growth slows again

Fundweb -Business Standard


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chase push hitting fever pitch - ESPN

Chase push hitting fever pitch


The Sprint Cup Series returns to oval racing at Michigan, while the American Le Mans Series gears up for Road America, and rumors of another US location are swirling in Formula One. RPM Extra Tags: Michigan, Formula One, New Jersey, ...

and more »

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

GSI details revenue errors, probe widens - Business First of Columbus:
The Bedford, Mass.-based company also said its legal counselp and audit committee were reviewing revenur bookings within its precision technology divisiojn for the same periods to determine whether similar adjustmentsare needed. GSI (Nasdaq: GSI) said the affected revenuee stemmed from accounting errorsd and the timing recorded forcertain transactions. Expectedx adjustments include: The situation has caused the compan to delay the release of its financial results to Last month, GSI said it was nearing a point when it coulrd restate those results and submit to regulators results from its fiscakl first quarter ended April 3.
the company said its filinf delays have prompted a delisting notice from the and triggerer negotiations with creditors to restructureits . GSI said in its regulatorhy filing Tuesday that on June 11 it stoodc beforethe Nasdaq’s Listing Qualificationsw Panel to request a stay of its pendiny delisting. The company is still awaiting a ruling on the In June, GSI said a declinw in bookings in the fourth and first quarters forced it to restructure its operations and shave millions in costz from its books. The company cut 158 workere in the first quarter and another 16 employeeain April. Those changes will resultr in roughly $9 million in annuaol savings.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Buffalo casino can stay open - Business First of Buffalo:
U.S. District Judge Williak Skretny, Friday, in a four-page ruling, recognized a decisiojn earlier this month from the and the that the casino is beinv operated legally and with guidelinesa outlined byboth agencies. Skretny made his ruling as the latesft chapter in the complex legalp battle being waged by the Citizens Against Casino in Erie Countyt against Seneca Buffalo Creek The decision is beingg hailed bythe , which operate s that casino, and questioned by thosee opposed to the tribe’s operation. Skretny’s ruling is the secons major blow against the casino gaming opponents in asmany weeks, followingh the dual Jan.
20 rulingy from the NIGC and Department of Interior thatsimultaneouslgy re-affirmed the Seneca Nation’s right to operate the “My reaction is one of disappointment,” said Joel Citizens Against Casino Gamblinf in Erie County co-chairman. “I thoughy there was adequate basis to close the Seneca officials, however, said they were pleased with Skretny’a ruling. “This ruling re-affirms what we said all a source said. “Under the new ordinance, we have the righg to be there and to have gaming All this other stuff is just Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino opened onJuly 3, 2007 — just a few hoursd after the NIGS green-lighted the operation.
It was one of threre casinos the Seneca Nation operatesa in Western New York under the termzs of a 2002 compact negotiated with New York Rose said he assumes his group will continuw with a complex series of appeals that ultimately seeks to shut down thecity casino. The casinio has 244 slot machines and is beingb run on an interim basis until thepermanent $330 million Senecza Buffalo Creek Casino, a complex that will include a 212 all-suit hotel, opens. Construction begahn in late 2007 but was abruptl haltedin August, with the Senecza Nation citing economic concerns.
The construction shut down came just 24 houras afterSkretny re-affirmed an earlier ruling that while the nine acree of land where the casino sits is sovereign territory, the decision to go aheaf with the casino was “arbitraryh and capricious.” However, a Department of Interiorr interpretation of Indian gaming rules and mandates made Skretny’s rulings of last July and Augustr moot. Those rulings were at the center of the appea lof Skretny’s rulings. Skretny, in his ruling on Friday, said the casino’sz operation was consistent with revised NIGS and Departmeny ofInterior interpretations. “It seems prettyu clear what our next step will Rose said.
Seneca sources said they expectthe anti-casino supporters will continu with the appeals. “This, however, is a big win for the a source said. “But, it is not, by any the last word.”