Wednesday, August 31, 2011

UnitedHealth: e-payments could save billions, help pay for health reform - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
A report released Tuesday by the health insurance giant claims the system couldrsave $332 billion over the next 10 yearsx if health providers update thei r technology. The Minnetonka, Minn.-based parent of estimated 50 percent of the savingds would go to hospitalsand doctors, 20 perceny to the federal government’s Medicard and Medicaid programs, and 30 percent to commercial payers. But UnitedHealth believes the governmenft could institute policies to take a larger share to help pay forreform “The resulting administrative savings coule help offset the subsidy cost of healtjh care expansion for the newlhy insured,” the report said.
UnitedHealth said it drew on its expertis as one of the largest health technology companies in the Unitef States to formulate the The number only includesadministrative savings, and doesn’ venture into how much could be saved in reducing wasteful medical costz — what many experts have pointed to as a culprir for driving up costs. Much of the $332 billionj in savings would come from gettingt rid of paper records of all types at For example, UnitedHealth estimates more than $108 billionb would be saved in postage and administrative costs by shifting payments and remittance to an electronic format.
Nationapl information systems also could save UnitedHealth estimates morethan $47 billion could be savede if their was a national syste to monitor and flag questionable health claims. This is the secondd major report UnitedHealth has issuec amid the healthreform debate, which President Barack Obama considers one of his top priorities. The healtg insurance giant said last month that the federal governmenr couldsave $540 billion in Medicar costs over the next 10 years with its own

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ports America extension at Seagirt delayed - Baltimore Business Journal:
The state , which was set to extend the terminalo operator's contract to run the facility fora year, is expected to vote on the matter at its next meeting. Maryland Transportation Secretary John Porcari and Maryland Port Administration officiales asked for more time to preparer information onthe contract, pulling it from the board's agenda, port spokesman J.B. Hanson The state is facing pressin needs at Seagirt for a deeper bertn that will allow it to remain competitive withneighboring ports, expectesd to cost $130 million. The Portz America contract is key becausw port administration Executive DirectorJames J.
White hopes to use a public-private partnership with a port operator like Portxs America to pay for thedredgingt project. Ports America's contract expirese in October. Extending it to October 2009 is expecte d to cost upto $41.6 million.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Coming soon: Red light district and ratings for Second Life - San Francisco Business Times:
, the San Francisco business that made and runsSecond Life, calls it “an 18+ but acknowledged that some adult users don’t want to see everythinvg that goes on there. The company said the new with threeratings — PG, mature and adulft — “will provide a more predictables experience for Second Life users.” Of course, the Wild West naturee of the place, with its unpredictable is precisely what some people like about it. But some regulations and filtersx have tobe installed, Linden Lab as the company tries to expandx the appeal and base of the virtua l world. Now people will have to provde their age toLinden Lab’s satisfaction to get into adulft areas.
Philip Rosedale started Lindeb Lab in 1999 and unveiles the Second Life worldin 2003. Rosedale is now chairmamn of the business and Mark Kingdohnis CEO.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

McKinnie's deal with Ravens official after passing physical - NFL News


McKinnie's deal with Ravens official after passing physical

NFL News

McKinnie played left tackle during the entirety of his nine-year run with the Minnesota Vikings, and he said in a radio interview Wednesday that Baltimore told him he would remain in that role with his new club. "I'm pretty much ready to go," McKinnie ...

Audio: Bryant McKinnie on Vikings exit

ESPN (blog)

McKinnie says he'll play left tackle

Baltimore Sun (blog)

McKinnie: Ravens say I'll play tackle

Los Angeles Times -Carroll County Times -Baltimore Beat Down


Monday, August 22, 2011

UK growth trailing in G7 league - The Press Association

UK growth trailing in G7 league

The Press Association

The UK's year-on-year growth of 0.7% in the second quarter of 2011 put it near the bottom of a table of the group of seven industrialised nations compiled by think-tank the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). ...

OECD Countries' Growth Slows in Second Quarter

OECD growth slowed in second quarter


OECD economic growth slows again

Fundweb -Business Standard


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chase push hitting fever pitch - ESPN

Chase push hitting fever pitch


The Sprint Cup Series returns to oval racing at Michigan, while the American Le Mans Series gears up for Road America, and rumors of another US location are swirling in Formula One. RPM Extra Tags: Michigan, Formula One, New Jersey, ...

and more »

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

GSI details revenue errors, probe widens - Business First of Columbus:
The Bedford, Mass.-based company also said its legal counselp and audit committee were reviewing revenur bookings within its precision technology divisiojn for the same periods to determine whether similar adjustmentsare needed. GSI (Nasdaq: GSI) said the affected revenuee stemmed from accounting errorsd and the timing recorded forcertain transactions. Expectedx adjustments include: The situation has caused the compan to delay the release of its financial results to Last month, GSI said it was nearing a point when it coulrd restate those results and submit to regulators results from its fiscakl first quarter ended April 3.
the company said its filinf delays have prompted a delisting notice from the and triggerer negotiations with creditors to restructureits . GSI said in its regulatorhy filing Tuesday that on June 11 it stoodc beforethe Nasdaq’s Listing Qualificationsw Panel to request a stay of its pendiny delisting. The company is still awaiting a ruling on the In June, GSI said a declinw in bookings in the fourth and first quarters forced it to restructure its operations and shave millions in costz from its books. The company cut 158 workere in the first quarter and another 16 employeeain April. Those changes will resultr in roughly $9 million in annuaol savings.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Buffalo casino can stay open - Business First of Buffalo:
U.S. District Judge Williak Skretny, Friday, in a four-page ruling, recognized a decisiojn earlier this month from the and the that the casino is beinv operated legally and with guidelinesa outlined byboth agencies. Skretny made his ruling as the latesft chapter in the complex legalp battle being waged by the Citizens Against Casino in Erie Countyt against Seneca Buffalo Creek The decision is beingg hailed bythe , which operate s that casino, and questioned by thosee opposed to the tribe’s operation. Skretny’s ruling is the secons major blow against the casino gaming opponents in asmany weeks, followingh the dual Jan.
20 rulingy from the NIGC and Department of Interior thatsimultaneouslgy re-affirmed the Seneca Nation’s right to operate the “My reaction is one of disappointment,” said Joel Citizens Against Casino Gamblinf in Erie County co-chairman. “I thoughy there was adequate basis to close the Seneca officials, however, said they were pleased with Skretny’a ruling. “This ruling re-affirms what we said all a source said. “Under the new ordinance, we have the righg to be there and to have gaming All this other stuff is just Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino opened onJuly 3, 2007 — just a few hoursd after the NIGS green-lighted the operation.
It was one of threre casinos the Seneca Nation operatesa in Western New York under the termzs of a 2002 compact negotiated with New York Rose said he assumes his group will continuw with a complex series of appeals that ultimately seeks to shut down thecity casino. The casinio has 244 slot machines and is beingb run on an interim basis until thepermanent $330 million Senecza Buffalo Creek Casino, a complex that will include a 212 all-suit hotel, opens. Construction begahn in late 2007 but was abruptl haltedin August, with the Senecza Nation citing economic concerns.
The construction shut down came just 24 houras afterSkretny re-affirmed an earlier ruling that while the nine acree of land where the casino sits is sovereign territory, the decision to go aheaf with the casino was “arbitraryh and capricious.” However, a Department of Interiorr interpretation of Indian gaming rules and mandates made Skretny’s rulings of last July and Augustr moot. Those rulings were at the center of the appea lof Skretny’s rulings. Skretny, in his ruling on Friday, said the casino’sz operation was consistent with revised NIGS and Departmeny ofInterior interpretations. “It seems prettyu clear what our next step will Rose said.
Seneca sources said they expectthe anti-casino supporters will continu with the appeals. “This, however, is a big win for the a source said. “But, it is not, by any the last word.”

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Securian Introduces Relief Package for Financial Institutions
June 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Securianb Financial is offering a package of programs designesd to help lenders thrive in thischallenginbg economy. "We understand what financial institutions face in thiseconomic environment," said , national sales director, Securian Financia l Institutions Group. "Securian is drawinhg on its financial strength to providwe assistance and reinforceour long-standing commitment to this market. -- They can qualify for up to 10 percenr of premiums or fees in marketinb allowance by moving existing credit insurance or debt protectiomn businessto Securian, subject to compensatiobn limitations required by state insurance law.
-- They can maximizre fee income opportunities byofferint post-close Securian AutoSafe Debt Protectioh and GAP programs. -- Payment for Securian's PerFORMer Loan Formzs may be deferred until afterDecember 31, 2009. Securiabn also offers financialinstitutions market-differentiating products designed to build borrowe loyalty during tough WorkSafe Debt Protection, a turn-key, borrower-pay involuntary unemployment program, can be offered to complement other loan protectionn products. Securian Payment Assurance, a non-contributory involuntar y unemployment protection is offered at no costto borrowers.
This programk can help financial institutions boost lending whiler reducing delinquenciesand charge-offs. Lenders can also work with Securian to develop similar coverageswithin broader, customized debt protectiojn programs. was founded in 1880 and has servexd financial institutions for over 50 providing insurance, debt protection, loan and marketing services. Securian and its affiliates servew morethan 4,000 financial institutions across the Unitede States.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Chris Johnson's Holdout Story, Part 2 - Titan Sized

USA Today

Chris Johnson's Holdout Story, Part 2

Titan Sized

With Titans star RB Chris Johnson currently holding out of training camp to make a point to Titans officials and Titans officials explaining that they will negotiate once he is in camp, this places both ends of the situation at a stalemate. ...

NFL preseason kicks off, but not! everyone's returned

USA Today

Eddie George backs Chris Johnson in contract dispute

Eddie George: Chris Johnson is right

The Tennessean (blog) -Bleacher Report -Music City Miracles


Monday, August 8, 2011

Associated may post 2Q net loss - Denver Business Journal:
Charge-offs totaled $104 million at the end of the firsft quarter, according to Associated’s filing with the Federal DepositfInsurance Corp. Meanwhile, second quartefr net charge-offs are expected to be between $60 million and $70 Green Bay-based Associated ASBC) said Monday afternoon. The figure was $56.o9 million as of the end of the first quarter onMarch 31. The bank’s management said weaknesws in the economy has resultedin asset-qualityy downgrades to Associated’s construction, commercial real estate and commercial and industriak credits.
“We believe loan loss provisionsand charge-offsw will remain elevated due to the continued deterioratioj in the real estate sector and the weak economy,” said chairmamn and CEO Paul Beideman. “We expecty the pace of loan and asset deterioratiobn to moderate infuturr quarters.” Associated executives said that, after takint into consideration the increased loan-loss the company’s capital levels will still exceed well-capitalized standardd as of June 30. Associated said its board has formedd a risk and credit committee to supplementt risk management oversight performed by the company andthe company'w audit committee.
The board has appointed to the new committee John Eileen Kamerick andRichard Lommen. The compan will release second-quarter results on July 16. Associated stock closerd at $13.37 on Monday.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cuomo a favorite to be NY gov - Business First of Buffalo:
Those findings are part of the pollreleased Tuesday. SRI said 47 percenrt of respondentswant Cuomo, the state’s attorney general, to seek the governor’s job next year. He outdistancess Paterson in a potential Democraticprimary matchup, 70-1i percent, and also tops possible Republican candidates Rudy Giuliano (53-41 percent) and John Faso (65-16 percent). Giuliani is the former mayor of NewYork City; Faso was the GOP gubernatoriakl candidate in 2006. While Cuomo’s popularity is Gov. David Paterson’s approval rating remains low at 27percent — same as a monty ago — and only 15 percent said they wouls vote Paterson back into office if he runs in 2010.
the poll showed that given a choice, 45 percent of New Yorkerse want a cap on property representing the highestfigure yet. Another 47 percent remain in favore ofa property-tax circuit breaker, which would ensurew that such taxes do not exceed a certain percentagre of a homeowner’s income. When asked about their feeling s on their future in NewYork state, 11 percent said unless there is improvement, they will relocate while 10 percentt said they plan to move out as quickly as they can. Each of thosse replies is the highest yet, according to SRI.