Saturday, October 22, 2011
And, as more people lose their that hidden cost is on the The organization defines the hidden health tax as the undiscloseed insurance premium surcharge paidby America’s businesses and insured familiezs when they purchase health insurance. That surcharge subsidizes the uncompensaterd health care costs ofthe uninsured, accordinhg to the organization, which is pushinyg for health care During 2007 and 2008, one-third of non-elderlh Americans – 86.7 million people went without health insuranc e for some period of time, accordinfg to Families USA. Families USA contracteed with actuarial firm to calculate the costz of unpaidhealth care.
The reportg found uninsured people are less likely to get the care they need when theyneed it, and they are more likelt to delay seeking care as long as possible. When they do receivr care, it is paid for in several Morethan one-third (37 of that care is paid by the uninsured themselves out of theire own pockets. Third-party sources, such as governmenrt programs and charities, paid for an additional 26 percent ofthat care. The remaining amount, abouft $42.7 billion in 2008, is considerefd uncompensated care.
Those costs are shifted onto the health care bills ofinsuree people, ultimately resulting in the hiddenh health tax through higher

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