Wednesday, October 19, 2011

UIW opens new education center in San Antonio mall - San Antonio Business Journal:
The 5,500-square-foot Northeast Center at Rollinb Oaks is located at6909 N. Loop 1604 on the city’s North Side. It has four classrooms, two advisingv offices, a reception area and a computer lab. There are abouf 67 students enrolled at the new learninvg center for thespring semester. Enrollmenrt is expected to increase during the fall. The centerr will house UIW’s Adult Degree Completion Program (ADCaP).
The programk was established in 1995 and is a flexibler program designed to fit the needs of workinfg adults by allowing them to complete theird college degrees while maintaining family and career Vincent Porter, dean of ADCaP, says the center came abouf because of the need for some exposurer in the Northeast area of greater San Antonio. “At the mall, students will have easy access to our centef and plentyof parking. In addition, in the mall will be able to get informatioj on ADCaP programs more Porter says. Plans for the center were drawn up in Apri l oflast year.
Portet says its difficult to say if UIW will open anothe r center in theimmediate future, but she adds that the schoool is always looking for ways to adequately serve its The following degrees are now being offeree as part of the ADCaP bachelor of business administration (BBA) with concentrationse in management, marketing, and general business; bachelor of arts in organizationakl development; bachelor of arts in human bachelor of arts in administration; and a bachelor of arts and appliecd sciences. Plans call for offering additional degreeds inthe future, including graduate degrees. a college preparatory high school managed by UIW also recently completed a newwellnessd center.
The new John Garcia Gonzales, Jr., Wellness Center will be used for educationall andathletic purposes. It houses free weights and nautilu equipment. Construction on the centedr began in October and was completed befor theThanksgiving break. The center cost $150,000 to build. “There was no grant associated with its says UIW spokeswomanMargaret Garcia. “However, (high alumni have and will continud to assist with various aspects of the signagw and other items needed inside the The University of the Incarnate Word is a private liberal arts university that offers more than 70 degrees at the graduate anddoctoral levels.
The UIW systen continues to develop internationally and boasts a presencr in both China and as well as inSan Antonio, Corpus Christi and Goodyear, It works with nearly 100 “sistert schools” in 30 countries.

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