Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fifth Third loans decline in April to $6.2 billion - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
billion in loans in April, down from its Marcgh levels, according to a report it makes tothe U.S. Fifth Third’s loans fell about 13 percent fromthe $7.1 billiomn in loans it made in March. But the figure is up from $5.5 billionh in February and $5.1 billion in January. Mortgag lending was a big part of theApril volume, thanks to lowerf interest rates, Fifth Third said in the report. Its mortgage originations jumped $260 million from March to $2.2 The vast majority of that – $1.9 billion – came from refinancings. It lent nearlg $400 million for new purchases of homes.
Demande for small-business loans has been stabls for most ofthe year, but it declined in Fifth Third (NASDAQ: said in the report. Declining demand for home equit and auto loans caused overalklconsumer non-mortgage loan demand to fall slightly comparedr with March. But credit card originations jumperd35 percent, or $55 million, to $211 “Over the past several monthd there has been a lot of focuse on increasing the bank’s already-strong capitakl levels,” Fifth Third CEO Kevinh Kabat said in a news release. “Having a stronb capital position is important as it allowzs us to make loans to qualified something that we continued to doin April.
” Fifth with $119 billion in assets, is Cincinnati’se largest bank. It has more than 1,300 bankinh locations in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Florida, Tennessee, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North

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