Monday, August 15, 2011

Buffalo casino can stay open - Business First of Buffalo:
U.S. District Judge Williak Skretny, Friday, in a four-page ruling, recognized a decisiojn earlier this month from the and the that the casino is beinv operated legally and with guidelinesa outlined byboth agencies. Skretny made his ruling as the latesft chapter in the complex legalp battle being waged by the Citizens Against Casino in Erie Countyt against Seneca Buffalo Creek The decision is beingg hailed bythe , which operate s that casino, and questioned by thosee opposed to the tribe’s operation. Skretny’s ruling is the secons major blow against the casino gaming opponents in asmany weeks, followingh the dual Jan.
20 rulingy from the NIGC and Department of Interior thatsimultaneouslgy re-affirmed the Seneca Nation’s right to operate the “My reaction is one of disappointment,” said Joel Citizens Against Casino Gamblinf in Erie County co-chairman. “I thoughy there was adequate basis to close the Seneca officials, however, said they were pleased with Skretny’a ruling. “This ruling re-affirms what we said all a source said. “Under the new ordinance, we have the righg to be there and to have gaming All this other stuff is just Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino opened onJuly 3, 2007 — just a few hoursd after the NIGS green-lighted the operation.
It was one of threre casinos the Seneca Nation operatesa in Western New York under the termzs of a 2002 compact negotiated with New York Rose said he assumes his group will continuw with a complex series of appeals that ultimately seeks to shut down thecity casino. The casinio has 244 slot machines and is beingb run on an interim basis until thepermanent $330 million Senecza Buffalo Creek Casino, a complex that will include a 212 all-suit hotel, opens. Construction begahn in late 2007 but was abruptl haltedin August, with the Senecza Nation citing economic concerns.
The construction shut down came just 24 houras afterSkretny re-affirmed an earlier ruling that while the nine acree of land where the casino sits is sovereign territory, the decision to go aheaf with the casino was “arbitraryh and capricious.” However, a Department of Interiorr interpretation of Indian gaming rules and mandates made Skretny’s rulings of last July and Augustr moot. Those rulings were at the center of the appea lof Skretny’s rulings. Skretny, in his ruling on Friday, said the casino’sz operation was consistent with revised NIGS and Departmeny ofInterior interpretations. “It seems prettyu clear what our next step will Rose said.
Seneca sources said they expectthe anti-casino supporters will continu with the appeals. “This, however, is a big win for the a source said. “But, it is not, by any the last word.”

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