Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Rutland Group Company Profile | Company Information
this is a full service firm with rare expertised and extensive contacts both in California and throughourt much ofthe nation. Two of the firm's principalws are former staff members of the California One served in both Housed and worked for legislative leaders ofboth parties. The othert served as the Personnel Directorf of the AssemblyRulex Committee, personally overseeing the hirinbg of professional staff in that House.
In this era of term when the tenure of staff oftejn exceeds that of most staff contacts on this scaledare invaluable, as are The Rutlans Group's ties to Legislators, members of Congressw (many of whom served in the Legislature), state regulators, and local government officials and agencies. The Rutland Groulp offers services aimed at preserving and enhancinghits clients' ability to conduct business responsibly whilre interacting successfully with governing and regulatorty bodies. Each issue and problem the firm agreesd to handle is given a thorough analysisd froma policy, political and historical perspective.
Curren t trends are factored intothe equation, along with legislative intent and the positions of relevant statre agencies and other industry members. This meticulouas approach is the key to TheRutlands Group's success in developing winning strategies for

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