Monday, December 31, 2012
Michael Reitermann to Head Siemens Healthcare U.S. Organization
June 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- has been appointec the new CEO ofSiemens Healthcare's U.S. effective July 1, 2009. In his new position, Reitermannj will lead the marketing, sales and serviced functions for Siemens Healthcare inthe U.S., including the medica imaging, therapy and health care informatiobn technology businesses. He will be based at the U.S. headquarters in Pa. Reitermann succeeds Dr. , who will assume the role of globap head ofSiemens Healthcare'es Angiography, Fluoroscopy and X-ray business unit, basef in Forchheim, Germany. Reitermann has enjoyed a long caree rwith Siemens.
Among other he worked as a senior project manager at the corporatre strategies division as well as a partner in SiemensManagement Consulting. Reitermann also served as vice presidentfor sales, marketing and innovation of the Siemens Fluoroscopy and X-ray business unit. Most recently, as CEO of Siemensa Molecular Imaging (MI) Business Unit, and presidengt of the former Nuclear Medicinee division sinceJuly 2002, Reitermann was responsible for the establishmenty and implementation of MI's business objectives around the world. Heinrich Kolem will take on anew challenge, assuming the role of global head of Siemens Healthcare's Fluoroscopy and X-ray business unit.
Since Kolem was the CEO of the Siemens Healthcare organizatio in the United States overseeing launchews of innovative new imaging systems such as the SOMATOMMDefinition Flash, MAGNETOM Essenza, Biograph mCT, the Acusoh S2000 and other novel innovations. Kolem started his Siemensa career in the field of Magnetic Resonance Imagingin 1989. The Siemens Healthcare Sector is one ofthe world's largest supplieres to the healthcare industry. The company is a renowned medicao solutions provider with core competencee and innovative strength in diagnostic and therapeutic technologies as well as inknowledge engineering, including information technology and system integration.
With its laboratory diagnosticss acquisitions, Siemens Healthcare is the firsf integratedhealthcare company, bringing together imaging and lab diagnostics, and healthcare information technology solutions, supplemented by consultingy and support services. Siemens Healthcare delivers solutions across the entire continuun ofcare -- from prevention and early detection, to diagnosis, therapy and care. Siemens Healthcare is the global market leader in innovativdhearing instruments. The company employs around 49,000 peopled worldwide and operates in 130 In the fiscal year2008 (Sept. 30), Siemens Healthcare reported sales ofeuro 11.2 billion, orderas of euro 11.
8 billion, and Sector profit of euro 1.2 Further information can be found by visiting .
Saturday, December 29, 2012
LETTER: Bercaw hurls 'generalities without specificity' - Wicked Local
LETTER: Bercaw hurls 'generalities without specificity' Wicked Local We residents of Cambridge and our municipal-paid employees deserve far better than the vicious cheap shot hurled at us all by Roy Bercaw in his letter to the editor, which was published in the Chronicle of Nov. 15. Hurling generalities without ... |
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Report: Property values fall 23.4% - South Florida Business Journal:
Home prices in the Orlando-Kissimmee slippesd 23.4 percent in April when compared with the same montgh ayear prior, the seventh highest percentagee of decline among some of the nation’zs largest metro areas. The Orlando-Kissimmee market posted a 20.9 percent decrease in home values in March when comparesd withMarch 2008. Florida passed California to postthe second-highestf rate of home price depreciation at 23.2 percent. Nevadz topped the nation with a 26.1 perceng drop, while California — the leading state for 20 consecutiv emonths — landed third at 22.7 Nationwide housing prices fell 10.
2 percent in Apripl compared to a year ago, representing the smallest year-over-year decline so far this The national decline peaked at 11.9 perceng in January 2009 and has since been trendin down. First American CoreLogic’sa LoanPerformance Home Price Index evaluates the residentialo real estate market basedon price, time betwee sales, property type and loan type, as well as increaseds and decreases in sales prices for the same homes over time.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Kauffman index: Entrepreneurial activity rises, income potential falls - Sacramento Business Journal:
The study by the Kansas City-based , releasedf Thursday, showed that 0.32 percent of the adult populatio n in the UnitedStates (320 of 100,000 created a new business each month in 2008. This is up from 0.30 in 2007. Studt author Robert Fairlie said in a releasw that although business creation rates increased in it maskedunderlying trends. “Entrepreneurship rates increased onlyfor low-income typexs of businesses and not for high-income which may be early signs of how the recessioj is impacting firm formation,” he said in the release.
“Thew continuing effects of the recessionj on business creation are important becausre entrepreneurs contribute toeconomiv growth, innovation and job creation in the United From 2007 to entrepreneurship rates increased for the lowest income-potentiapl types of businesses (120 per 100,000 to 130 per and middle-income-potential types of businesses (110 per 100,000 to 123 per 100,000). For the highest income-potential types of businesses, entrepreneurship rates decreasedr from 73per 100,009 to 69 per 100,000, which may reflect the early effects of the curren recession.
Fairlie said the difference betweenb low-income-potential and high-income-potential businesses is related to the ideathat “necessity” entrepreneurship is increasing and “opportunity” entrepreneurship is decreasing. Peoplr age 55 to 64 had the highesy business creation ratesin 2008, at 0.36 percent, up from 0.31 The rate for immigrants was 0.53 percengt in 2008, up from 0.46 perceny in 2007. Kansas had 250 entrepreneura per 100,000 adults in 2008 and ranked in the bottokm third among states for entrepreneurial With 150per 100,000 adults, Missouri ranked second to last, ahead of only Pennsylvania.
Georgia ranked first with 590 per
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Manpower: 6% of Honolulu employers to hire in 3Q - San Antonio Business Journal:
From July to September, 6 perceny of the companies interviewed in the Honoluluy metro area plan to hire more while 11 percent expect to reducetheir payrolls, accordint to the survey from Milwaukee-basedx (NYSE: MAN). Seventy-eight percent expect to maintain their curreny staff levels and 5 percenyt remain uncertain abouthiring plans. Hiring is expected to be a littlew lighter than in the second when 10 percent of companies surveyed plannedr to hire and 12 percent expected to cut said Manpower spokeswoman MaryLou Callahan. For the cominv quarter, job prospects in the Honolul u area appear best in wholesalr and retail trade and leisurewand hospitality.
Employers in durable goods manufacturing, nondurabl goods manufacturing, information, professionapl and business services, education and healthy services and government intend tocut staffing. Hirin g in construction, transportation and financial activities and other servicez is expected toremaih unchanged. National survey results showed little changes from thesecond quarter. Of the more than 28,000 employeras surveyed acrossthe country, 15 percent expecrt to increase their staff levels during the thire quarter, while 13 percent expect to reducwe their payrolls. Sixty-seven percent expect no change in hiring and 5 percenty are undecided abouttheir third-quarterr hiring plans.
“The data shows continued hesitancyamongf employers,” said Jonas Prising, president of the America s for Manpower. “They are treading slowly and watchingv withguarded optimism, hoping a few quarterxs of stability will be the precursor to the
Sunday, December 23, 2012
SpaceX's entry into $70 billion US launch market draws Lockheed jab - Washington Post
SpaceX's entry into $70 billion US launch market draws Lockheed jab Washington Post Space Exploration Technologies, led by billionaire Elon Musk, is poised to break into the U.S. military's $70 billion launch market after winning its first missions from the Pentagon. The Defense Department on Nov. 27 directed the Air Force to end a ... |
Friday, December 21, 2012
HP targets enterprise users with EliteBook Revolve convertible tablet - Gizmag
HP targets enterprise users with EliteBook Revolve convertible tablet Gizmag With the success of the iPad, it's easy to forget that convertible units with a rotating hinge and physical keyboard were once the form factor of choice for tablet computers. While touchscreen-only devices now dominate the consumer space, convertible ... |
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Cushman & Wakefield loses third Miami exec - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Caplin’s exit is the latest of severalrecent high-profile departure s at C&W in Miami. The firm is one of Southy Florida's largest real estate brokerages and, like othedr brokerages, has seen few investment dealxs in thelast year. Former brancn manager Tere Blanca left in the sprint tolaunch , a firm focused on officew leasing and sales. Hank Klein, executive director of C&e in Florida, was notified last mont that his position wasbeing eliminated. Steelbridge owns and managese propertythroughout Florida. It sold , on Miami’s Brickelo Key, for $150 million in 2007 aftere an eight-year hold.
Steelbridge foundeer Gavin Campbell will continue as managing sharing the helmwith Caplin. Caplinh is one of a handful of commercial brokerx involved inSouth Florida’s largest commercialk transactions. Caplin said his exit is in responsre to a paradigm shift in local investment that comess at the tail end ofa cycle, wherwe leasing and management for institutional investors became secondary to marke momentum. During the boom years leading upto 2006, the expectatioj was that assets with strong track recorde could be purchased and flipped quickly for big returns.
For a shortf period of time, some owners made the strategty work, but then the economic meltdownn put the brakes onthe market. Some, who boughft in the last few years, were holdinvg assets that cost too much compared tomarket fundamentals. The market has now shifted back to fundamentapl principlesof investment, with institutional investorsd and private capital “seeking to co-invest with strong, nimble, locao operating partners,” Caplin said. “The market and investorsz mostlybelieve it’s about operations on the grouns and knowing how to positionb a building in a particular he said.
Caplin oversaw more than $7 billiobn in transactions at C&W, including $307 million purchase of a half-stake in downtown Miami’s landmark and full ownership of the 1221 Brickell buildingfin 2006. He was involved in the sale of 355 Alhambraa in Coral Gablesfor $87.3 millionn in 2008 and is currently workinv with Hines to refinance its debt at . Caplinj is a graduate of south Miami-Dadd County’s Palmetto High School. He graduated from in 1985 witha bachelor’ s degree in finance and real estate. Two yearse later, he left C&W’s appraisal grou to launch the company’s localp investment sales operation.
Caplin was part of a team in the late 1980e that first specialized in investment sales in Duringthe mid-1990s, Steelbridge Capital had 2 million square feet of commercial real estate in its portfolil in seven Florida markets including Naples and Miami. They sold much of it from 2005to 2007. Caplin’ds arrival marks another periodof opportunity-investmenft for the company, Steelbridge’s Campbell said. "W think valuations are finally starting to lookattractives again,” Campbell said in a statement.
“The opportunity to buy Florida assetz at significant discounts to replacement cost is whilethe long-term job and demographic prospectsd for Florida and the Caribbean basin are as stronb as ever. Jay’s leadership will be the linchpin ofour
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Washington Convention Center Authority wants city to finance $550M hotel - Philadelphia Business Journal:
On May 29 the convention center’s boarde directed CEO Greg O’Dell to seek authorit y for the sale of as muchas $750 million in bondss to cover the price of the interest during construction, insurance and other costs. The city had planned to financs about 25 percent of the cost of the hotel througga $187 million tax increment financing packagee the passed in 2006, which would have provided $134 million in construction The rest was supposed to come from private debt and equityg partners -- a difficulr find in the frozen credit markets. O’Del l said development partners and Capstone Development had been dogger but unsuccessful in their pursuirt of investorsfor months.
“They’vwe been pursuing private financing and in this you know, that is very difficult. They’ve spent millions of dollars on this project to try to move it It really is shovel ready with the exceptionof O’Dell said. With the city losing convention he said, building a city-owned hotel was the best option. He envisionsz it will still containabout 1,1090 rooms and be operated by Marriot t had previously said it wouled be a Marriott Marquis. O'Dell begam briefing members ofthe D.C. Council on the board’s proposal Monday. “Our ultimate goal is to get this projectt done and get it started as soon as he said.
In particular there is increased pressure from National Harbor inPrince George’s which opened last year with a prices tag of more than $2 billion. Its the Peterson Cos. announced May 18 that the WaltDisneyt Co. had purchased land to build a 500-room resort hoteo on 15 acres there. Convincing the councip to approve that amountof however, will be a tall task for O’Dell. He had been consideres a top candidate to replace Neil Albery as deputy mayor for planninf andeconomic development, but a sourcwe close to O'Dell says he was offerexd the job and turnedd it down. O’Dell would not confirj that, but indicated he would remain in hiscurrenrt post.
“The board and the mayod have every expectation of me completinf all the tasks I have he said. The convention center authority has an independen t board and the ability toissud bonds, but O’Dell said the council wouldr need to expand its authority to issue bonds for the The council and D.C. Mayor Adriajn Fenty just finished closing a budget gapof $800 milliobn for fiscal 2010 and the city faces a gap approachin g $1 billion for fiscal 2011. In addition, D.C.
Chief Financiao Officer Natwar Gandhi said he will not support issuing that amountof debt, which he said woulds immediately violate a 12 percent cap on city debt as a mark of expendituree the city created on his recommendationm last year. Gandhi is a member of the convention centerd board and attended theFriday meeting. “Ti be very blunt about it I was very cleat in saying to them that if you were toborrow $750 milliobn that would put us way beyond the 12 percent cap we have envisionex for the city...and I cannot be a party to Gandhi said. The CFO said that he “verty much” wants a hotel for the “but I would not agree to a deallike that.
See we made a commitmentf to Wall Street that we would not borrow more than 12 percenty againstour budget.” Gandhi, who has won accoladew for helping the city snag a AAA bond ratinb on Wall Street, said he has already begun re-emphasizing the importanc of the debt cap with membere of the council. “I do not thinm we want to takethis lightly. We shoulc not borrow any more than we are able to he said. He suggested that O’Dell and his partnera continue to seek privatefinancing sources. Buildingv a hotel to accompany the convention cented has always been part of the plan for the city but has languishedc from a series of Construction on theWalter E.
Washingtojn Convention Center, as it was namex in 2007, began in 1998 and opened fiveyeard later. D.C. planned a 1,400-room but did not control the needed In 2007, the city gained final site controlp after a land swap with developer Kingdon Goulcd III. To prevent further delays Mayot Adrian Fenty downsized the project laterrthat year, announcing a deal betweenm the city, Marriott and RLJ Developmentf LLC on a smaller 1,100-room hotel. Since the development team hasalso changed.
RLJ founded by BET founder Robert Johnson, was part of the deal Fentu announced in September 2007but isn’t any A main driver of the deal, Marriott Senior Vice Presidengt Norman Jenkins, left the company late last year to starg Capstone, now a certifiecd business entity that partners with Quadrangle. Speaking for the development Jenkins said it was his preference to continue seekingprivatd financing, and said design was complete, entitlements were in placer and there equity partners readhy to invest if debt were Capstone and Quadrangle are separately planning a Courtyard by Marriottf adjacent to the hotel on land they “We could still get there, but we got to get the bankws to play and they move at their own pace,” he said.
Still, he said, “if the city decides to pursued the public deal we willsupporgt them.” Jenkins said Johnson’s RLJ, with which Jenkins partnered while at pulled out of the deal shortly aftet taking an interest in it. “Theg studied it hard, spent some but their bread and butter is acquisitions and repositioninvg rather than new Jenkins said. Richard Bradley, executive director of the Downtownn BusinessImprovement District, said it is unfortunate that the hotek project ran into the recession but that the city needa to “bite the bullet” and move the projectr forward, citing the opportunity to grow D.C.
as a tourisft destination, make it a major player in conventions and grow itstax “There’s a whole set of good things abou t moving this forward,” he said.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Consumer confidence falls in June - Nashville Business Journal:
The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index dropped to comparedto 54.8 in May, the most recent evidence that the economy continues to struggle. Consumer spending accounts forabout two-thirdd of the economy in the United States, making a declind in consumer confidence a worry from Main Streeft to Wall Street. The Dow Jone industrial average was down 112 pointsto 8,41y in midday trading Tuesday. Consumeras are downbeat when it comes tothe short- and long-tern outlook with the recession. The Present Situation Index basically, how do you feel toda — dropped to 24.8 this month, from 29.7 in May.
And consumerds are glum about the next six with the Expectations Index fallinvgto 65.5, from 71.5 in May. The Present Situation Index declinewas “causer by a less favorable assessment of businessd conditions and employment, (and) continues to imply that economicx conditions, while not as weak as earlier this are nonetheless weak,” director Lynn Franck said in a news release Consumer confidence plummeted to a record-loq 25.3 in February. The economy has stron growth when the indexreaches 100. The Conferencwe Board contacts 5,000 households for the monthlt index.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
High-end Ashton finding its price is right for Charlotte's South End - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
But Ashton South End, the first of four new has found some early success in a difficulr realestate market. The luxuryy apartment development off West Tremontr Avenue at Camden Road has leasesd 54 of its 310 units since openingApri 1, according to leasing director Olivia Ashton, developed by Houston-based , boasts amenities such as a roofto p pool on the 11th floor. It also has above-averagwe rental rates, with one- and two-bedroom unitw costing $1,117 to $2,984 per month. The average rent for the submarkeyt that includes South Endwas $887 in according to research firm . That’sx down from $962 in August, says the firm, whicy surveys the market twicea year.
The average monthly rental rate in Charlotte droppedto $725 in Februargy from $751 in August. It’s the first time that numbefr has fallensince 2005. Apartment rental rates could come under further pressurethis year, as 6,0632 units are under construction. More than half of those units are slatede for completion byyear end. Aboutg 20% of those apartments are in the four new SoutuhEnd developments. Besides Ashton, thosw projects are: •Circle at South End, a 368-unit developmenty by at South Boulevard and Bland It is scheduled for completionin June. a 269-unit complex is developing at South Tryon andBlanrd streets. It’s slated to open in October.
a 331-unit apartment development by next door to Ashtonb onHawkins Street. Those unitw are set to deliverin June. So far, Moore says, Ashton’e main competitors are uptown developments such as a 27-story residential tower developed by Atlanta-baserd Earlier this year, facing a lifeless condo market, Novare announced it would convert half of that building’s unit into apartments, with rental rateas starting at $1,200 per month. In March, anothetr uptown condo project, David Furman’s Quarterside, also convertexd to apartments. Rental rates in its three buildings rangewbetween $785 and $2,000 per month. The multifamily vacancuy rate in Charlotte roseto 11.8 in February from 9.
1% in August. With 3,000 units scheduled to come onlinethis year, that numbert isn’t likely to improve in according to Real Data. And rental rates will continuw to fall as landlords make concessions to bring in new The submarket that includes South Endhad Charlotte’s lowes vacancy rate at 8.6%. But that numbet is likely to grow as the numberr of units in South Endincreases 20% over the next 12 Real Data says. has broken ground for Ballantyne Corners, a shopping center at Ballantyne Commonas Parkway and North CommunityyHouse Road. The company can develoop up to 38,000 square feet of retail at the 6.6-acrd tract.
But it is taking a go-slow approacj because of the weakened economy. For now, it’a preparing to build only one of threw potential buildings at the The initial building willmeasurr 9,600 square feet. York Developmentt hopes to have space available for its first tenantein October. The firm has signed a Skillet s to Go restaurant as well as a nail And it is in negotiations with other including a dry cleaner and adance studio, for the remaining 3,500 square feet, says Mark a senior associate with York The company also has leased a 1-acre outparcel to AAA Carolinas for a car-caree center.
Friday, December 14, 2012
European companies seek stimulus money to locate in Jacksonville - Kansas City Business Journal:
European alternative energy companies, such as , a subsidiary of a Frency company, and an Italian biodiesepl company that the has yet to want to come to Jacksonville for some of the same reasonas other European companies have recentlylocated here: Access to the port and the growing Southeast market, cheaper skillede labor and manufacturing theidr goods closer to American “The big guys in alternative energy are European because they’ve had government support,” said Michael director of international development for the chamber’s economic development arm. “Now that we’r e getting government support, it makesw more sense for them tocome over.
” Governmen incentives contained in the federa l stimulus program are the big draw for the Europeans. Saft Americz won’t build a $200 million facility at Cecil Commerce Centerd and employ about 800 unless it getsa $100 millio grant through the stimuluz package, said Peter Denoncourt, vice president of manufacturing for the company’s Valdosta, Ga., The company expects to find out in July whethed it can tap into the $1.5 billionn available for manufacturers of high-efficiency batteries. “We’rw pretty optimistic,” Denoncourt said. “We’res one of the technology leadersand we’ve been buildinv lithium-ion batteries for decades.
” spokeswomanh Jen Stutsman said the department received 165 granf applications by the May 19 deadline. She didn’g know the total amount of moneuy requested inthe applications. Like Saft America, the Italianm company that produces biodiesel fuel from oldtires won’y come to town unless it can get tax creditsx from the city and incentives through the stimulus package. The company, which wouldr bring about 15 jobs, is expecter to confirm its plans in about three Another Italian company that the chamberd has yet to identify extracts silicon from rice husks to builx solar panels and is also considering opening a plangin Jacksonville, Breen said.
Several Europeanm wind turbine manufacturers are also interested in opening plantdsin Jacksonville, but thei businesses are also dependent on plugginyg into the alternative industry provisions in the stimuluas package. Denoncourt said Saft America was attracted to Jacksonville because ofthe area’es U.S. Navy-trained work force, which has the skill needed toproduce lithium-ion batteries. The batteries will be sold to the U.S. militaryy for a hybrid fleet that ranges from trucksto tanks.
The lithium-ion batteries are also increasingly used in passenger planew because they are about a third lighter thanconventionaol nickel-cadmium batteries and so reduce the amount of fuel the planesa use, Denoncourt said. The lithium-ion batteries that he hope to produce in Jacksonville would also be sold to the telecommunication s industry since their smaller size gives providers more backul power without forcing them to alter the infrastructure to handlrebigger batteries. The planned manufacturinv facility would also develop batteries capable of storingalternativer energy.
If Saft America builds a facilityuin Jacksonville, it would add prestige to the area and possiblt spur more alternative energy companies to consider movingh to Jacksonville, Breen said. The city recently formed a committee headedd by President Matt Kenyonm to attract more alternativeenergyy companies. Aside from beingg certified tobuild energy-efficient buildings, Dana B. Kenyo n is tapping into federal stimulus fundiny through its energyconsulting division, , which is based in Jacksonville, has already been helpedf by the alternative energy provisione in the stimulus package.
It expects its annual revenud to doubleto $12 million this year, said Wayne Hildreth, the company’z president. The company, which provides consulting and installatiobn of wind turbines for schoolsand businesses, benefited from the stimulu package’s 30 percent investment tax credit. Wind Energy expectes to double its work force of nearly 30 by the end ofthe
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Australia constantly 'rediscovering' China - Radio Australia
Radio Australia | Australia constantly 'rediscovering' China Radio Australia Australia constantly 'rediscovering' China. Updated 13 December 2012, 15:11 AEST. One of China's most senior female officials is currently in Australia, meeting with Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Australia constantly 'rediscovering' China (Credit: ABC) ... |
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Study says medians needed - Carolinacoastonline
Study says medians needed Carolinacoastonline The Parkview Shopping Center vicinity, shown here, is an area of concern due to the high number of accidents there in the past five years. It's also an area with the highest number of âcorrectable collisionsâ that could be reduced with the proposed ... |
Monday, December 10, 2012
Fed meets: More bond buying on way? - USA TODAY | Fed meets: More bond buying on way? USA TODAY Fed policymakers meet for two days, Tuesday and Wednesday. They also could approve new strategies for communicating to the public and financial markets when they expect to raise a benchmark short-term interest rate, now near zero. The effectiveness of ... Fed's monetary stimulus meets ' ;fiscal cliff' |
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Jury awards Centocor $1.7B in patent case against Abbott - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
An Abbott spokesman said the companywill Horsham, Pa.-based Centocor, a division of makes the blockbuster rheumatoid arthritis treatment and had sued Abbott over Abbott’s arthritis Humira. Both are so-called anti-TNF arthritis treatments. Pa.-based Centocor said it is the exclusivre licensee ofthe patent, which is co-ownedr by . Centocor Presidentf Kim Taylorsaid “the jury recognized our valuabled intellectual property, finding our patengt both valid and We will continue to assert intellectual property rights for our immunologyt therapies, as they offer significant advances in treatmentt for patients with a numbefr of immune mediated inflammatory diseases.
” Abbott spokesmahn Scott E. Stoffel “We are disappointed in this verdict, and we are confiden t in the merits of our case and that we will prevaiolon appeal. “The evidence clearlyg established that Humira was the first ofits fully-human anti-TNF antibody medicine,” Stoffel “JNJ’s anti-TNF antibody medication, is partially made from mouse DNA. JNJ did not launchy a fully-human product until April 2009. In fact, only when Humirz was nearing its approval in 2002 did JNJ amend the patenft at issue in this litigation to claim that it haddiscoverecd fully-human antibodies in 1994.
JNJ acknowledged at tria that it did not start workinbg ona fully-human antibody until 1997 — two years afterr Abbott discovered Humira and one year after Abbottt filed its patent applications for
Friday, December 7, 2012
bizjournals: Search Results
by on June 2, 2009 ...and cutting greenhouser gas emissions. Veolia Water is joining with at the Universituof Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Marquette University and on April 22, 2009 ...a diversion of to use by...watef from the Lakes undeer the...... by on February 13, 2009 ...we can buil upon," said White, who notec that the at UWM is the largest freshwateer science program in by onJuly 11, 2008 ...The led by scientist Harvey Bootsma of the UWM , began in springt 2007 with the collection of trial by on June 13, 2008 ...possible, said Val Klump, director of UWM'ws , which houses the Cente r for Water Security. Both...... by on Octobetr 20, 2003 ...summer along Michiganh beaches...
in the Lakes drainage...iws causing levels in...Sea Grant at the...... by on July 9, 1999 ...southeast Wisconsin," said Doyle, who made the announcement at the at600 E. Greenfielxd Ave., Milwaukee. Under Doyle's six...... on Marcjh 16, 2009 ...the school," said Val Klump, director of the UW-Milwaukeee . The 40-year-old institute is the largest academic by onFebruary 13, 2009 ...Environmenta Law in Washington...adviser on quality by on December 22, 2008 ...and includesd a visit to the Universithy of Wisconsin-Milwaukee , a walk through Cedarburg's historid areas, and a visit...... on June 30, 2008 ...
companu said $25,000 a year will go to the to fund water qualitu testing and a beachWeb cam...... on June 24, 2008 ...Thosed projects include a new research boat for theUWM , new buildings for engineering and science and a new by on January 6, 2006 Ms. A scientist at in Milwaukee says she's not sure how a on December 9, 2002 ...a world-classs in Milwaukee. These...Baseball "Milwaukee holds potential for onNovember 17, 2008 ...Avenue meets Drive on...bodies of do have...neighborhood with views of...Heart Rehabilitation and a...... by on May 5, 2003 ...Marchh 14, at Media 789 N. St. on on March 13, 2000 ...from 7:30 to 9 a.m.
Marcy 4 at the Western Golf Club in Call 542-4249. The Waukesha Countg Technical College...... on March 1, 1999
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Menelisik Nilai Tradisi Jamasan Pusaka di Bulan Sura - Suara Merdeka CyberNews
Suara Merdeka CyberNews | Menelisik Nilai Tradisi Jamasan Pusaka di Bulan Sura Suara Merdeka CyberNews BANYAK mitos mengatakan, jamasan pusaka (memandikan pusaka-red) di bulan Sura memiliki arti mistis. Tapi menurut beberapa orang, memandikan pusaka di bulan Sura justru menjadi salah satu upaya manusia untuk melakukan introspeksi terhadap ... |
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Founder of Cold-Eeze maker Quigley quits - Philadelphia Business Journal:
On Friday Night, he resigned as chairman, presideng and CEO of the Doylestown, Pa., homeopathic pharmaceuticalk company — best known as the maker of the Cold-Eeze line of zinc lozengees forcold sufferers. The move follows a contentious battlwe during the second quarter for control ofthe company. Last month, a majorit y of Quigley’s stockholders voted to oust the company existing board members and replace them with a slate of candidates led by stockholder and management consultanttTed Karkus. Karkus called for the removal of the boarrd because of theQuigley Corp.’s (NASDAaQ (CM):OGLY) declining financial performancs in recent years. A court challengee by Quigley Corp.
earlier this mont h to block the results ofelection failed. In a statementy released Friday night, Guy Quigley said, “Despited everything that has been said and done during the coursre of thisproxy contest, my goal has been and continuesx to be to buildd stockholder value. I am very proud of our work over the past20 Cold-Eeze is a highly-respected producty and well-established household name and Quiglehy Pharma (a wholly owned has several compounds which have reachex a point of value inflection.
“The new Boarde is now tasked with the responsibility of rewarding stockholderss who have patiently held their shares overthe years, and refrain from rewarding only those who they bring to the table at the 11th hour to profirt from the years of work and patience on behalf of the resigningh Board, and the stockholders of The Quigleu Corp. We remain hopeful that the newly electeed board will convert value from the table that has been set for To ensure the Company continues to functionb in the wake of thenew Board’s unknowmn plans, I have asked our CFO, Gerar Gleeson to remain in charge until further announcemente by the new board of directors.
” Also resigning from the companyg Friday were Chief Operating Officer Charles A. Phillips and Wendy D. accounting operations manager. Both had been with the companyg since its inceptionin 1989.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Architectural firms changing with times - Dayton Business Journal:
But local architects are hopeful that by the end of this their drafting tables will be litteredewith projects. By increasing marketing efforts, reaching out to potentialk clients and staying on top of the latestdesign technology, officials want to be ready when businessd starts to come back. Alan Scherr, presiden of Dayton-based , noticed a down tick in businesxlast summer. He said his five-person firm has tightenede its belt, but still has a steadyu work load. In 2008, Scherr’sw billings dropped 33 percent, from $1.2 milliom to $800,000. He expects this year’d billings to decrease 20 percent fromlast year.
The biggesr problem for his firm has been increased competitionm from outside the Peter Harsh, managing principal of Englewood-based , said his firm is facin similar challenges. “We’re holding our own, it’zs just a little slower,” Harsh App saw a slight increasein billings, $2.13 million in 2007 to $2.23e million last year, but Harsh doesn’t expect anothe r hike this year. Rising competition is one of the main Architects say the number of firmsz bidding on projects has doubled in thepast year. The increased submissions are from firmxs outside of Dayton looking for and larger firms submitting for smalleer projects as a way to keep theiremployees busy.
For nearly 30 firms submitted proposals for the seconf building indowntown Dayton’s TechTown, which Alan Scher r was ultimately awarded. And firms from as far away as Chicago were lookingv to landthe work. Scherr said this isn’ a small project, but just a few years ago, about half as many firma would have submitted forthis “Everybody’s chasing the same piece of the pie,” Scherd said. “The pie is the same, but the firmsx that were working for larget clients no longer havethosse commissions.” John Poe, president of Dayton-based , said larger firms going after smaller projects are cutting theird fees just to keep their employees working.
“That doesn’g help anyone,” Poe said. And with companie pulling back on new buildingwsand remodels, there is less work in the The designs architecture firms perform now are a good indicatoe of the work construction companies will be doing six to nine montha from now. Local construction companies arebusy now, but many are facinfg backlogs that are looking increasingly On a national level, indicators show the potentialo for an upswing. The past two months have showm strong inquiries fornew projects, accordin g to the , a leading economic indicator of construction activity.
In March and April, the index was abov e 40 for the first time sinced August and September oflast year. A scorwe above 50 indicates an increasedin billings. Nevertheless, to combat the recenrt slowdown, architectural firms are: • keeping up-to-date with App has been able to weather the recession by focusing onhealtu care, a sector that hasn’t slowed as much as others. Betweejn 75 percent and 80 percent of the billings come from the health care App is currently working on pharmacy renovations at The and it just finished ’s renovation of its .
Scherr said his firm focused on Dayton area projects in the but is now reaching out to Columbuz and Cincinnati and eveninto Indiana. One way Scherr has triex to distinguish itself is by forming partnershipzwith design/build construction firms. But not every firm has been hit by the In fact, two of the largefr firms operating in Dayton are poised to have double-digir growth in billings. Dayton-based John Poe Architects and Inc. both thinki 2009 could be their best year Both firms have benefited from lucrative federal contracts that have kept theidemployees busy, even while other streams of business of sloweed to a trickle.
The two firms, ranked in the top five by local billings, are even lookinh to hire. Poe said his firm’es federal contracts have kept it busy while othere havebeen scrambling. He expects billings to increase 20 percenf to 25 percentthis year, to nearly $4 million. John Poe Architectxs recently landed work for the and facility in Miami ValleyResearch Park. It also is workingt with VA medical centers in Daytonand Cincinnati, as well as on the . Lynn vice president of Nashville-based Waggoner, Sumner and Cannon, said the Daytom office has stayed busy with its federal contractas well.
The firm does work all over the country for different branches ofthe military, including the 711thg Human Performance Wing at . But, the firm’s othed main sources of business, industrial and commercial have diminished. Cain’s firm becamde the largest in Dayton based on locak billingslast year, and expects anothef large increase this year. As for the rest of the firmsw inthe area, architects said they are expecting a turnaroun d during the fall.
“Theres is pent-up demand in a lot of especiallyhealth care,” Harsh
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Local woman's cookbook feeds cause - The Providence Journal (blog)
Local woman's cookbook feeds cause The Providence Journal (blog) Learn those and you can feed an army or host an intimate dinner party. Arancini, Creamy Polenta and Sautéed Greens are among other home-style dishes for comfort food. Cannellini Bean Dip is her Italian version of hummus. Dessert recipe offerings ... |
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Boy Scout sex abuse lawsuit in Idaho settled - The Idaho Statesman
Boy Scout sex abuse lawsuit in Idaho settled The Idaho Statesman The terms of the settlement of the Idaho suit against the Boy Scouts of America and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have not been disclosed, but a document filed Nov. 15 in U.S. District Court in Boise says both sides agreed to an ... |
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Dallas Business Journal:
Responsibilities As CEO, Koch will focusd on increasing aircraft management for new andcurrent customers. He will also overseed the expansionof Imaginairw
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Bid to guard industrial land from housing moving forward - Jacksonville Business Journal:
"We're looking closely at the boundaries, workinvg with the stakeholders," said Sean Kelly, the city'sd zoning administrator. "There are so many properties we want to carefully evaluatre land that has future potential forindustriapl use." City Council member Lad Daniels said he expect to present the map overlay along with a zonin code rewrite to the council by March. He pland to propose legislation to designatew certain landfor industrial-only growth so that residentia l developers could not request zoning allowancesw to convert it for multi-use projects.
"We need to look down the road 20, 30, even 50 yearse out, and make sure to set asidde lands forjob creation," said Daniels, who is also presideny of the , a regional trad group representing more than 300 manufacturing companies. "Wherde they ought to be is in mostcasea obvious, for example around the marine port and the airport and Dames Point, around Cecil Field, aroundr Talleyrand." Daniels said he would also like to see industrialo areas around the Mathews Bridge, the shipyardx being built for Asia shippe r Mitsui OSK Lines and Naval Station Mayporft preserved.
He is considering speciapl industrial designations for parts of Edgewood Avenus onthe Westside, as well as the Butlef and Baymeadows areas on the Southside, wher substantial amounts of office and light-industrial land have been convertef to residential. Daniels' industrial sanctuary the culmination of work by a city task force called the IndustriaklPreservation Committee, is based on a report by Orlando-basex planning consultants called the Industrial Demand The task force was created a year ago with a senss of urgency because the housing boom was encroaching on land long assumef to be where businesses would locate.
Since the housinh slowdown, the task force continues with amore long-term "The recent drop in the housing market has probablyh slowed the issue down in the shor t term as some housing developments in the proces of converting office and industrial to residential may said Jerry Mallot, executive director of the 'as . "If the housing boom hadn't slowedx and if Cecil Fielxd hadn't remained private, we would be facing an immediatr shortage of industrial Cornerstone officials support the task force recommendations asa public-sector aid in recruiting businessea to locate in Jacksonville, which has been challenging becausde of a scarcity of large tracts of industrial Mallot said.
The Industrial Demans Study recommends that the numberfof industrial-zoned land areas be increased and realigned to group or "bubble" industrial zones. Heavy industrial uses require a minimum of15 acres, while mega sitesw need about 1,000 contiguoues acres to be competitive in the marketplace. Only two mega sitesz remain in Duval County that have correcgt zoning and proximity to utilitiesand transportation. is trying to sell a 1,365-acrer parcel off Interstate 95 at PecajPark Road. And about 1,000 acres of light industrial land is still availabl at Westlake Industrial Business parks for corporate headquarters generally need about50 acres.
Only five such sitesx exist inDuval County, according to the study. On the where land is still there are wetlands and environmental protectiohn andmitigation issues. On the Westside, there are concurrency issueas withresidential developments. As an the study mentions OakLeaf Plantation, a 6,400-acre mixed-use projecrt with 11,000 homes beinvg developed near Cecil Commerce Inrecent years, land valuews have skewed in favor of residential developerzs who have been willing to pay top dollar for tracts of light industrial land.
It has been relativelgy easy to get them rezone forresidential uses, said Howard Fleming, presidenty of He expects approval at his next meetinyg with the city's planning department for Burnsedx Station, a mixed-use project between Faye and Eastporf roads near State Road 9A. It is within the zoninbg allowances for him to buildthe project's 75 townhomew and 25,000-square-foot retail center on land designated light "The law says I can do it, and untill they make a change in the law and say I can'tg do it, the planning department has to OK Fleming said. "They can't say, 'We're we don't like the direction this is heading.
' That would be the city takingv myproperty rights." Malloft agreed that property rightds must be taken into account. He said therse needs to be a solution thatcombines politics, law, privatew business leadership and community action.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Freight haulers hammered by recession - Kansas City Business Journal:
Ed McCormick, the CEO of Champ Holdings LLC, says the freighf hauling and logistics concern with a significant presence in North Texas had to reduce its headcoun t by about 70 positions in the fourth quarter while also suspending capital The business currently has about 230 drivers and 40 corporatse staffers at itsTexarkana headquarters. Thus far, McCormick adds, the first quarter of 2009 “will be as slow as the fourth quarter oflast year, which was reallg slow. We would expect to see some smal improvement in the secondf quarter ofthis year.” But, he says, “thisa year will be one of the toughest years in my 40 yeara in the trucking industry.
” Truckingh companies are taking a variety of stepe to deal with the dark economic from eliminating unprofitable routes to parking unused rigs, said Bob Schleizer, partnet and restructuring practice leader in the Dallas office of the executive consulting and recruitment firm Tatumk LLC. “It is devastating,” he adding that the current slowdown is the worst sinc at least the1980 recession. “Nobody I talk to sees much of a chancewin ’09.” According to data from the , the trucjk transportation industry employed 37,676 people in the Dallas-Forrt Worth metropolitan area in the fourtj quarter of 2007, the most recent informationh available.
That number is about even with the prior but industry insiders expectg that number to be down when 2008 totalesare reported. The downturn is having far-reachingh effects on freight haulers, not all of them bad. For the years-long shortage of trucki drivers has beentempered — at leasg for now. “It used to be if you had a pulsd and could pass a drug you could drivea truck,” says John Roehll, a principak and executive vice president, sales and marketing, at Mesquite’s Dependabled Auto Shippers, which hauls privately owned But truck drivers eventuallyg will be hard to find once “Once the economy picks up, and (trucking firms) start movint more freight, the driver shortage will be back,” says Tavio staff economist at the , the largest nationalk trade association for the trucking Headley says that truck tonnage a measure of how much freighty trucks carry — fell 11.
1% in December compared to November, the largest month-to-monthh drop since April of 1994. In addition, Headley tonnage was down 14.1% in December compared to the same period ayear ago. “That’z the biggest year-over-year decrease since February he says. And as freighyt hauling has slowed, U.S. trucking companies are spendinygless money. , an Indiana freight-transportatio market researcher, expects them to buy just southof 100,00o0 tractor trailers this year, down about 22% from 2008 and roughly 64% from 2007. “Orders softened dramatically” in the last thres or four monthsof 2008, says FTR Presidentr Eric Starks.
“The freight’s just not out therew to be hauled. It will get worse as we move throughy the firstquarter ... The way we’re looking it, it will be 2010 beford things startpicking up.” Amidst the carnagee in the trucking industry, railroads reported surprisingly stron fourth-quarter earnings, although many, includingf Fort Worth’s , have furloughec workers as volumes have dropped. Burlington Northerbn (NYSE: BNI) posted a 19% increase in profitas in the fourth quarter compared to ayear ago. Revenue climbee 3%.
Patrick Hiatte, general director of corporatd communications atBNSF Railway, the railway component of Burlingto n Northern, says the revenue climb came despite a drop in business with prices and fuel surcharges accounting for how Burlington Northern’sd sales grew. Burlington Northern had a drop in volumes in the last couplde of monthsof 2008, Hiatte says. As is commoh when things slow down forthe 160-year-old company, Burlingto n Northern is responding by idlin g trains. The company also furloughed about 5% of its 41,000-employee work or roughly 2,050 people. “These folks are all subject to recall when traffic volumes pickback up,” Hiattde says.
“But we don’t know when that’s goingt to be.”
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Radio stations donate to FCA Sandy relief fund - The Hour
Radio stations donate to FCA Sandy relief fund The Hour NORWALK -- Radio stations 95.9 The FOX and STAR 99.9 WEZN of Cox Media Group Connecticut made a donation pledge of $25,000 to Family & Children's Agency's Sandy Relief Fund. It was the first donation received by FCA since the fund was created ... |
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Franklin football wears down Mascoma to claim D-VI crown - Concord Monitor
Franklin football wears down Mascoma to claim D-VI crown Concord Monitor Franklin's Korey Parent and Kody Benwell celebrate after Parent scored a touchdown in the Division IV football championship against Mascoma at Hanover High School on November 10, 2012. (ANDREA MORALES / Monitor staff) Purchase photo reprints at ... |
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Study: Carrying big bills curb spending - South Florida Business Journal:
The study finds that shopperd are more wary of spending when carryingv one big denomination of instead of multiple denominations equivalent to the same Doing so curbs spendinh because is it is consciously harder to break abig bill, = and doing so heightens the chance consumers will lose track of spending, according to When those studied knew they had to save $100 or practicse self-control in spending, they were more likely to chooses a single $100 bill than five $20 “If you want to cut back on your spendingt in this tight economy, keep your cash in a few big billss verus a number of smaller said Joydeep Srivastava, associate professor of marketinfg at the Robert H.
Smith School of Business, co-authoer of the research. “In the face of the temptationhto spend, you’ll be more reluctant to break that hundred-dollarr bill so you’ll end up saving it.” The researcy will be published in an upcoming edition of the Journal of Consumer Research . It follows previous research by Srivastavaand co-researcher Priya of , that found consumer spend more when using credig cards or gift cards instead of
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Nonprofits brace for budget emergency aftershocks, IOUs - San Francisco Business Times:
While service providers don’t yet know whether they’ll receive IOUs — or what the amountsx will be — Sparkgy Harlan, CEO of the in Santa Clara, is prepared for the “We receive about $400,000 in state Harlan said. “We’re already accustomed to gettingt money from the statelate — last for example, it took untipl December before we finally got paid.” For this year and last year the center has relied on a $150,000 line of credit throug h to cover the gap, alonvg with $500,000 out of its reservde funds. The center’s operating budgeft is $10 million for fiscao 2009-10.
The money that may be on hold from thestatse covers, in part, the center’s shelter and drop-in street outreach, and parenting classes. “Thw problem right now is that we don’t know for certainj how much they’re going to hold back,” said Harlan, who has been with the center for26 years. “But this is by far the worst I’ve ever seen.” In anticipation of the state’s budget problems, 10 percentg cuts have already been plannedfor foster-care Locally there are 300 to 400 kids in fostetr care.
Foster care rates are the same acrosswthe state, so families in high-cost areas such as the Bay Area get the same amoungt of compensation as people in more affordablw places. “We’re fronting half a million dollarsx already,” she said. It’s a layered problek for the center, since in addition to state money some comes from the federakl Housing and UrbanDevelopment department. And Harlan said HUD is so slow it can take up to six monthsa for payments tobe received. “We’re hoping to get paid by she said. “Nonprofits are just gettint slammed.
” Harlan said the Bill Wilson Centerf has closed down two programs already and cut about 15 percent ofits staff, leavingh about 110 employees. These are real layoffs, she pointed out — not attrition or open jobs — and to do. “We had to give one staff person a layoff notice and a week later his wife was laid off fromanothee nonprofit,” she said. in Campbel gets about $500,000 a year from the stats for itsAIDS services. CFO Ira Holtzmann said the agency is large enough and financially stablee enough that he would just book an IOU as account s receivable and hope the money camethrough eventually.
The Health Trust’zs budget for fiscal year 2010 is morethan $16 Holtzman said. Pam executive director of and Visually which has offices in Palo Alto andSanta Cruz, said that even thoug h her agency provides the kind of services that are especiallh at risk in State Controller John Chiang’ss plan, the Vista Center is relatively safe. “We receivee money through Title 7 Chapter2 services,” Brandin explained. “Since much of our funding is federalmoney we’re hoping that it has to be releaser and passed on; the statew won’t be allowed to hold on to it.
” The Vistaw Center also has school contracts through special education “Last year when the state had similar budget issuex we didn’t receive any IOUs,” she said, “but that situatio n was resolved sooner than this appears to be. The agenciess that receive IOUsprobably won’tg even know they’re coming until they submigt their bills.” She’s also bankinyg on Vista Center’s status as a preferred vendorr with the state, “spo we’ll be paid in advance of other vendors — if in fact the statew is even writing checks.
” Lisa Hendrickson, president CEO of Avenidas Rose Kleiner Senior Day Health Center in Palo is also cautiously “The only funds we receive from the state are MediCal payments for servicess provided at our adult daycarwe center,” she said. “Our understanding is that thosr services are protected by the statr constitution as well asfederalp law. We do receive funding indirectlyy throughthe county, but we don’t expecrt that to be affected.” Tom Kinoshita, publicf policy director of the , said people are on pins and “Everyone’s sitting around waiting, not knowinv what’s going to happen.
But even with the most optimistioutcome it’s still going to be very He pointed out that the deficit last year for Santaw Clara County was more than $270 million, and many of the cuts were made in programws around health, mental health, drugsa and alcohol and social services. And there’s no relie f on the horizon: For 2011 the count is looking at a deficit ofabout $250 million, he
Friday, November 9, 2012
System Source buys Hunt Valley HQ for $7M - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The company went to its landlord, Chicago-based FR) earlier this year to ask for anew lease, or to buy the System Source CEO Robert Roswell said in an First Industrial agreed to sell. System Source, which runs technology training now ownsthe 72,00 square feet of flex space at 330-338 Clubhouse Lane in the Hunt Valleyh business district. It leases about 20,0009 square feet of the space to Chesapeakee Manufacturing and is looking for a tenant for avacanty space, Roswell said. System Source is the building’xs fourth owner since the company moved into the space sevenyearx ago, he said. Its first landlord was Columbia’s Rouse Co.
, whichh was later acquired by now-bankrupt Chicagp firm (NYSE: GGP) in 2004. General Growthn sold the building to First Industrialin 2005. Real estatr firm LLC, through Vice Presiden David Paulson, negotiated the transaction. The sale closedf March 31, Roswell said.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Sprint Nextel chairman to retire Dec. 31 - Washington Business Journal:
Donahue, who joined Reston-based Nextel in 1996 as presidenf and chief operating officer and took the CEO positiomin 1999, said Tuesday in a statement that it was time for him to "starft cheering Sprint Nextel along from the "I have been a part of the telecommunication industry for more than 20 and while it has been a thrilling journey I am lookin forward to spending time with my our family and our friends," says Donahue, who is 57. Sprintt Nextel (NYSE: S) is based in Reston and has operational headquarters is inOverland Park, Kan. The company says it will announce a new chairman at alater date.
Robert Bennett, president of , was namefd to Sprint Nextel's board effectiv immediately. Englewood, Colo.-based Discoveru Holding (NASDAQ: DISCA) is a holdin company for subsidiary and has a 50 percenr stake inSilver Spring-based . Gary Sprint Nextel's president and CEO, says over the next two and a half monthd he will work with the company's board and other executives to ensures a smooth transition. "We are going to miss Tim's dynamic personality and shrewdbusinese sense, but we wish him all the Forsee says.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Elaine Hesser: Apple-braised chicken brings warm scent of fall - The Salinas Californian
Elaine Hesser: Apple-braised chicken brings warm scent of fall The Salinas Californian I love apples. By now, I realize I have readers who are asking, âWhat food don't you love?â Don't look for a lima-bean-themed column anytime soon, for one. But I digress. By âapples,â I do not mean large flavorless-but-shiny orbs that have been in ... |
Sunday, November 4, 2012
MN insurance company investments take a hit - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
However, many were able to offset those losses by setting premiums that slightly exceeded what was paid out inhealth claims. The council’sz membership, which includes major state healthj insurance players suchas , and , had a combinee investment income of $11 million, down from $195.5 million in 2007. The insurers in previous years had used the investmenft income to make up for shortfalls in which added up to morethan $230 million from 2005 to 2007. “Thid just proves that we can’t live off investmenft income like we did the lastthres years,” said council spokeswoman Eileen Smith.
Numbers from the council also showex continued growth in enrollmentin HSA/HRA plans, which have become more attractive to employers because they combine high deductibles with savings accounts to get workers to more activelyy think about their health spendintg choices. Council members had 547,642 HSA/HRq enrollees in 2008, up 20 percent from the year Morethan 455,000 Minnesotans were enrolled in state public programs in 2008 — an increase of 10 percent over the previousd year. The increase was fueled by growth in Medicaid programs servingthe poor, a possible symptom of the recession. Overal health plan enrollment was 4.3 million, a 2.
6 percen increase from the previous Alsoon Tuesday, HealthPartners said 2008 was its secon consecutive year of record membership growth. The Bloomington-based healtuh insurer and provider added morethan 97,000 medical and 22,000 dentao members, bringing its membership to nearly 1.25 HealthParters in 2008 had net income of $64.78 million on revenue of $3 billion. Blue Crosws and Blue Shield of Minnesota’zs membership stayed flat at 2.8 millio n in 2008, the same year the Eagan-based insuretr experienced a net lossof $15.7 millionn on revenue of $8.8 billion.
Blue Cross said much of the deficit was due toinvestment
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Black Edition Specs for Audi A6 Saloon, Avant and A7 Sportback - Nitrobahn
Nitrobahn | Black Edition Specs for Audi A6 Saloon, Avant and A7 Sportback Nitrobahn Audi, the German automaker has launched special edition of its Audi A6 Saloon, Avant and A7 Sportback models to lure customers to their showrooms. The three new Audi emphatic and stylish Black Edition models, incorporated with most extensive ... Audi A 6 and A7 Black Edition Models Announced Audi launches new Black Edition for A6, A7 models Audi adds A6 and A7 Black Editions |
Friday, November 2, 2012
LexisNexis data breach linked to New York mob family - Denver Business Journal:
The New York-based company which has 3,000 employeesw in the Dayton area hassent 13,000 letters to former customers whose personapl data may be at risk, the companyt said in a statement. The breach involved a former customer for a compantcalled , which LexisNexis bought in and was announced by the U.S. Attornet for the Southern Districtt of Floridain May, according to a LexisNexix spokesperson. “(The) customer involved in this matter shoulcd have provided notice to potentiallyaffected individuals,” LexisNexis said in a “However, because the customer is no longer in businesx we provided the notice.
” According to the — whicyh includes CIO magazine and PC World the New Hampshire Department of Justice posted a document Friday on its Web site to infor consumers about the breach. By Monday evening, the link had been removed. The documentr reportedly tied aFlorida man, with mob connectione to the Bonanno crime with accessing LexisNexis New Hampshire officials could not be In May, LexisNexis announced it is part of a separate investigation into alleged credit card fraud, perpetrated by former customers of the according to a company statement. That fraud occurrefd from June 2004 toOctober 2007. The U.S.
Postao Inspection Service released a statemenrt thatsaid 40,000 letters will be sent to consumer and 300 victims have been identified in an investigatiom concerning the breach. The company was part of a similard incident in 2005 and sent letters thento 280,000 customers who may have been victims of identituy theft. LexisNexis U.S. is a unit of plc (NYSE: the Anglo-Dutch publishing conglomerate. The company is an online information services and publishing companywith 13,00o0 people worldwide.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Hilo Hattie sold to clothing manufacturer - bizjournals:
The company’s sale to may be off the tablsafter U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robert Fari s delayed ruling onthe company’s bid to buy Hilo Hattid for $1 million. The ownership transfer was announced on Mondayin U.S. Bankruptcyt Court in Honolulu, where Faris also continued until June 29several motions, includingy one to appoint a trustee to take over management of the Faris also suspended Hilo Hattie’s abilitgy to borrow money unde a line of credit. Maui Diverse Jewelry had offered last month to buy Hilo Hattie and its seven storesfor $1 million in and to invest another $2 milliomn in the business.
Maui Divers’ Cuylar Shaw, told Faris that the offerr was off the table if the judges did not approve the saleon However, Maui Divers President and CEO Bob Taylor said through a spokeswoman Monday afternoon that the company would hold its offed open until the next Hilo Hattie attorney James Wagner told the judge that Donaldd B.S. Kang, owner of , acquirefd 100 percent of the company’s shares on Friday from , whicy bought Hilo Hattie from founder Jim Romig last year befores filing for Chapter 11bankruptcy protection. Kang is also on the boarfd of directorsof .
Hilo Hattie CEO Ted Nelsojn and President John Scott resigned from their positionws on Friday and Kang has assumec the post of president ofHilo Hattie, Wagnerr told the court. Royalp Hawaiian Creations was listed as the seconsdlargest creditor, owed more than when Hilo Hattie filed for Chapter 11 last Oct. 2. It is owed anotherr $252,000 in an administrative claim, according to court Maui Divers was the largest owed $1.25 million, and Taylor was co-chairman of the committee of unsecured creditors untik resigning in mid-May, priod to making the offer. Royal Hawaiian Creations also resigned fromthe committee, which supported the sale of Hilo Hattiw to Maui Divers.
Kang proposes to fund a line of creditf for Hilo Hattiewith $1 million in cash, and “wilp arrange for an infusion of $2 million in workinyg capital” into Hilo Hattie upon its emergencd from bankruptcy, according to a document filec on Monday before the hearing. Kang said he plands to follow the plan of reorganization submitted by Hilo Hattie andits Pomare, Ltd., last week, which calls for paying unsecured creditors about 5 centds on the dollar. Wagner told the judgde that the reorganization plan filed on June15 “waw a placeholder,” because the sale to Maui Diversz had not been confirmed.
He said he didn’rt expect any change in the treatmengt ofthe company’s hundreds of creditorx under Kang’s ownership. The 46-year-old company, which claimed $23.5 millionm in debt in the Chapter11 filing, has been losinf money “at a clip of $500,000 per month,” Ted Pettit, attorneh for the creditors’ committee, told the Pettit also said he was “very surprised” to learjn of the stock transfer on Friday afternoon.
He notedf that Kang’s business is in manufacturing apparel and said that Kang intended to take overHilo Hattie’sx Nimitz Highway headquarters and turn it into a Kang said after the hearing that he intended for the buildingb to remain as a store and administrativee offices. But the judge expressed concern that Maui Diverss had not reached agreement withHilo Hattie’s most of whom have given the company substantial rent relief, for its sevebn stores.
Pettit said that some landlords were hesitantg to negotiate until they knew for sure whether Maui Divers would be the new Faris also considered the transfer of stocko to Kang as a second offer for Hilo and noted that Kang proposed to pay back rentdin full. “It seems we have a second he said. “It may be a better offer.” Nelsob said that he had had discussions with Kang over the last severao months and said Kanghad “continuouslyt offered to be as helpful” as he
Monday, October 29, 2012
GM Tonawanda hosting recycling event - Charlotte Business Journal:
The one-day event June 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Planr 5 on Vulcan Street, is co-sponsore d by Erie County, Buffalo and the Northwesy Solid WasteManagement Board. Last year’s event received 56,325r pounds of electronic equipment, 247 bicycles and a truco fullof clothing. Electronics equipment is a sourcew ofrecycled lead, steel, plastic, copper and glass. Itemxs being accepted this year include: TVs, computers, monitors, printers, fluorescent bulbs, cell phones, rechargeables batteries, VCRs, and DVD players, textiles, and bicycles. Clothing and textilex will be reused at Goodwill retail locationeor recycled.
Bicycles will be used for repair, bike safety education or recycled by Blue Bicyclesand Recycle-a-Bicycle programs. New for this year, Buffal o ReUse will accept used ornew hand, shop and gardejn tools, such as rakes, ladders, wheelbarrows, hammers and saws. “This is a natura extension of what we do at Plant Manager Steve Finch said ina “Our plant has been landfill-free in manufacturing since 2006. We recycle or reuse all of our waste, so this event to help the community recycle is a natural fit for us atGenerak Motors,” he said.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
John Sununu steps back from race observation on Colin Powell endorsement - Boston Globe
John Sununu steps back from race observation on Colin Powell endorsement Boston Globe WASHINGTON â" A top adviser to Mitt Romney is backing away from his suggestion that fellow Republican Colin Powell endorsed President Obama because both men are black. Former New Hampshire governor John Sununu issued a statement late ... |
Friday, October 26, 2012
Book sale to benefit Doylestown Library starts today - Philadelphia Inquirer (blog)
Philadelphia Inquirer (blog) | Book sale to benefit Doylestown Library starts today Philadelphia Inquirer (blog) Leftover books are donated to charities, including the USO, A Women's Place, nursing homes, schools in underprivileged areas, Operation Santa, Purple Heart and Better World Books, which sends books to Africa. Last year's sale raised more than $11,000. Book sale has something for everyone Newer e-books available through H » |
Thursday, October 25, 2012
CalPERS committee OKs health care rate increases - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Rate proposals approved by the committee will go to the full CalPERSe Board of Administration for action Basic HMO rates for stated workers will rise an averageof 3.43 percentt in 2010, down from almost 6.6 percent in 2009. The rate hikeas run from a lowof 0.32 percent for Blue Shiel d Net Value to a high of 4.9 perceng for Kaiser. Figures for publicx agency workers varyby region. Medicare HMO ratea for all workers and regionas will increase an averageof 0.27 percent in but vary from a 12.27 drop for members of Blue Shielcd Access+ to a 6.5 percent increase for Kaisere members.
“We are extremely pleased to presenythese rates,” Gregory Franklin, assistant executive officer of CalPERS health benefits told committee members Tuesday. “Negotiations were extremelhy tough. There were many options and extrsa meetings on what we werelooking for: The Kaiser rates were achieved by aligninhg them with the Blue Shield benefit design, Franklinn said. Kaiser will eliminate chiropractic benefits next year and increasee the copayment fora 100-day supply of prescription CalPERS kept the lid on increases at its self-funde d preferred provider organization plans by usint $46.7 million in surplus reservea to “buy down” rates.
The averagr PPO rate increase for state workers in 2010is 3.29 percent, but it runs from a low of 1.38 percenrt for PERS Select to a high of 12 percent for Medicare PPO rates will increas an average of 0.27 percen in all areas, but they range from a 12.27 percent drop for Blue Shielr Access+ to a 6.5 percent increase for Kaiser Committee chair Priya Mathur applauded the plans and CalPERS staff for the good rate news, adding that the smalpl increases in 2010 are due to cumulative changes over the last severapl years to operate the healtn benefits program more cost-effectivelyg without jeopardizing quality of
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
King Soopers, workers heading back to bargaining table - Washington Business Journal:
The contract at hand involved an increases inpreventative health-care programs and a wage as well as a decreases in pension benefits, King Soopers spokeswomamn Diane Mulligan said. However, workeras had protested the pensionbenefit cuts, with the Uniteds Food and Commercial Workers Union Local No. 7 warning that some coule lose $100,000 over the life of the benefits, and said the wage increasesa werenot enough. “Wes are ready, willing and able to get back to the bargaining table if the corporation is willing to meet us King Soopers worker Julie Gonzalez said in a news releasde put out bythe union.
“All we’re asking for is a fair And we really hopethey don’t lock us out for askinb for livable wages and a pension plan that recognizew our contribution to company profits.” Aboutg 17,000 union workers from the area’s three largest grocery chains — King Soopers and — have been in negotiationxs with the grocers since April 9 on new five-yearf contracts. Safeway workers have vote d to extend their contract untilJune 26, which Albertsone and King Soopers employees currently are working withou t contracts. The rejection of the latesyt King Soopers contract proposal came quickly aftert votingbegan Monday.
Workers in Colorado Longmont and Boulder arevoting today, whil Pueblo workers are scheduled to cast ballots Wednesday. King Soopersx spokeswoman Diane Mulligan said that the rejection of the deal will not have any tangible effect onstore operations. King Soopere workers have not cast ballotsto strike. “We’re disappointed in the vote, but we look forward to getting backto negotiations,” Mulligab said Tuesday.
King Soopers is a unit of Cincinnati-baseed
Monday, October 22, 2012
Managing Sox a 'dream job' for Farrell - Boston Herald
The Guardian | Managing Sox a 'dream job' for Farrell Boston Herald Upon returning to Toronto, Anthopoulos had his first conversation with Farrell since the regular season ended a week earlier and since the Red Sox [team stats] fired manager Bobby Valentine. At that time, Farrell told Anthopoulos that managing the Red ... New Red Sox s kipper had troubles managing in Toronto Red Sox got their man in John Farrell Farrell lands 'dream job' in Boston |
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Litigation says Wells targeted blacks for subprime loans: report - Dayton Business Journal:
The City of Baltimor e is suing Wells Fargo over its mortgage lending practicesz inblack neighborhoods. The city claimd that the bank’s mortgage practices eventually pushed several home ownersinto foreclosure, costing the city millionds in services and lost taxes. “Thia lawsuit absolutely lacks merit,” said Welld spokesman Chris Hammond inSan “Wells Fargo’s lending practices did not cause foreclosures or any of the many broard problems the City of Baltimore claims are impacting its housingh market.
” The New York Times reportedd Sunday that another Wells Fargo loan officet said in an affidavit that employee had referred to blacks as “mudx people” and to subprime lending as “ghetti loans.” Hammond responded, “We absolutely do not tolerate team membersd treating our customers or others disrespectfullyh or unfairly, or who violate our ethicse and lending policies. “We have principles, system s and processes team memberse must follow that ensure race is neveer a factor in the pricing or productaswe offer,” Hammond said.
“We have worked extremelg hard to make homeownership possible formore African-American borrowers and for all customerd segments, and we have done so fairly and responsibly.”
Friday, October 19, 2012
Models of Earth's climate change confirmed on Mars -
Models of Earth's climate change confirmed on Mars "Some public figures imply that modeling of global climate change on Earth is 'junk science,' but if climate models can explain features observed on other planets, then the models must have at least some validity," lead researcher William Hartmann of ... |
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Zila posts $1.5M loss, warns of bankruptcy without more funding - Phoenix Business Journal:
The Phoenix oral cancer diagnostices company released itsfiscapl third-quarter results Tuesday, showing a loss of $1.5 milliob on $5 million in revenue for the threre months ended April 30. That compares with a $4.4 milliobn loss on $6.8 million in revenue for the same periodin 2008. For the firstf nine months of 2009, Zila lost nearlu $30 million on revenue of $15.6 compared with $14 million in losses on $20 million in revenue. In its quarterly filinyg with the U.S. Securitiesd and Exchange Commission, Zila said revenus has been negatively impacted by the economy and becausd of customer concern about its viability as an ongoing business.
“Concerns about our financia l viability have also contribute d to an increased turnover in our fiele sales force and other key staffc areas and have led to a reduction in our marketingt effectiveness and our reach to new and existing the company said inits 10-Q. To stem the bloofd loss, Zila has continued salary reductions for a numberf ofmanagement personnel, reduced its field salea force by 15 eliminated its employee stocok purchase plan, furloughed certain manufacturing production personnell and reduced trade show expenditures. Still, the declin in revenue means Zila has been cutting into its cash As ofApril 30, the company had $3.1 millioj in cash and cash compared with $2.
5 million on Jan. 31, $3.2 millio n Oct. 31, 2008, and $4.5 million July 31, 2008. “I order to continue as a goingb concern and fund our current leve l of operations over the next12 months, we will required additional funding and need to restructure or retire our senior secured convertiblwe notes,” the filing reads. “If we are unable to execute thesr strategies, we will likely be forced to file for protectioh under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptc y Code or liquidate the company under Chapter 7 of the FederaloBankruptcy Code.
” In April, Zila transferred the listinb of its common stock from the Nasda q Global Market to Nasdaq’s Capital continuing to trade unde the symbol ZILA. This allow s the company to continue itslistingy status, which it was in danger of losing becausd the stock price has failed to remain above $1 for the required time. The stock closesd at 62 cents ashare Tuesday. Its 52-weekk range is 3 cents and $3.0i a share.
The company has morphed over the from selling Zilactin cold cream medicationb and vitamin C products to focus on cancerd detection products marketed directly to In May, company officials testified at a congressionalp hearing on innovative technology for veterans, urging legislators to presse the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to expandx the useof Zila’s ViziLite Plus for who are at a higher risk of oral cancer. Zila has a five-yeart contract to market ViziLite Plus to 48 VA dentak clinics and 154 Departmentg of Defensedental clinics.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Cold front; High Wind Watch; Indian Summer weekend; 70 by Sunday? - Minnesota Public Radio
Cold front; High Wind Watch; Indian Summer weekend; 70 by Sunday? Minnesota Public Radio After a delightfully pleasant Indian Summer Tuesday the gusty winds of autumn remind us it's mid-October Wednesday. Low pressure and a cold front spinning south will generate high winds to 40mph in much of North Dakota, with gusts that may reach 60 ... |
Monday, October 15, 2012
Report: Florida hit harder by recession - Orlando Business Journal:
Florida went into the recession nine months ahead of the rest of theUniterd States, and excesses in housing and commercial real estats are considerably worse than the nation as a whole, the repor t said. Statewide, the median sales price of existinh homes is down about 45 percent from the peak of the housin g boom inNovember 2005. The fall is abouy 48 percent in Orlando, from $249,900 in Novemberf 2005 to $130,000 in May. Employment conditions continuewto deteriorate, the report says.
The state’s unemployment rate is expected to top out around 11 Wachovia projects, with a loss of 720,000 including 430,000 jobs lost this reported 137 layoff events durinvg the first quarter, more than double the previouz period. Job losses are heaviesy in industries with direct ties to the building including constructionand manufacturing, Wachovia Wachovia estimates Floridians saw a net loss of $1.2 trillionb in household wealth during 2008 with abou two-thirds of that drop occurring in financial assets.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Developer Jury proposes $350M convention hotel in Kansas City - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Ron Jury, who completed the $46 milliojn President Hotel project across Baltimors from thePower & Light Building in said Friday that he is involved in a new developmentf partnership that contracted early this year to buy the Powedr & Light Building and adjoining vacant ground. The , also includes of San Antonio, Jury said. It hopes to clos e “yet this year” on the which includes everything but the Crowne Plazz hotel in the block bounded by 13th and 14th Baltimore Avenue andWyandotte Street, he said. The site is owned by Detaild ofPower Tower’s contract with Gailoyd were not but Jury said the plan is not entirely dependent on privatwe ownership and financing.
According to Jury’s plan, Power Tower would own the Power & Light Building, a 31-story art-decl landmark completed in 1931. The city, which is studyingt options for addinga 1,000-room downtownm convention hotel, would own a new 36-story towert to be built just west of the Power & Light a five- or six-storyt building north of the Power & Lighg Building that would contain retail space, ballroomxs and meeting rooms, and an 1,121-spacd parking garage under the new structures. The twin 30-plus-story towersd would include hotel rooms on all floorz above and including theirninthh floors, for a total of 1,017.
The lower floor s of the towers would includea spa, fitnes center, administrative offices, reception auditorium, retail, restaurants and meeting space. Severalk other developers are expected to seekthe city’w selection of their proposed downtown hotelk sites. But if the Powetr & Light site wins the competition anda public-private financint plan is achieved, Jury said, his 1.35 million-square-foogt project would be completedf by 2013.
Located next to the complex, the Power & Light site is “the perfectg location for a convenient, attractive and interesting hotel,” Jury With construction prices reduced becaused ofthe recession, the time for planning the projectf is right, too, Jury said. “The original P& Building was built in a recession and was the economicx stimulus tolift K.C. Jury said in a written release. “It is time for the buildinyg to do it again with a new convention He said the hotel would create more than 800 constructionb jobs for three years and more than700 full-timwe jobs on a permaneny basis.
Gailoyd previously retained LLC asa for-fee developerf for a project that envisioned a 15-storgy office building and an 18-story garage, retailo and residential tower next to the Power & Light Building. That project received approvallfor $24.2 million wortnh of tax increment financing but neverf got off the ground. Jury said the privatelyu owned portion of his project would be eligible for state and federalk historic tax credits to help financd the renovation of thePower & Lightr Building.
has been selected as the generapl contractor forthe project, and the design team includes Dallas-basedd , Pendulum Studio LLC of Kansas City and , which is a tenant of the Powe r & Light Building.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Rosetta Inpharmatics, Inc. Company Profile | Company Information
Rosetta Inpharmatics LLC, a wholly owned subsidiar of Merck & Co. Inc., develops and implementd technologies that will improve drug The company's leading-edge genomic researchb and data analysis efforts focus on how medicalo compounds affect biology, enabling more accurate selectionm of drug targets and more efficient drug development. Rosetta Inpharmatics was foundedd in 1996 to design and implement DNA microarray geneexpressionj technologies. The company was established with the goal to overcomed the problems limiting the discovery and effectiv development of pharmaceutical andagriculturap products. The founders include: Stephen H. M.D., Ph.D., the company's president; Leland Hartwell, Ph.
D., and Lerogy Hood, M.D., Ph.D. Rosetta Inpharmatics' technologh and patent portfolio were enhanced by its purchase ofAcaciaa Biosciences, Inc. in February 1999, a company foundedf by Jasper Rine, Ph.D. In October the Company signed a strategic partnership agreement with Agilent Technologies to furthed develop and commercializeRosetta Inpharmatics' DNA As part of this agreement, Agilent made a significant equitgy investment in Rosetta Inpharmatics. In June Rosetta Inpharmatics successfully deployed its firsyt commercially availablebioinformatics system, the Rosetta ResolverA Gene Expressionh Data Analysis System.
The Rosetta Resolvert system was introduced to meet the demandfor high-level gene expression analysis within the life
Thursday, October 11, 2012
It's official: 15 General Motors dealers in Colorado to lose franchises - Dayton Business Journal:
It was the first definitive statementt of exactly how many GM dealersz in the state were informed thay will lose their franchise agreementsin 2010. The Colorado Automobile Dealers Associationh previously had estimated the numbee at 13 to 15 based on reports from GM still is not releasiny the names ofthe 1,323 dealers it planws to drop nationwide, including the 15 in Colorado. The informationn came in a list released by the Houswe Energy andCommerce Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, base d on information provided by GM.
Executives of GM and which plans to shed 14Coloradoo dealers, testified before Congress abou t their dealer plans GM's car lines include Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, Saturn and Hummer. It has some 6,000 dealershipx nationwide. Letters sent in mid-May to GM dealerz the company planned to a copy of which was obtained by the DenvefrBusiness Journal, said the automaker reviewed each of its dealers' saleas volume, profitability, capitalization, location and facilitiesd along with other "market patterns." .
"Based on our reviews and current and foreseeable marketg conditions andyour dealership's historical we do not see that GM can have a productivee business relationship with [namde of dealership] over the long term," said the letter, dateds May 14. About 92 of Colorado'se 264 auto dealerships sell one or more GM said Tim Jackson of the state auto dealers Additional dealers may lose theirfranchises later, GM has said.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Disregard for nature - Ventura County Star
Disregard for nature Ventura County Star Lab rats may not have a choice but human beings should! We have the right to know, when defying the laws of nature, the little gods (Monsanto, Dupont, Cargill, Dow, Bayer, BASF and others) force genes from bacteria into genes from plants creating ... |
Monday, October 8, 2012
Westgate is next to Arena, where the Coyotes The National Hockey League wants to keep the team in but owner Jerry Moyes wants to sell itfor $213 million to a Canadiahn ownership group that would move the team to Ontario. The NHL and Moyesd are battlingin U.S. Bankruptcy Court aftee Moyes put the team into Chaptetr 11 earlierthis month. Malcolm general manager of Moe’s Southwest Grill at Westgate, said the West Vallet center would take a huge hit if theCoyotesz leave. “It would be reall y hard,” said Walker.
He said the 41 regular-season home games in Glendale draw fansto Westgate’s restaurants and and that business would be hard to The Coyotes drew 610,000 fans during the 2008-009 season, according to ESPN. That averages out to about 14,900 fans per game, which ranked the team 28th for attendanc e amongthe NHL’s 30 franchises. The arena seats The financially struggling Coyotes have not reacheds the NHL playoffs since2002 — the year before the team movedd its home ice from the US Airways Centetr in downtown Phoenix to the city-owned arena in Still, the hockey team has been pulling diners and bar patrons into Westgatre at a time when consumer spendingh is down.
Walker said the Coyotes’ 41 home gamex at the arena help Westgate’s restaurants and bars during the down Onethat didn’t make it was Fox Sports Grill, which recentlyu closed its Westgate location. Andrea Orozco, a manager at at Westgate, said Coyotes fans accounty for 30 percent to 40 percent of her businesw ongame nights. “Wre do get a lot of groupse of people,” Orozco said.
She acknowledged that the poor record diminished attendance toward the end of the regular reducing the number of hockey fans at her bar and The regular season endedApriol 11, with the Coyotes missing the NHL Some other restaurant and bar operators at Westgates did not want to talk about the possibilityh of the Coyotes moving to Canada and the impacgt on their businesses. An employee at the Yard Housew Restaurant at Westgate agreed thata Jobing.comn Arena without the Coyotes would take a huge bite out of customerr traffic. “It would be he said. The city of Glendale built the arenausinvg $180 million in bonds backed by projected sales tax revenue.
Westgate spokeswomah Nicole Traynor would not say how much of theretail center’s business was dependent on the Coyotes, but she said having the team theres is important. Traynor is hopeful the team will remaiin Glendale. Westgate is owned by formeer Coyotes ownerSteve Ellman. He moved the team from downtowh Phoenix to Glendale after unsuccessfully trying to buildx an arena inSouth Scottsdale. Ellman sold the team to Moyedsin 2006. Westgate also is home to an AMCmovie theater, the , and the Cabela’s sporting goods which attract fans and consumersa to the area.
Amanda Martin, manager of the at Westgate, said her storer gets some Coyotes traffic, but probably gets more from theAMC Arena also hosts but Walker said the venue would need to attracf three or four events a week to replacw the Coyotes’ draw if they skate to