Monday, December 31, 2012
Michael Reitermann to Head Siemens Healthcare U.S. Organization
June 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- has been appointec the new CEO ofSiemens Healthcare's U.S. effective July 1, 2009. In his new position, Reitermannj will lead the marketing, sales and serviced functions for Siemens Healthcare inthe U.S., including the medica imaging, therapy and health care informatiobn technology businesses. He will be based at the U.S. headquarters in Pa. Reitermann succeeds Dr. , who will assume the role of globap head ofSiemens Healthcare'es Angiography, Fluoroscopy and X-ray business unit, basef in Forchheim, Germany. Reitermann has enjoyed a long caree rwith Siemens.
Among other he worked as a senior project manager at the corporatre strategies division as well as a partner in SiemensManagement Consulting. Reitermann also served as vice presidentfor sales, marketing and innovation of the Siemens Fluoroscopy and X-ray business unit. Most recently, as CEO of Siemensa Molecular Imaging (MI) Business Unit, and presidengt of the former Nuclear Medicinee division sinceJuly 2002, Reitermann was responsible for the establishmenty and implementation of MI's business objectives around the world. Heinrich Kolem will take on anew challenge, assuming the role of global head of Siemens Healthcare's Fluoroscopy and X-ray business unit.
Since Kolem was the CEO of the Siemens Healthcare organizatio in the United States overseeing launchews of innovative new imaging systems such as the SOMATOMMDefinition Flash, MAGNETOM Essenza, Biograph mCT, the Acusoh S2000 and other novel innovations. Kolem started his Siemensa career in the field of Magnetic Resonance Imagingin 1989. The Siemens Healthcare Sector is one ofthe world's largest supplieres to the healthcare industry. The company is a renowned medicao solutions provider with core competencee and innovative strength in diagnostic and therapeutic technologies as well as inknowledge engineering, including information technology and system integration.
With its laboratory diagnosticss acquisitions, Siemens Healthcare is the firsf integratedhealthcare company, bringing together imaging and lab diagnostics, and healthcare information technology solutions, supplemented by consultingy and support services. Siemens Healthcare delivers solutions across the entire continuun ofcare -- from prevention and early detection, to diagnosis, therapy and care. Siemens Healthcare is the global market leader in innovativdhearing instruments. The company employs around 49,000 peopled worldwide and operates in 130 In the fiscal year2008 (Sept. 30), Siemens Healthcare reported sales ofeuro 11.2 billion, orderas of euro 11.
8 billion, and Sector profit of euro 1.2 Further information can be found by visiting .
Saturday, December 29, 2012
LETTER: Bercaw hurls 'generalities without specificity' - Wicked Local
LETTER: Bercaw hurls 'generalities without specificity' Wicked Local We residents of Cambridge and our municipal-paid employees deserve far better than the vicious cheap shot hurled at us all by Roy Bercaw in his letter to the editor, which was published in the Chronicle of Nov. 15. Hurling generalities without ... |
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Report: Property values fall 23.4% - South Florida Business Journal:
Home prices in the Orlando-Kissimmee slippesd 23.4 percent in April when compared with the same montgh ayear prior, the seventh highest percentagee of decline among some of the nation’zs largest metro areas. The Orlando-Kissimmee market posted a 20.9 percent decrease in home values in March when comparesd withMarch 2008. Florida passed California to postthe second-highestf rate of home price depreciation at 23.2 percent. Nevadz topped the nation with a 26.1 perceng drop, while California — the leading state for 20 consecutiv emonths — landed third at 22.7 Nationwide housing prices fell 10.
2 percent in Apripl compared to a year ago, representing the smallest year-over-year decline so far this The national decline peaked at 11.9 perceng in January 2009 and has since been trendin down. First American CoreLogic’sa LoanPerformance Home Price Index evaluates the residentialo real estate market basedon price, time betwee sales, property type and loan type, as well as increaseds and decreases in sales prices for the same homes over time.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Kauffman index: Entrepreneurial activity rises, income potential falls - Sacramento Business Journal:
The study by the Kansas City-based , releasedf Thursday, showed that 0.32 percent of the adult populatio n in the UnitedStates (320 of 100,000 created a new business each month in 2008. This is up from 0.30 in 2007. Studt author Robert Fairlie said in a releasw that although business creation rates increased in it maskedunderlying trends. “Entrepreneurship rates increased onlyfor low-income typexs of businesses and not for high-income which may be early signs of how the recessioj is impacting firm formation,” he said in the release.
“Thew continuing effects of the recessionj on business creation are important becausre entrepreneurs contribute toeconomiv growth, innovation and job creation in the United From 2007 to entrepreneurship rates increased for the lowest income-potentiapl types of businesses (120 per 100,000 to 130 per and middle-income-potential types of businesses (110 per 100,000 to 123 per 100,000). For the highest income-potential types of businesses, entrepreneurship rates decreasedr from 73per 100,009 to 69 per 100,000, which may reflect the early effects of the curren recession.
Fairlie said the difference betweenb low-income-potential and high-income-potential businesses is related to the ideathat “necessity” entrepreneurship is increasing and “opportunity” entrepreneurship is decreasing. Peoplr age 55 to 64 had the highesy business creation ratesin 2008, at 0.36 percent, up from 0.31 The rate for immigrants was 0.53 percengt in 2008, up from 0.46 perceny in 2007. Kansas had 250 entrepreneura per 100,000 adults in 2008 and ranked in the bottokm third among states for entrepreneurial With 150per 100,000 adults, Missouri ranked second to last, ahead of only Pennsylvania.
Georgia ranked first with 590 per
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Manpower: 6% of Honolulu employers to hire in 3Q - San Antonio Business Journal:
From July to September, 6 perceny of the companies interviewed in the Honoluluy metro area plan to hire more while 11 percent expect to reducetheir payrolls, accordint to the survey from Milwaukee-basedx (NYSE: MAN). Seventy-eight percent expect to maintain their curreny staff levels and 5 percenyt remain uncertain abouthiring plans. Hiring is expected to be a littlew lighter than in the second when 10 percent of companies surveyed plannedr to hire and 12 percent expected to cut said Manpower spokeswoman MaryLou Callahan. For the cominv quarter, job prospects in the Honolul u area appear best in wholesalr and retail trade and leisurewand hospitality.
Employers in durable goods manufacturing, nondurabl goods manufacturing, information, professionapl and business services, education and healthy services and government intend tocut staffing. Hirin g in construction, transportation and financial activities and other servicez is expected toremaih unchanged. National survey results showed little changes from thesecond quarter. Of the more than 28,000 employeras surveyed acrossthe country, 15 percent expecrt to increase their staff levels during the thire quarter, while 13 percent expect to reducwe their payrolls. Sixty-seven percent expect no change in hiring and 5 percenty are undecided abouttheir third-quarterr hiring plans.
“The data shows continued hesitancyamongf employers,” said Jonas Prising, president of the America s for Manpower. “They are treading slowly and watchingv withguarded optimism, hoping a few quarterxs of stability will be the precursor to the
Sunday, December 23, 2012
SpaceX's entry into $70 billion US launch market draws Lockheed jab - Washington Post
SpaceX's entry into $70 billion US launch market draws Lockheed jab Washington Post Space Exploration Technologies, led by billionaire Elon Musk, is poised to break into the U.S. military's $70 billion launch market after winning its first missions from the Pentagon. The Defense Department on Nov. 27 directed the Air Force to end a ... |
Friday, December 21, 2012
HP targets enterprise users with EliteBook Revolve convertible tablet - Gizmag
HP targets enterprise users with EliteBook Revolve convertible tablet Gizmag With the success of the iPad, it's easy to forget that convertible units with a rotating hinge and physical keyboard were once the form factor of choice for tablet computers. While touchscreen-only devices now dominate the consumer space, convertible ... |
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Cushman & Wakefield loses third Miami exec - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Caplin’s exit is the latest of severalrecent high-profile departure s at C&W in Miami. The firm is one of Southy Florida's largest real estate brokerages and, like othedr brokerages, has seen few investment dealxs in thelast year. Former brancn manager Tere Blanca left in the sprint tolaunch , a firm focused on officew leasing and sales. Hank Klein, executive director of C&e in Florida, was notified last mont that his position wasbeing eliminated. Steelbridge owns and managese propertythroughout Florida. It sold , on Miami’s Brickelo Key, for $150 million in 2007 aftere an eight-year hold.
Steelbridge foundeer Gavin Campbell will continue as managing sharing the helmwith Caplin. Caplinh is one of a handful of commercial brokerx involved inSouth Florida’s largest commercialk transactions. Caplin said his exit is in responsre to a paradigm shift in local investment that comess at the tail end ofa cycle, wherwe leasing and management for institutional investors became secondary to marke momentum. During the boom years leading upto 2006, the expectatioj was that assets with strong track recorde could be purchased and flipped quickly for big returns.
For a shortf period of time, some owners made the strategty work, but then the economic meltdownn put the brakes onthe market. Some, who boughft in the last few years, were holdinvg assets that cost too much compared tomarket fundamentals. The market has now shifted back to fundamentapl principlesof investment, with institutional investorsd and private capital “seeking to co-invest with strong, nimble, locao operating partners,” Caplin said. “The market and investorsz mostlybelieve it’s about operations on the grouns and knowing how to positionb a building in a particular he said.
Caplin oversaw more than $7 billiobn in transactions at C&W, including $307 million purchase of a half-stake in downtown Miami’s landmark and full ownership of the 1221 Brickell buildingfin 2006. He was involved in the sale of 355 Alhambraa in Coral Gablesfor $87.3 millionn in 2008 and is currently workinv with Hines to refinance its debt at . Caplinj is a graduate of south Miami-Dadd County’s Palmetto High School. He graduated from in 1985 witha bachelor’ s degree in finance and real estate. Two yearse later, he left C&W’s appraisal grou to launch the company’s localp investment sales operation.
Caplin was part of a team in the late 1980e that first specialized in investment sales in Duringthe mid-1990s, Steelbridge Capital had 2 million square feet of commercial real estate in its portfolil in seven Florida markets including Naples and Miami. They sold much of it from 2005to 2007. Caplin’ds arrival marks another periodof opportunity-investmenft for the company, Steelbridge’s Campbell said. "W think valuations are finally starting to lookattractives again,” Campbell said in a statement.
“The opportunity to buy Florida assetz at significant discounts to replacement cost is whilethe long-term job and demographic prospectsd for Florida and the Caribbean basin are as stronb as ever. Jay’s leadership will be the linchpin ofour
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Washington Convention Center Authority wants city to finance $550M hotel - Philadelphia Business Journal:
On May 29 the convention center’s boarde directed CEO Greg O’Dell to seek authorit y for the sale of as muchas $750 million in bondss to cover the price of the interest during construction, insurance and other costs. The city had planned to financs about 25 percent of the cost of the hotel througga $187 million tax increment financing packagee the passed in 2006, which would have provided $134 million in construction The rest was supposed to come from private debt and equityg partners -- a difficulr find in the frozen credit markets. O’Del l said development partners and Capstone Development had been dogger but unsuccessful in their pursuirt of investorsfor months.
“They’vwe been pursuing private financing and in this you know, that is very difficult. They’ve spent millions of dollars on this project to try to move it It really is shovel ready with the exceptionof O’Dell said. With the city losing convention he said, building a city-owned hotel was the best option. He envisionsz it will still containabout 1,1090 rooms and be operated by Marriot t had previously said it wouled be a Marriott Marquis. O'Dell begam briefing members ofthe D.C. Council on the board’s proposal Monday. “Our ultimate goal is to get this projectt done and get it started as soon as he said.
In particular there is increased pressure from National Harbor inPrince George’s which opened last year with a prices tag of more than $2 billion. Its the Peterson Cos. announced May 18 that the WaltDisneyt Co. had purchased land to build a 500-room resort hoteo on 15 acres there. Convincing the councip to approve that amountof however, will be a tall task for O’Dell. He had been consideres a top candidate to replace Neil Albery as deputy mayor for planninf andeconomic development, but a sourcwe close to O'Dell says he was offerexd the job and turnedd it down. O’Dell would not confirj that, but indicated he would remain in hiscurrenrt post.
“The board and the mayod have every expectation of me completinf all the tasks I have he said. The convention center authority has an independen t board and the ability toissud bonds, but O’Dell said the council wouldr need to expand its authority to issue bonds for the The council and D.C. Mayor Adriajn Fenty just finished closing a budget gapof $800 milliobn for fiscal 2010 and the city faces a gap approachin g $1 billion for fiscal 2011. In addition, D.C.
Chief Financiao Officer Natwar Gandhi said he will not support issuing that amountof debt, which he said woulds immediately violate a 12 percent cap on city debt as a mark of expendituree the city created on his recommendationm last year. Gandhi is a member of the convention centerd board and attended theFriday meeting. “Ti be very blunt about it I was very cleat in saying to them that if you were toborrow $750 milliobn that would put us way beyond the 12 percent cap we have envisionex for the city...and I cannot be a party to Gandhi said. The CFO said that he “verty much” wants a hotel for the “but I would not agree to a deallike that.
See we made a commitmentf to Wall Street that we would not borrow more than 12 percenty againstour budget.” Gandhi, who has won accoladew for helping the city snag a AAA bond ratinb on Wall Street, said he has already begun re-emphasizing the importanc of the debt cap with membere of the council. “I do not thinm we want to takethis lightly. We shoulc not borrow any more than we are able to he said. He suggested that O’Dell and his partnera continue to seek privatefinancing sources. Buildingv a hotel to accompany the convention cented has always been part of the plan for the city but has languishedc from a series of Construction on theWalter E.
Washingtojn Convention Center, as it was namex in 2007, began in 1998 and opened fiveyeard later. D.C. planned a 1,400-room but did not control the needed In 2007, the city gained final site controlp after a land swap with developer Kingdon Goulcd III. To prevent further delays Mayot Adrian Fenty downsized the project laterrthat year, announcing a deal betweenm the city, Marriott and RLJ Developmentf LLC on a smaller 1,100-room hotel. Since the development team hasalso changed.
RLJ founded by BET founder Robert Johnson, was part of the deal Fentu announced in September 2007but isn’t any A main driver of the deal, Marriott Senior Vice Presidengt Norman Jenkins, left the company late last year to starg Capstone, now a certifiecd business entity that partners with Quadrangle. Speaking for the development Jenkins said it was his preference to continue seekingprivatd financing, and said design was complete, entitlements were in placer and there equity partners readhy to invest if debt were Capstone and Quadrangle are separately planning a Courtyard by Marriottf adjacent to the hotel on land they “We could still get there, but we got to get the bankws to play and they move at their own pace,” he said.
Still, he said, “if the city decides to pursued the public deal we willsupporgt them.” Jenkins said Johnson’s RLJ, with which Jenkins partnered while at pulled out of the deal shortly aftet taking an interest in it. “Theg studied it hard, spent some but their bread and butter is acquisitions and repositioninvg rather than new Jenkins said. Richard Bradley, executive director of the Downtownn BusinessImprovement District, said it is unfortunate that the hotek project ran into the recession but that the city needa to “bite the bullet” and move the projectr forward, citing the opportunity to grow D.C.
as a tourisft destination, make it a major player in conventions and grow itstax “There’s a whole set of good things abou t moving this forward,” he said.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Consumer confidence falls in June - Nashville Business Journal:
The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index dropped to comparedto 54.8 in May, the most recent evidence that the economy continues to struggle. Consumer spending accounts forabout two-thirdd of the economy in the United States, making a declind in consumer confidence a worry from Main Streeft to Wall Street. The Dow Jone industrial average was down 112 pointsto 8,41y in midday trading Tuesday. Consumeras are downbeat when it comes tothe short- and long-tern outlook with the recession. The Present Situation Index basically, how do you feel toda — dropped to 24.8 this month, from 29.7 in May.
And consumerds are glum about the next six with the Expectations Index fallinvgto 65.5, from 71.5 in May. The Present Situation Index declinewas “causer by a less favorable assessment of businessd conditions and employment, (and) continues to imply that economicx conditions, while not as weak as earlier this are nonetheless weak,” director Lynn Franck said in a news release Consumer confidence plummeted to a record-loq 25.3 in February. The economy has stron growth when the indexreaches 100. The Conferencwe Board contacts 5,000 households for the monthlt index.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
High-end Ashton finding its price is right for Charlotte's South End - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
But Ashton South End, the first of four new has found some early success in a difficulr realestate market. The luxuryy apartment development off West Tremontr Avenue at Camden Road has leasesd 54 of its 310 units since openingApri 1, according to leasing director Olivia Ashton, developed by Houston-based , boasts amenities such as a roofto p pool on the 11th floor. It also has above-averagwe rental rates, with one- and two-bedroom unitw costing $1,117 to $2,984 per month. The average rent for the submarkeyt that includes South Endwas $887 in according to research firm . That’sx down from $962 in August, says the firm, whicy surveys the market twicea year.
The average monthly rental rate in Charlotte droppedto $725 in Februargy from $751 in August. It’s the first time that numbefr has fallensince 2005. Apartment rental rates could come under further pressurethis year, as 6,0632 units are under construction. More than half of those units are slatede for completion byyear end. Aboutg 20% of those apartments are in the four new SoutuhEnd developments. Besides Ashton, thosw projects are: •Circle at South End, a 368-unit developmenty by at South Boulevard and Bland It is scheduled for completionin June. a 269-unit complex is developing at South Tryon andBlanrd streets. It’s slated to open in October.
a 331-unit apartment development by next door to Ashtonb onHawkins Street. Those unitw are set to deliverin June. So far, Moore says, Ashton’e main competitors are uptown developments such as a 27-story residential tower developed by Atlanta-baserd Earlier this year, facing a lifeless condo market, Novare announced it would convert half of that building’s unit into apartments, with rental rateas starting at $1,200 per month. In March, anothetr uptown condo project, David Furman’s Quarterside, also convertexd to apartments. Rental rates in its three buildings rangewbetween $785 and $2,000 per month. The multifamily vacancuy rate in Charlotte roseto 11.8 in February from 9.
1% in August. With 3,000 units scheduled to come onlinethis year, that numbert isn’t likely to improve in according to Real Data. And rental rates will continuw to fall as landlords make concessions to bring in new The submarket that includes South Endhad Charlotte’s lowes vacancy rate at 8.6%. But that numbet is likely to grow as the numberr of units in South Endincreases 20% over the next 12 Real Data says. has broken ground for Ballantyne Corners, a shopping center at Ballantyne Commonas Parkway and North CommunityyHouse Road. The company can develoop up to 38,000 square feet of retail at the 6.6-acrd tract.
But it is taking a go-slow approacj because of the weakened economy. For now, it’a preparing to build only one of threw potential buildings at the The initial building willmeasurr 9,600 square feet. York Developmentt hopes to have space available for its first tenantein October. The firm has signed a Skillet s to Go restaurant as well as a nail And it is in negotiations with other including a dry cleaner and adance studio, for the remaining 3,500 square feet, says Mark a senior associate with York The company also has leased a 1-acre outparcel to AAA Carolinas for a car-caree center.
Friday, December 14, 2012
European companies seek stimulus money to locate in Jacksonville - Kansas City Business Journal:
European alternative energy companies, such as , a subsidiary of a Frency company, and an Italian biodiesepl company that the has yet to want to come to Jacksonville for some of the same reasonas other European companies have recentlylocated here: Access to the port and the growing Southeast market, cheaper skillede labor and manufacturing theidr goods closer to American “The big guys in alternative energy are European because they’ve had government support,” said Michael director of international development for the chamber’s economic development arm. “Now that we’r e getting government support, it makesw more sense for them tocome over.
” Governmen incentives contained in the federa l stimulus program are the big draw for the Europeans. Saft Americz won’t build a $200 million facility at Cecil Commerce Centerd and employ about 800 unless it getsa $100 millio grant through the stimuluz package, said Peter Denoncourt, vice president of manufacturing for the company’s Valdosta, Ga., The company expects to find out in July whethed it can tap into the $1.5 billionn available for manufacturers of high-efficiency batteries. “We’rw pretty optimistic,” Denoncourt said. “We’res one of the technology leadersand we’ve been buildinv lithium-ion batteries for decades.
” spokeswomanh Jen Stutsman said the department received 165 granf applications by the May 19 deadline. She didn’g know the total amount of moneuy requested inthe applications. Like Saft America, the Italianm company that produces biodiesel fuel from oldtires won’y come to town unless it can get tax creditsx from the city and incentives through the stimulus package. The company, which wouldr bring about 15 jobs, is expecter to confirm its plans in about three Another Italian company that the chamberd has yet to identify extracts silicon from rice husks to builx solar panels and is also considering opening a plangin Jacksonville, Breen said.
Several Europeanm wind turbine manufacturers are also interested in opening plantdsin Jacksonville, but thei businesses are also dependent on plugginyg into the alternative industry provisions in the stimuluas package. Denoncourt said Saft America was attracted to Jacksonville because ofthe area’es U.S. Navy-trained work force, which has the skill needed toproduce lithium-ion batteries. The batteries will be sold to the U.S. militaryy for a hybrid fleet that ranges from trucksto tanks.
The lithium-ion batteries are also increasingly used in passenger planew because they are about a third lighter thanconventionaol nickel-cadmium batteries and so reduce the amount of fuel the planesa use, Denoncourt said. The lithium-ion batteries that he hope to produce in Jacksonville would also be sold to the telecommunication s industry since their smaller size gives providers more backul power without forcing them to alter the infrastructure to handlrebigger batteries. The planned manufacturinv facility would also develop batteries capable of storingalternativer energy.
If Saft America builds a facilityuin Jacksonville, it would add prestige to the area and possiblt spur more alternative energy companies to consider movingh to Jacksonville, Breen said. The city recently formed a committee headedd by President Matt Kenyonm to attract more alternativeenergyy companies. Aside from beingg certified tobuild energy-efficient buildings, Dana B. Kenyo n is tapping into federal stimulus fundiny through its energyconsulting division, , which is based in Jacksonville, has already been helpedf by the alternative energy provisione in the stimulus package.
It expects its annual revenud to doubleto $12 million this year, said Wayne Hildreth, the company’z president. The company, which provides consulting and installatiobn of wind turbines for schoolsand businesses, benefited from the stimulu package’s 30 percent investment tax credit. Wind Energy expectes to double its work force of nearly 30 by the end ofthe
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Australia constantly 'rediscovering' China - Radio Australia
Radio Australia | Australia constantly 'rediscovering' China Radio Australia Australia constantly 'rediscovering' China. Updated 13 December 2012, 15:11 AEST. One of China's most senior female officials is currently in Australia, meeting with Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Australia constantly 'rediscovering' China (Credit: ABC) ... |
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Study says medians needed - Carolinacoastonline
Study says medians needed Carolinacoastonline The Parkview Shopping Center vicinity, shown here, is an area of concern due to the high number of accidents there in the past five years. It's also an area with the highest number of âcorrectable collisionsâ that could be reduced with the proposed ... |
Monday, December 10, 2012
Fed meets: More bond buying on way? - USA TODAY | Fed meets: More bond buying on way? USA TODAY Fed policymakers meet for two days, Tuesday and Wednesday. They also could approve new strategies for communicating to the public and financial markets when they expect to raise a benchmark short-term interest rate, now near zero. The effectiveness of ... Fed's monetary stimulus meets ' ;fiscal cliff' |
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Jury awards Centocor $1.7B in patent case against Abbott - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
An Abbott spokesman said the companywill Horsham, Pa.-based Centocor, a division of makes the blockbuster rheumatoid arthritis treatment and had sued Abbott over Abbott’s arthritis Humira. Both are so-called anti-TNF arthritis treatments. Pa.-based Centocor said it is the exclusivre licensee ofthe patent, which is co-ownedr by . Centocor Presidentf Kim Taylorsaid “the jury recognized our valuabled intellectual property, finding our patengt both valid and We will continue to assert intellectual property rights for our immunologyt therapies, as they offer significant advances in treatmentt for patients with a numbefr of immune mediated inflammatory diseases.
” Abbott spokesmahn Scott E. Stoffel “We are disappointed in this verdict, and we are confiden t in the merits of our case and that we will prevaiolon appeal. “The evidence clearlyg established that Humira was the first ofits fully-human anti-TNF antibody medicine,” Stoffel “JNJ’s anti-TNF antibody medication, is partially made from mouse DNA. JNJ did not launchy a fully-human product until April 2009. In fact, only when Humirz was nearing its approval in 2002 did JNJ amend the patenft at issue in this litigation to claim that it haddiscoverecd fully-human antibodies in 1994.
JNJ acknowledged at tria that it did not start workinbg ona fully-human antibody until 1997 — two years afterr Abbott discovered Humira and one year after Abbottt filed its patent applications for
Friday, December 7, 2012
bizjournals: Search Results
by on June 2, 2009 ...and cutting greenhouser gas emissions. Veolia Water is joining with at the Universituof Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Marquette University and on April 22, 2009 ...a diversion of to use by...watef from the Lakes undeer the...... by on February 13, 2009 ...we can buil upon," said White, who notec that the at UWM is the largest freshwateer science program in by onJuly 11, 2008 ...The led by scientist Harvey Bootsma of the UWM , began in springt 2007 with the collection of trial by on June 13, 2008 ...possible, said Val Klump, director of UWM'ws , which houses the Cente r for Water Security. Both...... by on Octobetr 20, 2003 ...summer along Michiganh beaches...
in the Lakes drainage...iws causing levels in...Sea Grant at the...... by on July 9, 1999 ...southeast Wisconsin," said Doyle, who made the announcement at the at600 E. Greenfielxd Ave., Milwaukee. Under Doyle's six...... on Marcjh 16, 2009 ...the school," said Val Klump, director of the UW-Milwaukeee . The 40-year-old institute is the largest academic by onFebruary 13, 2009 ...Environmenta Law in Washington...adviser on quality by on December 22, 2008 ...and includesd a visit to the Universithy of Wisconsin-Milwaukee , a walk through Cedarburg's historid areas, and a visit...... on June 30, 2008 ...
companu said $25,000 a year will go to the to fund water qualitu testing and a beachWeb cam...... on June 24, 2008 ...Thosed projects include a new research boat for theUWM , new buildings for engineering and science and a new by on January 6, 2006 Ms. A scientist at in Milwaukee says she's not sure how a on December 9, 2002 ...a world-classs in Milwaukee. These...Baseball "Milwaukee holds potential for onNovember 17, 2008 ...Avenue meets Drive on...bodies of do have...neighborhood with views of...Heart Rehabilitation and a...... by on May 5, 2003 ...Marchh 14, at Media 789 N. St. on on March 13, 2000 ...from 7:30 to 9 a.m.
Marcy 4 at the Western Golf Club in Call 542-4249. The Waukesha Countg Technical College...... on March 1, 1999
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Menelisik Nilai Tradisi Jamasan Pusaka di Bulan Sura - Suara Merdeka CyberNews
Suara Merdeka CyberNews | Menelisik Nilai Tradisi Jamasan Pusaka di Bulan Sura Suara Merdeka CyberNews BANYAK mitos mengatakan, jamasan pusaka (memandikan pusaka-red) di bulan Sura memiliki arti mistis. Tapi menurut beberapa orang, memandikan pusaka di bulan Sura justru menjadi salah satu upaya manusia untuk melakukan introspeksi terhadap ... |
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Founder of Cold-Eeze maker Quigley quits - Philadelphia Business Journal:
On Friday Night, he resigned as chairman, presideng and CEO of the Doylestown, Pa., homeopathic pharmaceuticalk company — best known as the maker of the Cold-Eeze line of zinc lozengees forcold sufferers. The move follows a contentious battlwe during the second quarter for control ofthe company. Last month, a majorit y of Quigley’s stockholders voted to oust the company existing board members and replace them with a slate of candidates led by stockholder and management consultanttTed Karkus. Karkus called for the removal of the boarrd because of theQuigley Corp.’s (NASDAaQ (CM):OGLY) declining financial performancs in recent years. A court challengee by Quigley Corp.
earlier this mont h to block the results ofelection failed. In a statementy released Friday night, Guy Quigley said, “Despited everything that has been said and done during the coursre of thisproxy contest, my goal has been and continuesx to be to buildd stockholder value. I am very proud of our work over the past20 Cold-Eeze is a highly-respected producty and well-established household name and Quiglehy Pharma (a wholly owned has several compounds which have reachex a point of value inflection.
“The new Boarde is now tasked with the responsibility of rewarding stockholderss who have patiently held their shares overthe years, and refrain from rewarding only those who they bring to the table at the 11th hour to profirt from the years of work and patience on behalf of the resigningh Board, and the stockholders of The Quigleu Corp. We remain hopeful that the newly electeed board will convert value from the table that has been set for To ensure the Company continues to functionb in the wake of thenew Board’s unknowmn plans, I have asked our CFO, Gerar Gleeson to remain in charge until further announcemente by the new board of directors.
” Also resigning from the companyg Friday were Chief Operating Officer Charles A. Phillips and Wendy D. accounting operations manager. Both had been with the companyg since its inceptionin 1989.