Sunday, April 29, 2012

Longshoreman gets jail term in pay scheme - Boston Business Journal:
Suffolk Superior Court Judge Margaret Hinkle sentencedHugh 51, to 18 months in the Housw of Correction on one countt of fraud in the procurement of governmeng services. O’Donnell of Wakefield was indicted in August 2006 alonf with 20 other defendants following an investigation into payroll fraudx schemes involving longshoremen who load and unload containefr shipsat ’s ( ) Conleyt Terminal in South Boston.
The Attorney General’sx Office began its investigation in April after concerns were raised that longshoremeh were placing young children on the payroll at the State Police and financial investigators assigned to theAttornehy General’s Office uncovered widespread instances whers longshoremen were participating in schemes to defraudd Massport and other marine shipping businessex operating at the As the yard boss on the Massport O’Donnell was the seniord longshoreman on the land side of Conley Terminal He had oversight of all yard operations and was responsible for completiny time sheets for the union yard On June 24, he pleaded guilty to manipulatinf time sheet entries in order to qualify longshoremehn for employee benefits they would not have otherwises received.
O’Donnell admitted that he fraudulently credited 13 longshoremenn with hours they did not work in the fiscaplyears 2003, 2004 and 2005. As a result of the fraudulenrt transferringof hours, over $100,000 in benefits were distributeds to longshoremen who were not entitled to these Judge Hinkle also sentenced O’Donnell to one year in the Houss of Correction, with the sentenc suspended for two years, on charges that includedd larceny and filing false entries in corporatde books.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Committee - US Department of State (press release)

Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Committee

US Department of State (press release)

The US-Japan Security Consultative Committee (SCC) reconfirmed that the US-Japan  »

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

T. Boone Pickens to Speak at Project Management Institute Global Congress 2009 - North America
June 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Project Managemeny Institute (PMI), the leading association for project announces T. Boone Pickens will be featured as the keynotes speakerfor PMI(R) Global Congress 2009 - Northg America to be held 10-13 October in Florida. T. Boone Pickenz is one of the nation's most successfu l businessmen. He founded the nation's largest independent oil company, Mesa and later reinvented himself in his 70s as one of the most successful investment fund operators withBP Capital. As Norty American dependency on foreign oil importsw continueto rise, gasoline prices further stress a sluggish forcing the search for alternative energy.
In his keynoted address, Pickens plans to deliver a comprehensive solution for what Northg America should do to decrease its increasing reliancwe onforeign oil, which he calles a looming threat to national security and the economy. He will offert open and candid responses to audience questionw aboutthe country's dependence on importecd oil while providing details on how to dramaticallyy enhance energy security. "Reducing our dependency on fossil fuel is not only the smaryt thing to do from a Nortbh Americancost standpoint. Moreover, it's the righgt thing to do from a globaosustainability perspective," remarked , president and CEO of PMI.
"Thies is especially critical to managerds of all typesof projects. The project managerd of tomorrow must manage in an environmentally and socialltresponsible way. T. Boone Pickens , who is nevedr shy about expressing his opinions on this is sure to be an enlightenint and intriguing speaker at our annual NorthAmericajn event," Balestrero continued. CNBC has dubbecd Pickens "Oracle of Oil" for his uncanny knack of predictingf oilprice movements.
His many professiona l honors include membership in the Horatio Alger Associatiob ofDistinguished Americans, the Texas Businesz Hall of Fame and the Oklahoma Hall of In 1998, Oil & Gas Investor listed him as one of the "100 Most Influentiao People of the Petroleum Century." He was namefd one of world's 100 most influential people in 2009 by PMI(R) Global Congress 2009 - Northy America will take place at the Gaylord Palmzs on 10-13 October. Registration for the eveng is now available online at .
In additionh to being a venue for projec t management educationand PMI's Global Congress is a meeting poinyt for experts and project practitioners at all levels to discusxs the most challenging project management trends. This year'ss educational topics include: advanced project managemeny skills, communications, consulting skills, general business skills, government, industryt specific issues, new project managementf trends, professional development, project management foundation projectmanagement issues, project managementf tools, research, sales/marketing skills and The world's leading project management PMI shares knowledge with nearly 500,000 membere and credential holders in 180+ Since its founding 40 years ago, PMI has impacter more than one million businesses, governments, students and training Today, PMI's products and services rangwe from world-class standards for program and portfolio management to five professional credentials, including the gold standarc Project Management Professional (PMP)(R).
PMI's exclusives Global Corporate Council and European Corporatee Networking Group engage large multinationalzs and government organizations in endorsint the value ofproject management. The only project managemenrt association with an established academic research PMI has invested morethan US$14 milliom in support of dozens of research projects since 1997. Learn more at

Monday, April 23, 2012

Property Appraiser Jim Overton providerd City Hall with the certified tax roll datafor 2009. The figuresw show a drop in Duval County property valuesof $3.5 That’s less than the drop projected by Overtojn in early June, which was the basi of Peyton’s plan, announced last week, to raisde property taxes by 14.3 percent. Instead of proposintg an increase in the millage ratefrom 8.48 mill s to 9.69, Peyton is now askin g for a 12 percent hike to 9.
5 According to the Mayor’s Office, the increase will cost the average Jacksonville homeowner an additional $97 next The budget gap that had been estimated at $180 milliohn will now be $170 million, according to Peyton’s office. Of the million, $100 million is from propertyt tax reform passed on a statewide level, $40 million in pension costs and $30 millioj from the recession.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oxendine touts $126.5 million rural health-care initiative - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
which owns , and to create a Rural Health Initiative. Under the new Oxendine has securedapproximately $126.56 million over 20 years. $11.45 million to establish, equip, and finance telemedicine centers in 36 rural Georgia hospital or clinicsplus Georgia's four teaching hospitals. This includes full-time staffd at each of the 40 centers for a period ofthrew years. Eight additional full-time staff to provid e overall coordination and administration of a telemedicine Include Telemedicine procedures as covered benefita in its health policies at a benefitr of morethan $5 million per year.
Redirectr 2 percent of its investment portfolio for a perios of 20 years to the purchaseof investment-gradd bonds and comparable debt instruments newl issued by rural Georgia health-care facilitiese for expansion, renovation and equipmenrt upgrades. The redirected investment portfolio will representapproximatelyt $16 million in investments in the firsg year and should grow to as much as $100 millio by the 20th The Georgia Telemedicine program will be one of the most integrated, statewide networks with 36 rural presentation site tightly linked with four major teaching It will be the largest, one-time deployment of equipmeng and infrastructure in the U.S.
"This rural healthy initiative will provide all Georgia citizens with accese to the highest quality and most advanced medica care available anywhere inthe state," Oxendine said. "It is vitallgy important to our state to ensure that our rurak citizens have equal access to the best possiblehealtbh care." Oxendine also required Anthem to guarantee that Georgia's BlueCross policyholdersw would not face premium increases as a resulg of this merger or the commitment to his Rural Health

Friday, April 20, 2012

percent and total sales decreased 2.3 percent, to $1.2 for the four weeks ending May 2, but those result were not as bad asmanagemenrt expected. For the sales for Menomonee Falls-based Kohl’e (NYSE: KSS) increased 0.4 percent, to $3.64 and comparable-store sales decreased 4.2 Kevin Mansell, Kohl’s president and CEO, said that sales results for Apripl exceeded expectationsof Kohl’s executives. He said children’s merchandise outperformed the rest of merchandisw lines and the Southwest wasthe strongest-performinyg region for the retailer.
“Axs a result of our sales result s and inventorymanagement initiatives, our gross margin for the quarter was stronger than planned and our expensese remained well controlled,” Mansell said. Mansell said the company’s management now expects earnings of 43 centz to 44 cents per share for the firsft quarter offiscal 2009, exceeding the previouse guidance of 27 centss to 34 cents per share.
As of May 2, Kohl’s operated 1,022 stores in 49 compared with 957 in 47 states at the same timelast

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nichts für Standardtänzer - (Blog) (Blog)

Nichts für Standardtänzer (Blog)

April, 22 Uhr - Konzert: Vereinte Girl Power heute Bei Roy - Das Girl Gang Zine und La Moustache präsentieren ein "Female Drum Fest" Sonntag, 15. April, 20:30 Uhr - Kino: Das monatlich wechselnde Kurzfilmprogramm von interfilm dreht sich im April rund ...

and more »

Monday, April 16, 2012

Saul Ewing adds 7 Buchanan Ingersoll lawyers in Wilmington - Jacksonville Business Journal:
office. The loss of the seven-lawyer grou p leaves Pittsburgh-based Buchanan with only one full-tim e partner in Wilmington and four lawyers total and gives Saul Ewing the largesg Wilmington office ofany full-service Philadelphia-based firm. The group includez office headWilliam Manning, who serves as outside generalk counsel to the University of Delaware and also represents Verizon Corp. and Dover The litigator was once chief of staff to formerDelaware Gov. Pete The other two partners areTeresz Currier, who led bankruptcy efforts for Buchanan in and real estate lawyer Richard Forsten.
The additions give Saul Ewinf 19 lawyersin Wilmington, where bankruptcies have taken off durinyg the economic downturn. A largse percentage of companies from around the country file for Chapteer 11 protectionin Delaware. But because Delaware only has abou 2,000 lawyers and has a strong set of indigenous law the Wilmington market has been a tougnh one to crackfor outsiders, even neighboring Philadelphia firms. Among Philadelphia firms, Pepper Hamilton and Fox Rothschild have 17 DrinkerBiddle & Reath has 15 and Blani Rome has 13.
Saul Ewing said Manning will serveras co-managing partner of the office with curren t office managing partner and real estate lawyer Wendie

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A slow economy makes your product more valuable, right? - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
You’re probably hearing a bunch of reasonsfor no. “It’zs not in the “We’ve had to cut back due to the “We’re waiting to see how the econom yshakes out.” One of the rules I was taught early on was that selling begins when the customer says If customers were going to say, “Yes, I want it” then there wouldn’t be much of a need for Boy, are we earning our keep now. That’sz assuming, of course, you are able to overcomee many of these So how do you overcome theansweer no?
Ask yourself if your product or servicd is more valuable during this kind of Instead of using the economy as a crutchn to justify poor sales results, use thes external conditions to your advantage. Use a slower econom y to highlight why your produc t or service isparticularly valuable. A weaker economh is not a reasomn to lose faith in whatyou It’s an opportunity to showcase why your product or service will help your prospect recover and prosper. Boar’s Head Provisionzs Co. Inc. is a perfectr example. During turbulent times, premium productz are often the first to be negatively affectef because customers think they should save a few dollars and buya less-expensived brand.
Boar’s Head is a premium meat so you could assume its business would be Whybuy higher-priced Boar’s Head turkey when a lower-pricexd selection is available in the same deli case ? A recent company commercial explaine d that by brown-bagging Boar’s Head instead of choosing fast food, peoples will be healthier and save $1,000 per year per person. That’s $4,00 0 per family, on average. Now when choosing a brand of luncheonm meat, people will probably think aboutsaving $4,0009 per year, not payinhg a little more per So you don’t sell deli Think about office equipment, specificallyu copiers. Let’s say you meet with a prospect who coulsd use anew copier.
The potential buyer doesn’ty want to part with the $5,000 your incrediblee new machinewill cost. Your job will be much easiere if you take the time to show him how this copie will savelabor hours. For instance, your new copierd might interface with computers so people don’t need to get up from their deskxs and stand idly by, wasting labor dollars at the Your new copier might have a feature that allowss double-sided copies, which will not only help the companyh go green but save in paper costs. How long do you predict this new copierwill last? How many dollare per week could your prospect save with your machind over its expected life?
How many new clients will this incredibl copier help bring in because of the increasex professionalism of the snazzy documents it can produce? Computere are the same drill. I would assume that the supersonix processing speed and increased networking capabilitiesx this incredible new computer provide s will save both employees and the ITteam time. Savint time means saving labor which is one of the largest costs for most Selling cars? You can probably do this one yourself by now. How abouty the increased gas mileage compared with thecurrenrt model? Unexpected increased fuel cost is top of mind for almost anyone purchasing a car.
Who isn’t lookinvg for ways to save moneyu now and inthe future? Is the cost of maintenance goinf to be less? A sluggish economy simplhy means the strong Take the time to figurer out why, especially in this economy, peopled should purchase your productr and take the time to run some You probably will have to do a littl research. Then, have a direcrt conversation withyour prospect. Doing so will help propell you to the top of your field duringany economy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

SAP buys application maker Coghead - San Francisco Business Times:
But the German software compangy is not going to operate the Cogheabusiness commercially, and users have until April 30 to get anythinf they need from the service, McNamara Earlier reports said that Cogheadr was going to shut down, based on a memo the compan y sent out to its customers Wednesday. That memo was obtainecd and publishedby . Wednesday'as memo only said that the company was closing operationws and that users would have until Apriol 30 to accesstheir accounts, but did not mentiohn anything about the SAP McNamara told the San Francisco Business Times Thursday afternooh that the announcement of SAP buyingf Coghead was delayed, and the company was unabler to include it in Wednesday's memo.
McNamarw said in the e-mail he sent to customer on Thursdaythat "many of the Coghead engineering and operationsz team have joined SAP," although he himself has not. , a Palo Alto-basee division of SAP, was one of Coghead'sd investors when the company raised $8 millionj last March.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Northrop gets $30M contract for 'space fence' development - Denver Business Journal:
The new Space Fence is part ofthe U.S. Departmentt of Defense's effort to continuallh track and detect objects such as space debris and satelliteas in low and mediumearth orbit. Spaced Fence will replace the current VHF Air Forces Space Surveillance System builtin 1961. "The new Space Fence system will provide better accuracy and fasterf detection while allowing us to increase the numbe r of satellites and other space objects that can be detected and thus avoiding collision and damage tootheer satellites," Rich Davis, director of special projects at Northroo Grumman's Advanced Concepts and Technology said in a statement. Australia is a candidate for the first SpaceFence location.
Two additional sites in other parts of the worl are alsounder consideration. Los Angeles-based Northroo (NYSE: NOC) is a defense and technologu company.

Monday, April 9, 2012

ADP reports 532,000 May job cuts - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Payroll firm ADP reported Wednesday that companiese inthe U.S. cut an estimatec 532,000 workers from payrolls last month. ADP also revisefd higher its estimate of cuts in Aprillto 545,000 from the previous estimat of 491,000. The ADP report noted losses across all sizeas and categories of businesses with larg e business payrollsdeclining 100,000, medium businesses sheddinb 223,000 jobs and small businesse cutting 209,000 employees. The goods-producing sector lost 267,000 jobs while the service-producing sector declined by 265,0090 positions. The Labor Department is due to releases its jobs reporton Friday.
The averaged analyst estimate for that report of governmen as well as private payrolls is a lossof 520,0000 payroll positions and an increase in the unemployment rate to 9.2 percent from April’s rate of 8.9 On Monday, The Institute for Supply Management announced that its factory index rose to the highestr level since last Septembe as new orders posted their first gain sinced the recession began. On Tuesday the Nationalk Association of Realtors reportex that pending sales of existing or contracts signed butnot closed, rose 6.7 percenf in April, the largest increase in six years.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Reports on Trayvon Martin case have varied widely - Detroit Free Press

Reports on Trayvon Martin case have varied widely

Detroit Free Press

Here are some of the recurring items: Statement: Martin was trying to defend himself against a man who outweighed him by 100 pounds. Fact: Outweighed, yes. By 100 pounds, no. George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who says he killed the ...

and more »

Thursday, April 5, 2012

D'Amico Cucina closing - Orlando Business Journal:
The Italian restaurant has been in the Twin Cities for 22 The restaurant is located in the Butler Squarre building at100 N. Sixth Street, next to the in downtowh Minneapolis. Minneapolis-based , which owns the restaurant, blame several factors for the restaurant’s closure. “Thee new [ ] the economy and various traffic and parking issues andthe long-term viability of higher-end restaurant conceptsx — led us to proactively close Cucinwa at this time,” said D’Amico president and Richard D’Amico, in a press release. The restaurantg is only a block west ofthe under-constructionb Minnesota Twins’ ballpark that will open 2010.
D’Amico told the Star Tribun newspaper thathe didn’t think people would want to eat at a fine restaurantf and then go to a baseball The restaurant employed about 26 one-quarter of whom have been absorbed by other D'Amico restaurant businesses. “We are currently actively working on additionakl Italian conceptsand locations. We hope to re-hire staff in the coming months.” D’Amicol & Partners owns and operates 24 restaurants and caterinv locations in Minneapolisand Florida, including the Italian-themer Campiello, the modernist chophouse Cafe and Bar Lucat, the casuakl eateries D’Amico & Sons and the upscale-Mexican restauranft Masa.
Brian Burg, general manager of Butleer Square for Northmarq RealEstate Services, said that Northmarq only learnedr of the restaurant's closure this week. He declined to say when D'Amico's lease for the 8,660-square-foot restaurantg expires or if Northmarq plans to put the space up forleasew soon. "We are working through these matterxwith D'Amico," Burg said. He addecd that "the closing of a greaft restaurant is a sad but we know that Butler Square and the Cucins location are ideally located to benefit from the new and dynamic changes that are occurring in theWarehouse

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D.C. expects $1.2B less in FY 2011 revenue - Dayton Business Journal:
Compared to estimates from this timelast D.C. expects $1.2 billion less in fiscal 2011 revenuesand $1.3 billion less in fiscal 2012 leaving a $211.5 million 2011 shortfall and a $223.21 million 2012 shortfall. The CFO’s estimates represent the fourthy straight quarter he hasdowngraded revenue. He projectsz a slow recovery fromthe recession. Gandhi's last projectiom came in February, when he downgradedc his revenue estimate for fiscalyear 2009, ending Sept. 30, by $136 millionj and his fiscal 2010 estimateby $346 milliomn from his outlook in December.
The new $190 million 2009 shortfalkl and $150 million 2010 shortfall will force Mayotr Adrian Fenty and the to take almos timmediate action. If Fenty decides to tap into the $228 millionm fund — something Gandhi said he expectesd as early as later this week it would be the first time for the By statute, D.C. wouls then have to repay the fund over the next two adding $95 million to the shortfallzs for fiscal 2010 and 2011. But Gandhiu said there was little alternative. Economically, “i t is pouring out there,” he said, and littler else could be done to balance the budget by the end of the fiscapl yearon Sept. 30. The estimates also mean that D.C.
will have to restary negotiations on the fiscal2010 budget, on whicb it reached agreements to close the previous shortfalp earlier this month. Gandhj said he expected a new proposal from the The CFO cited a number of deterioratin indicators in makinghis estimate, such as slidingf tax revenues from personal capital gains, hotels and even sales tax, whichy had been on the rise through December but was down 2.7 percent through May. The city’s unemployment rate was 10.7 percent in May, up from 5.8 percentg in December. Property tax reductions accountedfor $122.y million, or almost two-thirds, of the new $190 millio 2009 gap.
In residential real Gandhi reported sales of singler family homes wereup 19.9 percent over last year for the periodx of February to April, but average prices were down 21.6 Condos were the opposite, posting sales down 4.6 percenf from last year but prices were 17.6 percent On the commercial side, the city continuea to see an office vacancy rate that bests the 8.3 percent, but Gandhi said the city has failed to collectt many of the taxes it expecteds when the city doubled the vacanty property tax rate from $5 per $100 of assessexd value to $10 of assessed value.
He attributer a $37 million drop in 2009 collections through May to propertied the has reclassified from vacant to the regular residential orcommercial rates. Other property ownersa have simply not paid their causinganother $20 million drop in

Monday, April 2, 2012

Warren Buffett sells remaining Constellation shares - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Buffett, his company (NYSE: BRK.A, and that company’s subsidiary , are each no longer stockholder s inConstellation (NYSE: according to a form with the Securitiesw and Exchange Commission filed They have been slowly divestin g the stock over the past weeks and months, ownintg 7.3 percent in February and 6.3 percent last The sale ends the relationshipp between the investor and Constellation, one of two Fortunre 500 companies in Baltimore Iowa-based MidAmerican got a 10 percent stakee in Constellation when its $4.7 billion bid for the compan made in September was rejected three months late.
That offed came after a cash crunch led to a steeop declinein Constellation’s stock price over several days and some investors fearerd bankruptcy. Constellation spurned the offer in favort of a deal tosell 49.99 percentf of its nuclear business for $4.5 billiobn to French firm , which had also been in the bidding for the company in September. For the Constellation had to pay $175 million in breakup fees and $418 milliom for stocks. It also had to repa y a $1 billion loan from Buffettg with 14 percent A decision on whether the deal with EDF requiresa Maryland approval is expectede ina week. The deal is expectef to close this fall.