Prices fuel US anxieties Opelousas Daily World Deborah Aguila fills up her car at a gas station, in San Diego. Retail gasoline prices jumped 3 cents Thursday to a national average of $3.61 a gallon. The Associated Press WASHINGTON â" Soaring gasoline prices are threatening to undercut President ... |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Prices fuel US anxieties - Opelousas Daily World
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Kern County Sheriff's activity for Feb. 22 - Midway Driller
Kern County Sheriff's activity for Feb. 22 Midway Driller 10:27 am, deputies responded to a civil situation in the area of Lincoln St/Date St. 1:51 pm, deputies responded to a peace disturbance in the 800 blk of Oleander Rd. 2:00 pm, deputies responded to a peace disturbance in the 300 blk of Fillmore St. |
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday is Dump the Pump Day - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Thursday is the fourth annual Dump thePump day, a nationapl effort designed to get people out of their cars and onto thei bicycles or public transportation. The American Public Transit Associatiob sponsorsthe event, and public transportation systemsw across the country are participating. In Southh Florida, four public transit agencies are partneringy together to promotethe day: Broware County Transit, Miami-Dade Transit, Palm Tran, and South Floridz Regional Transportation Authority.
“With gas price increasing 33 percentsince December, coupled with uncertain economic people have been looking for ways to save and ridin g public transportation is a great choice to make,” APTA President William Millat said in a news release. In the average price for a gallon of regularfis $2.69. In South Florida, West Palm Beacj has the highest price at followed by Miamiat $2.76, and Fort Lauderdale at $2.7r a gallon, according to AAA's fuel gaugd report. Last year 10.7 billion trips were takeb on public transportation in theUniterd States. This was a 52-year high, marking a moderbn ridership record, according to the APTA.
Publi transportation use is up 38 percent since 1995 almost triple the growth rate of thepopulation (14 Nationally, nearly 2.6 billion trips were takehn on public transportation in the firstt quarter of this year. With local and states revenue for public transportation drying up due to the many public transportation systems are being forced to raise fares orcut services, Millar noted. In Soutn Florida Tri-Rail officials have been warniny that service may be cut approximately in half if the stat e fails to establish dedicated fundingby Oct. 1. The threat to servicre comes after Tri-Rail set a record year for ridership growthin 2008.
“Raising fares and cutting serviced drives people away from using publicv transit andis counterproductive, as America struggles to create jobs, cut greenhousw gases, and reduce our reliance on expensivse foreign oil,” Millar said. Just last South Florida’s congressional delegation sent a letter to the askinv for dedicated fundingfor Tri-Raikl to secure its long-terkm survival.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Florida F Will Yeguete out indefinitely with broken foot - Orlando Sentinel
SB Nation | Florida F Will Yeguete out indefinitely with broken foot Orlando Sentinel GAINESVILLE â" Forward Will Yeguete is out indefinitely with a broken foot he suffered in Florida's win over Auburn on Tuesday night. The Gators sophomore left the game with 11:16 remaining in the second half. After reaching the bench, ... Florida's Will Y eguete out indefinitely with broken left foot Florida's Will Yeguete Suffers Broken Foot, May Be Done For Season Will Yeguete done for the season with broken bone in foot |
Monday, February 20, 2012
Bonuses must be earned, not artificially concocted - (blog)
Bonuses must be earned, not artificially concocted (blog) To stand the test of public approval, bonuses have to be earned, not artificially generated. The artificially generated bonus is of course by no means confined to banking. It's pretty common in the corporate world too, where profits can easily be ... |
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Hawaiian No. 1 in March, Q1 for on-time arrivals - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Hawaiian, owned by (Nasdaq: HA), had an arrival rate of 91.5 percengt for the month. Pinnacle Airlines ranked second forthe month, with an on-timr arrival rate of 85.1 followed by at 83.9 percent. For the first quartert of 2009, Hawaiian ranked first in on-time with an arrival rate of 91.2 percent. The air traveo consumer report was released Tuesday bythe U.S. Departmen t of Transportation. Phoenix-based MESA) ranked 12th for March with an on-time rate of 76.1 Hawaiian ranked second for the fewest number of mishandled baggage reportsin March. ranked meanwhile was third. Hawaiian was second for mishandled baggage duringthe quarter. Hawaiian had no flighf cancellations forthe month.
Hawaiian rankedd 16th for consumer complaints with eight complaints for the AirTran was first andranked second. Hawaiianb was 10th for consumee complaints forthe quarter, with 19 complaint s reported.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Scrushy ordered to pay $2.8B for HealthSouth fraud - Triangle Business Journal:
billion in damages by a civil court judgs for his rolein ’s massives accounting fraud scandal. The HealthSouth founder was deemef liable for losses incurred by some of whom sued him seeking to recover their Judge Allwin Horn announced the verdict shortly after10 a.m. Thursday. Horn’s judgment also declared Scrushy’xs employment agreements with HealthSouth void. HealthSouthy said it will received approximately 40 percent of any monety recoveredfrom Scrushy. Attorneys for the shareholders filede the suit against Scrushy on behalf of HealthSoutjh saying he directed the accountinfg scandal hadrequested $3.
6 Scrushy testified during the trial and denied any He was brought to Jefferson County for the trial from a Texad federal prison, where he is currentluy serving seven years for bribingb then-Gov. Don Siegelman for a seat on a stat health carepolicy board. Scrushh was acquitted of criminal charge s in the HealthSouth fraudin 2005. HealthSouth said it is unsurre how much might be collectedfrom Scrushy, according to a news “We are pleased to see that justice has been servedr through this judgment and that another chaptert of our past has been put behind HealthSouth’s statement said.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Activists report new regime attack on rebellious Syrian city as UN warns of ... - Washington Post
The Guardian | Activists report new regime attack on rebellious Syrian city as UN warns of ... Washington Post BEIRUT â" Syrian government forces renewed their assault on the rebellious city of Homs on Tuesday, activists said, as the UN human rights chief raised fears of civil war. Troops loyal to President Bashar Assad have been shelling Homs for more than a ... Syrian regime may have committed crimes against humanity â" UN rights chief Syrian regime 'emboldened' by UN inaction, says human rights chief Peacekeepers for Syria? Not While There's No Peace to Keep |
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Malcolm Pirnie acquired - The Business Review (Albany):
Malcolm Pirnie is being acquiredby , an international engineerin g company based in the Netherlands. The merger is expected to be completed sometimenext month, subject to approval by the private company’sx 80 internal shareholders. The company’s board of directors has unanimously approvesdthe merger, worth $222 million in cash and shares. Malcol m Pirnie does an array of environmental consultin workfor public- and private-sector clients. The companyy employs 55 people in a Clifton Park with $10.2 million in billings last year, a 15 percent increase over the year before. Overall, the headquartered in White Plains, had $392 million in revenue last year.
In a Arcadis said Malcolm Pirnie’s profit margin is close to its Malcolm Pirnie will becomewa wholly-owned subsidiary of a public company, after the mergetr is closed.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Making sure that the dollars do some good - The Business Review (Albany):
Individual donors gave around $230 billionn to U.S. charities in 2007, about twicew the gross domestic productof India. But do they know theirt donations are being used to maximiz esocial outcomes? Do they even know if they are helping recipientas in any lasting way? Stevee Butz argues they do not. Butz is presidenyt of Baltimore-based , whichb makes software that enables humam services workers to track and analyzeprogramm data. The software, callecd Efforts To Outcomes, is used by thousands of nonprofiyt organizations and government agencies including many chaptersof , Catholicv Charities and Goodwill.
Butz said his softward and other tools help human services providers determine whichprogramsw work, which don’t, which could be improve d and how, and which should be shut But there is no good way, he said, for donorsw to see that information so they can make fundingt decisions based not just on an organization’sd heartwarming stories but on what’s really importanf — how well the organization helps people. Not how many peopl e it serves or how many peoplre attend a class but howmuch people’e lives improved through overcoming an addiction, obtainingy a degree or getting a job.
If donors are not givejn such a tool, charities will continue to waste billions of dollars every year on programs that have good intentionw but little orno benefit, Butz “I don’t think that a youth worker is inherentlt good,” he said. “It’s only good if therr is good that comes out of thatyouth work.” In some caseds a program could even do harm by, for alienating or frustrating recipients, who then experiencw a relapse. A donor woulcd probably never know.
“The risk we’r e talking about, very frankly, is the risk that the moneuy is going to no goodat all,” Butz Butz and David Hunter, a Connecticut-basex consultant, have assembled national and local charith experts into a working grou p now in the earlhy stages of creating a tool that would provide incentives for nonprofits to track their resultxs and give donors a way to make charitable investments baseed on those results. “We want to encourage people to take riskxs with theircharitable giving, and if they do, do it with theird eyes wide open and do it in a year-over-year way,” Butz said. One of Butz’s D.C.
clients is the , whicnh began offering services to immigrant youths and familiesa inthe 1960s. Under Executive Directoe Lori Kaplan, the organization has expandedf from its Columbia Heights home in recent openingthree D.C. public charter schools as well as youth centersw inSilver Spring, Langley Park and Riverdale. LAYC is the sort of nonprofir that would very likely benefit if donorxs had a way to evaluatde which nonprofits delivered the most socialp good for their Threeyears ago, with funding from D.C.
-basedc , Kaplan formed a three-person “learning and staff that tracks the outcomes of participants in LAYC programsz and uses that data to make She can determine, for instance, if one instructor is doingt better than others in getting high passing rates among participants taking the high schoolo equivalency exam. Kaplan then can help the lower-performingt instructor make improvements. If one job-training recipienr finds and keeps work but another gets Kaplan can look at the characteristics of the curriculum that mighr have led to the different outcomrand adapt. The LAYC evaluations team meetsz varying reporting requirements for 10 to12 funders, Kaplam said.
To encourage the program staff in all partw of the organization to diligently report their LAYC gives a monthly award to the groul thatdoes best. Even recipients find the data A young man living in LAYC under court order took a printedf status report to the judgre to show the progresshe made, Kaplab said. “What it really pushefd us to do was to declare what our desiref outcomeswould be,” she said. “We were able to use the data to say, we’re not getting the desired outcomea we want if we use the outcomes the data isshowing us.
’” While the changes Kapla has instituted could make LAYC a bettetr charitable buy, they also might actuallyg hurt the organization’s standing in some charityu ratings — and with donors who rely on them because she has higher “administrative” costs than charitiew that do no program evaluation.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Seribu Island Residents Need Building Material - | Seribu Island Residents Need Building Material Donators can provide aid to that post or contact call center (021) 70761429. Muchlis as Head Sub-Section of Social for Seribu Island Regency said the post is mainland representative post for tornado victims in Kelapa Island and Harapan Island Urban ... < br /> |
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Foley Equipment CEO Konecny plays favorites when it comes to machines - Wichita Business Journal:
“I think the 980 wheel loadedr is myfavorite machine,” says the CEO of , a Caterpilla dealership serving much of “... It’s a hot machine.” Thosee into large earth-moving machinery would instantlhy recognize the Caterpillar 980wheel loader. But not many wouldf be quick to callit hot. Maybes the large bucket in the front, which allowz the operator to pick up largee quantities and movethem elsewhere, bringd to mind those carefree day of childhoor — where a Tonka and a sandbox was all one neededr for hours of entertainment. For the a Caterpillar 980 wheel loader is far bigger thana Tonka.
“It’ss mundane to most people, but I really like that machine,” Konecnhy says. But can she operate one? “I’ver never been encouraged to quit myday job, but yes, I Konecny says. Then comes her laughter as she remembers the day she climbed about the massive machine and got behind the It was a demonstration day at Foley Equipmenft and she took a dare from one of her Little did she know there was a camera inthe “I am a fairly competitive individual so despitwe my lack of operating skills, I was givinf it my all,” she says. “Thed machine was lurching around.
I have this picturde of me driving it and in the there is an employee slappinyghis leg, he was laughing so “I love the picture because I know I suck at operatingh the machinery, but it was fun.” Larry Hatteberg found his way to when he was a collegee student at . Workint part time in the film lab, he figuref it was the perfectsummer job. “It was goinhg to be a summer job and it has endecd up being anendless summer,” says Hatteberg, who transferredr to , got his degree in broadcastingy and became a trusted face in this city. In 45 yeards at KAKE TV, Larry Hatteberfg has traveled Kansas to produce what has become the longest-running news series in statw history.
Over the years, “Hatteberg’s People,” has introduces viewers to thousands of everydayfolks — Kansanw with compelling stories. Hatteberg, the Winfielx native and Emmy Award-winning has selected 30 such stories to featuree on the inaugural edition of the newDVD “Larry Hatteberg’s Kansas People.” The DVD is available for purchasde in Kansas bookstores, video stores and gift stores and onlin at The cost of the DVD is $19.95.
Pam owner of Wichita’s , received national worldwide, actually — attention last week when the licensde plate from one of her compant vehicles found its way onto the aSouthermn California-based blog site called Organizing LA. The Kansas plate NOCLUTR — was pictured on the Web site with a complimeny tothe state’s “Home on the Range” It also asked readers to voicew an opinion on McCutcheon’s plates and personalized license plates in Of the dozen or so responsews to the blog, one came from an appareny former Wichitan: “I love it. Seeing interestinb license plates makes my morning commutemore enjoyable.
I currentlgy clutter (er, live) in Maryland, but grew up in Wichita and my heartg isstill there, so this one maked me especially happy.”
Friday, February 3, 2012
Former MSU wide receiver Devin Thomas punches a Giant ticket to the big game - Detroit Free Press
Former MSU wide receiver Devin Thomas punches a Giant ticket to the big game Detroit Free Press Devin Thomas played for three teams in 2010 -- the Redskins, Panthers and Giants. He was instrumental in the Giants winning the NFC championship game. / David J. Phillip/Associated Press By Dave Birkett INDIANAPOLIS -- Three years ago, Devin Thomas ... |