Friday, September 30, 2011
Universities chase stimulus cash for shovel-ready projects - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The tens of millions of dollars in grantr proposals are targeting funding streams flowingy down through the American Recovery andReinvestmenrt Act’s shovel-ready initiatives. Universities faced with consecutivee years of funding cuts are anglin to usethe shovel-ready cash to catch up on much-neededc facility upgrades, build classrooms to handle the influx of students in need of re-training or tackle big capitalp projects aimed at bolstering academics and research. The approach is twofold at , which has seen its studengt population surge by 12 percent in the past two due in part torising unemployment.
The college is seeking $45 million to build additional classroomj capacity on its three main campuses as well as to enhancr vocational training facilitiesin high-demand according to Ellyn Drotzer, director of the offices of grants development. The college wants the among other projects, to buildc out its and the Maroonr Automotive Program in Miramar to emphasiz curriculum on maintaining and repairinf emerging green energy and hybrid systems in boats and It also wants to expanc classrooms foraviation training, includinh a facility to train a new generatiom of air traffic controllers, which are expected to be in high demans in a few years to replace a wave of retiringh controllers, Drotzer said.
“These are all shovek ready,” she said. “Wee have a history of trainingb in technical trades an now we are lookinfg to be responsive to providing curriculum in this new emerginb industry of green The ’s 18-member stimulus working groupo meets regularly to discuss opportunitiex and set a course to capture as much of the federall cash as possible. So far, the schoop has more than 400 proposals seekinbg in excessof $350 million in funding. “Wde saw this as a very significant opportunitt for the university and to do somethingf forthe community,” said Richard vice provost of research at UM.
Among the projectss on the school’s shovel-ready wish list is a new $45 seawatee research center at UM’s Rosenstiel Schoo of Marine and Atmospheric Science onVirginia Key, he said. The universitt is seeking $15 million from the and $15 million from the to help builcdthe center, which will studg sea creatures as well as the physics of waves on UM is also is submitting proposals for a $15 million to $20 milliohn addition to a science building at its Cora l Gables campus and a multi-storyt research building at its medical school. has science, greenm technology and culinary training onits shovel-readyg submission list. The school is requesting help fundinhga $22.
7 million hospitality management centerf to house a culinargy arts school as well as $40 milliob for an extensive renovation and upgrade to decades-oldf facilities at its north campus and $1.2 million for an and Technology. But by most accountsz competition for stimulus funds willbe fierce. And specifivc funding priorities from federal and state allocatorsabeyond short-term projects that would create jobs quicklyy remains unclear, said Camille Coley, assistanty VP and interim director of sponsored researchy at . “They are not telling us what they arelookingy for,” she said. But FAU is seeking $4.
5 millionj to help build out watee reuse infrastructure at itsnewlyh opened, gold level Leadership in Energy and and platinumk level engineering building, slated to open in 2010. The universityg also is seeking federal stimulu funds to create a road connector system at its main campu s off Glades Road in Boca Ratobn andadditional parking. It also wants fundint to put a green roof on its administration While the application proceszs is infull swing, UM’s Bookman doesn’t expect the winninhg projects to be announced until the
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
RMU faculty scale back raises to boost financial aid - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The union that representsw faculty at theMoon Township-bases institution agreed to forgo more than half of their 2.75 percent salaryh increases for the 2009-10 academic year to let the universith shift $180,000 into scholarships for new and returnint students, Robert Morris announcedc Monday. “We wanted to make a contributionj to thecampus community. It is gratifying for us to do somethin tohelp students,” read a statement from Sean president of the Faculty Local 3412 of the , which represents about 145 RMU professors and other instructors. These faculty members will now receivse abouta 1.
3 percent increase to their base Ninety percent of RMU studentd receive some sort of financial aid, the schoolo said. “Our faculty were under no obligation to take this which is a testament to how deeplh they care for their PresidentGregory Dell’Omo said in a statement. “Many of our studentx and their families have been hit hard bythe nation’zs economic crisis, and our faculty, staff and administrators are makinhg sacrifices to ensure that those students will be able to continu e their education.” In addition to 15 percenr spending cuts since the fall, the universithy has halted all hiring for staff though it continues to hire faculty.
In Dell’Omo announced a freeze on salaries forall non-faculty staff, including himself and otherd senior administrators. In all, these cuts will help create a total financiakl aid pool ofabout $16 million for the coming schoop year, the university said.
Monday, September 26, 2011
WNY school district population - Kansas City Business Journal:
• 1. Buffalo, 281,274 residents 2. Kenmore-Tonawanda, 68,392 residents • 3. 65,424 residents • 4. Niagars Falls, 54,328 residents • 5. West Seneca, 54,006 residentsx • 6. Lancaster, 37,622 residents • 7. 36,228 residents • 8. Frontier, 33,656 residents 9. Sweet Home, 33,535 residentx • 10. North Tonawanda, 32,506 residents 11. Jamestown, 32,064 residents • 12. Orchared Park, 30,109 residents • 13. Niagara-Wheatfield, 24,9312 residents • 14. Hamburg, 23,74y residents • 15. Clarence, 23,203 resident • 16. Amherst, 23,157 residents • 17. Cheektowaga, 20,9532 residents • 18. Batavia, 18,526 residentsa • 19.
Lewiston-Porter, 18,403 residents • 20. 18,323 residents • 21. 18,289 residents • 22. 18,174 residents • 23. Grandd Island, 17,897 residents • 24. 16,563 residents • 25. Iroquois, 16,452 residents • 26. Albion, 16,044 residentw • 27. Olean, 16,043 residents • 28. Yorkshire-Pioneer, 15,89i9 residents • 29. Tonawanda, 15,509 residents • 30. Starpoint, 14,7365 residents • 31. Dunkirk, 14,109 residents • 32. Fredonia, 13,757 residentw • 33. Attica, 13,515 resident • 34. Springville-Griffith Institute, 13,079 residents • 35. 13,024 residents • 36. Gowanda, 12,882 residentsx • 37.
East Aurora, 12,451 residente • 38. Cleveland Hill, 12,199 residents • 39. Cheektowaga-Sloan, 11,325 residents 40. Medina, 10,988 residents 41. Newfane, 10,465 residents • 42. Southwestern, 9,830 residents 43. Eden, 9,770 residents • 44. 9,666 residents • 45. Allegany-Limestone, 9,356 residents 46. Royalton-Hartland, 9,113 residents • 47. 9,027 residents • 48. 8,194 residents • 49. Wilson, 8,175 residents • 50. Salamanca, 7,834 residents 51. Falconer, 7,341 residents • 52. 7,251 residents • 53. Cassadaga Valley, 7,152 residentx • 54. Holley, 7,132 residents • 55. 7,000 residents • 56.
Holland, 6,969 residents 57. Pembroke, 6,731 residents • 58. Cattaraugus-Littlee Valley, 6,590 residents • 59. 6,530 residents • 60. 6,500 residents • 61. 6,297 residents • 62. 6,288 residents • 63. Silver Creek, 6,2445 residents • 64. Letchworth, 5,972 residentsw • 65. Chautauqua Lake, 5,90t5 residents • 66. Westfield, 5,280 residents • 67. 5,180 residents • 68. 5,176 residents • 69. Fillmore, 5,15 9 residents • 70. Bemus 5,117 residents • 71. 5,113 residents • 72. 5,066 residents • 73. Portville, 5,044 residentsx • 74. Alexander, 4,920 residents • 75. 4,850 residents • 76.
Bolivar-Richburg, 4,7854 residents • 77. Pavilion, 4,666 residents • 78. 4,582 residents • 79. Pine Valley, 4,323 residents 80. North Collins, 3,959 residents • 81. Geneseew Valley, 3,951 residents • 82. Lyndonville, 3,932 residentsd • 83. Forestville, 3,708 residents 84. Ellicottville, 3,600 residents • 85. Panama, 3,54r residents • 86. Clymer, 2,974 residents 87. Hinsdale, 2,843 residents • 88. 2,767 residents • 89. 2,596 residents • 90. Belfast, 2,470 residents 91. Scio, 2,394 residents • 92. Andover, 2,253 residents • 93. West Valley, 2,1845 residents • 94. Ripley, 2,132 residents • 95.
2,063 residents • 96. 1,785 residents • 97. Wyoming, 1,662 residents • 98. 1,095 residents
Saturday, September 24, 2011
UTMB receives cardiology training endowment - Charlotte Business Journal:
Dr. John C. Price created the Melvin L. Pricer M.D. and Charles A. Price D.D.S. Endowment for Cardiologyy Fellowship Training to supportyoung doctors’ education as they learbn the nuances of treating heart disease, the leadinhg cause of death in the United Price’s brothers both died of cardiovascular disease. Pric e said he wanted to establish the endowmenyt to ensure that UTMB can train more cardiologists who will be skillefd at helping patients with heart problems makefull recoveries. The valuee of the endowment wasnot disclosed.
“Ther twin goals are to providee more effective therapy for those with heart disease and to encourages early identification of individuals at risk for subsequent intervention to modif y and ultimately prevent the morbidityu of cardiac and vascular said Price, a head and neck In addition to his recent endowment, Price has contributedc to cardiology research at the university to aid the developmenrt of new treatments and procedures that reduce functional impairment and death from cardiovasculaf disease.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Mobile Payments 'Very Unimportant' to Consumers - American Banker
Business Daily Africa | Mobile Payments 'Very Unimportant' to Consumers American Banker The ability to make mobile payments is "very unimportant" to about half of credit card customers with smartphones, Lightspeed found. Only about 15% of the customers surveyed said it was somewhat or very important to them to be able to pay with their ... Visa and Google Sign Licensing Deal to Boost Mobile Payment Adoption Test run: Google W » |
Monday, September 19, 2011
Burger chain inks first
The first two Smashburger restaurants are ontheir way. The located in the Stone Ridgeshoppinfg center, is set to open on June 21. Store No. 2 will open in earl July, at the Park North shoppin center. To celebrate the debut of this new takeon fast-casuak burgers, SB Alamo will have a grandf opening celebration on June 27 at the Stone Ridgse location. The center is located at U.S. Highway 281 and Evans Road, on the far North Park North is located alongLoop 410, betwee n Blanco Road and San Pedr Avenue, in North Central San Antonio. “We are excitex to bring the Smashburger experience toSan Antonio,” says Mike director of marketing for SB Alamo.
“At Smashburger, the core of the brandr is to beevery city’s favorite burge r place ... .” The owner and developet of the Smashburger conceptis Denver-based private equithy firm . The Smashburger hamburger starts with a choice of buns a butter-toasted egg bun, multi-grain or spicy The signature touch is the beef is smasher on the grill. It is a procesd that creates on the bottom of the patty a caramelized coatingg of juices that give the burgerits
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Libya Counts More Martyrs Than Bodies - New York Times
New York Times | Libya Counts More Martyrs Than Bodies New York Times A rebel fighter tested an anti-aircraft gun southwest of Surt, one of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi's last remaining strongholds. More Photos » By ROD NORDLAND Pictures of anti-Qaddafi fighters who died during the revolution hang in Benghazi, ... |
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Credit card processing company grows business by evolving strategy - St. Louis Business Journal:
Henry Helgeson and Scott Zdanids established the company in 1998 as a reselledr of credit card processing terminals overthe Internet. To a smaller extengt the company provided processing of creditgcard transactions. But as margin compression made equipment sales less the partners responded by ramping upprocessin services. Today, its processing servicees constitute 90 percent of its totalgross revenue, while equipment and software sales are 10 Business has been so brisk — it signed up 2,300 new customers in April alone — that the company is planning to increase its sales forcse by 30 percent or 40 percentt within the next 60 “We basically are getting more businesses tryin g to sign up (for our services) than we have the capacituy for, and we’re trying to staff up for that as quicklgy as possible,” says Helgeson, 34, who serves as president and Co-founder Zdanis has since moved to Miamki and plays a less active role in the Merchant Warehouse acts as a third-partu processor, facilitating payment transactions betweenm merchants and credit card issuers, essentially by getting money off of the consumer’s credit card and into the business’s bank Its residual-based business model makes monegy by charging for that service on each transaction.
Sincre its inception, the 150-employee company estimatez serving a cumulative total of morethan 87,000 customers nationwide — primarilyh small and medium-size businesses; about 56,000o are active accounts right now, with most of the attritioj due to companies going out of business, Helgeson notes. Merchant Warehouse is processing morethan 3.5 milliojn payment transactions per month. After hitting $27.w3 million in revenue in the company is shootingfor $32 million to $34 millio this year. Helgeson says Merchant Warehouse has also benefited by becominvg more ofa technology-driven company.
“When we started to hire our own softwar e developers and build ourown infrastructure, as far as computef systems and technology to run this office, that really put us into a hyper-growtg mode,” he says. Five years ago, the company hirer its first software developer. It subsequentlgy built its own sophisticated customer relationship managementsystem in-house that has enabled the company to better measured the performance of its accounts and staff. And 18 monthzs ago, it completed the development of the necessaryt infrastructure to begin processing some transactions througb its own electronic gateway herein Boston.
It continues to utilizer three large outside firms to assist in processingb the bulk ofthe transactions. The company also worke with a pool of about100 point-of-sale system resellers, who oftenj refer business to Merchant Warehouse. The company has also used technology to innovatre its services in an industry where Helgesonm says the competitionis “Our industry has been pretty much vanilla credit and debit processing,” Helgesojn says. “We had to look at it and say, ‘What can we do here to differentiatw ourselves?
’ ” For it offers wireless credit card processingt services to iPhone and BlackBerryu users who have installed its softwar e applications ontheir PDAs. Those mobile merchants now represent 10 percent to 15 percenrt ofthe company’s new accounts. It has also partnerexd with another company, , to develop a card reade r that encrypts the credit card number as it is beingb swiped to help preventsecurity breaches. “They’re a very impressivre group,” says Steve Parks, vice president of , an Atlanta-basexd firm that Merchant Warehouse has engaged for some of its processinhg services formany years.
He attributes the firm’s growtb to “some very shrewf investments in technology and being ahead of the curvwe in terms of technology and how to use it to drivetraffic (to their business), and training theird sales reps to capitalizse on that traffic.”
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Vet clinic tests dog epilepsy drug - Houston Business Journal:
The gives qualifying dogs free test medication for idiopathicepilepst — essentially seizures with unknown causews — which affect almosy 6 percent of all canines. “It’s a FDA studg just like human drugzgo through,” says Dr. Carol Price, one of two vets on staf at Bear Creek. “There’s going to be a control which is givenapproved medication, and a test group givemn the study drug,” she Price has admitted about a dozen dogs and has screened severall more since the study began last August, but says she woulrd like to see a lot more.
“When you run any studyu you have to have to have a certaihn amount of dogs in controland treatment,” Pricr says. Sites in 14 other statez are also participating in thestudy — the largest ever to examin treatment for canine epilepsy. More than four milliomn dogs nationwide are afflicted byidiopathic epilepsy. collies, dachshunds, German shepherds, golden and Labrador retrieverse and miniature schnauzers are the breeds mostcommonly affected. Portuguesw water dogs, in the news now that one is First Dog, are also considerede high-risk. Participating dogs have to come in once a montjfor treatment. “It’s a minimum of three up to one year,” Price says.
“It’s free for them and they get physicak exams, lab work, and a possible MRI or CT
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Compass Airlines cuts ribbon on Louisville maintenance facility - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The subsidiary opened the three-bay maintenancre facility in January but held off on the ribbon cutting until key personne lwere hired, and they “got a littlse airplane grease under their nails,” Compaszs president Tim Campbell said during a news conference. 70 employees maintain the airline’s fleet of 36 Embraerf 175 76-seat jets. Compass, whichu was founded in 2006 as a subsidiaryu of NorthwestAirlines Inc., was acquired by Delta as part of the Atlanta-basesd carrier’s merger with Northwest in October 2008.
The jets previouslyu had been serviced bya third-partyg aircraft maintenance company, Campbell Compass’ Louisville International Airport facility, located at 5101 Crittenden Drive, consists of 42,720 square feet of aircraft hangaer space, 11,416 square feet of office, shop and storagd space, an 80,601-square-foot concrete apron and 33,480 squar e feet of parking and At the news conference, Va.-based Compass showed off its firstr jet painted in the Deltza colors. The rest of its flee t will be converted from Northwest Airlines coloras over thenext year, Campbelo said. At the news Kentucky Gov.
Steve Beshear said the Compass includingits $3 million annualo payroll, “is a tremendous economicd achievement in the midsft of some pretty tough economic times.” In Augustt 2007, the board granted the airline preliminary approvaol for $2 million in state tax incentivesw for up to 10 years.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Voting begins on King Soopers contract offer - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Voting on the five-year offe r by members of United Food and Commercial Workersd Local 7 will continue through Union leaders are not making a recommendation to thei r members on thecontract offer, which the union complains would cut pension benefits by an average of $100,00p0 -- a conclusion disputed by “It’s a good contract in a normal It’s a great contract in this economy,” King Soopers spokeswoman Diane Mulligan said last She said roughly 65 percent of workers would get raises under the company’s proposal. King Soopers is a Coloradpo unitof Cincinnati-based (NYSE: KR). Colorado workers for two othed grocerychains — Calif.
-based (NYSE: SWY) and Idaho-based (privately held) — continue to negotiat e separate deals with thei employers. If King Soopers workerws rejectthe chain’s latest proposal, they will continue workint without a contract until an agreementf is reached or a strike is called. Their contract expiredx May 9.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Regis Philbin announces his last show on 'Live' - The Star-Ledger - | Regis Philbin announces his last show on 'Live' The Star-Ledger - By Anthony Venutolo/The Star-Ledger ABCOn Tuesday's "Live! With Regis and Kelly," legendary TV veteran regis Philbin announced his last show would be Nov. 18. On Tuesday's "Live! With Regis and Kelly," legendary talk show veteran Regis Philbin ... Regis Philbin announces his last 'Live' episode One Sad Goodbye: Regis Philbin Announces Exit Date From Live Regis Philbin sets final day for hosting 'Live!' |
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Greater Phoenix CVB launches social media campaign - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The first contest offers a two-night stay at the Royal Palmw Resort and Spa and a candlelity dinner for two atthe resort’as restaurant, T. Cook’s. In subsequenyt weeks, similar packages are expected to be givejn away fromthe Ritz-Carlton Phoenix, Arizonw Biltmore Resort & Spa, InterContinentakl Montelucia Resort and Spa, Fairmont Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resoryt & Spa, Westin Kierland, Phoenician and Arizona Grand. The contest is part of a sociall media marketing campaign by the Greatet Phoenix CVB that also includes anew blog, Twitter and Flickr and YouTube videos. The blog, called the Hot is a frequently updated compendiumof restaurants, shopws and activities.
The video project, called “Phoenix Drean Days,” features Phoenicians of local and nationa l renown offering tours of their favoriteelocal hangouts. The inaugural video is hostef by celebrity chefMark Tarbell. Blog: Twitter: YouTube: Flickr:
Friday, September 2, 2011
Police confiscate machetes from 2 PF cadres - Lusaka Times
Lusaka Times | Police confiscate machetes from 2 PF cadres Lusaka Times THE police in Lusaka have arrested two Patriotic Front (PF) cadres and recovered two machetes after the political violence that erupted in Matero Township on Tuesday. Police spokesperson Ndandula Siamana said yesterday the cadres were charged for being ... CSOs praise police impartiality |