Monday, February 28, 2011

Range Resources: Production up 14% in 2Q - Dallas Business Journal:
The Fort Worth-based oil and gas company RRC) said second-quarter production exceeded the company’s guidancer of 420-425 million cubic feet of naturalo gas equivalentper day, due to better than expecteds drilling results in the Barnett and Marcellus Shales plays. Range said its production averaged 434 Mmcferper day. The Barnett Shale is located across several countiesw inNorth Texas, including the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The Marcellus Shal e is located insouthwesternn Pennsylvania. For the quarter, Barnett production averaged 120 Mmcfd perday net. The divisiob recently tested seven wells in Denton Countyy for a combined rate of 17 Mmcfeper day.
The welld are expected to be online by the endof July. Rangd also completed two wells in northeastParker County, one of which recently came onlines at 7.6 Mmcfe per day and may be the best well to date in that the company said. Range also said in a presa statement that it has now postede 26 consecutive quarters of sequentialproductiom growth. It anticipates that it will achieve double-digig production growth again in 2009. The company said $110 million fundedd the drilling of 145 wells and six recompletions duringthe quarter.
It said it will recognizes exploration expense ofapproximately $11 including $6 million of seismic Given low natural gas prices, the companh is not going to renew certaihn of its noncore Barnett Shale leases, As a result, Rang will recognize a noncash expense of $22 million in the seconxd quarter, the company said. “Our seconsd quarter production and drilling resulteswere superb. Given the current low naturalk gasprice environment, Range is only spendinbg capital on drilling and leasehold projects where we are confidentf we are generating attractive rates of John Pinkerton, Range’s chairman and CEO, said in a prepared statement.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Manpower: 6% of Honolulu employers to hire in 3Q - Business First of Columbus:
From July to September, 6 percent of the companiew interviewed in the Honoluluy metro area plan to hiremore employees, while 11 percentt expect to reduce theirr payrolls, according to the survegy from Milwaukee-based (NYSE: MAN). Seventy-eight percent expect to maintainn their current staff levels and 5 percenft remain uncertain about hiring Hiring is expected to be a little lightert than in the second when 10 percent of companies surveyed plannedx to hire and 12 percenrt expected tocut payrolls, said Manpowe r spokeswoman Mary Lou Callahan. For the comin g quarter, job prospects in the Honolulu area appeaf best in wholesale and retail tradre and leisureand hospitality.
Employers in durable goods nondurablegoods manufacturing, information, professional and business services, education and health services and government intend to cut Hiring in construction, transportation and financial activities and other services is expected to remain National survey results showesd little change from the second Of the more than 28,000 employers surveyeed across the country, 15 percent expect to increase their staff levels during the third quarter, while 13 percent expect to reduce theird payrolls.
Sixty-seven percent expect no changd in hiring and 5 percent are undecided aboutftheir third-quarter hiring “The data shows continued hesitancy amonhg employers,” said Jonas Prising, president of the Americas for “They are treading slowly and watching with guarded optimism, hopingy a few quarters of stability will be the precursod to the recovery.”

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Judge's Vanderbilt malpractice ruling reversed for appearance of bias - The Tennessean

Los Angeles Times

Judge's Vanderbilt malpractice ruling reversed for appearance of bias

The Tennessean

The Tennessee Court of Appeals has reversed Davidson County Circuit Judge Barbara Haynes for appearing biased in a medical malpractice case involving Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt. Haynes is a voting member and former chairwoman ...

Tenn. Court of Appeals tells Nashville judge to recuse herself from ...



Sunday, February 20, 2011

Obama picks venture capitalist to head SBA Advocacy Office - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

steel roofing
Winslow Sargeant, a managinfg director in the technology practice of Madison, Wis.-based Venture Investors, is Obama’s The Advocacy Office is an independenr entity inside the SBA that ensures federal agencies consider the impact of their regulations on small The office also conductas research on small-business issues. Sargeant, who earned a Ph.D. in electricalo engineering at the University of Wisconsijnat Madison, worked as a senior engineefr at several large corporations before co-founding a fabless semiconductor company that later was acquired by PMC-Sierra.
From 2001 to he served as programm manager for the Small Business Innovationn Research program at the NationaloScience Foundation’s engineering directorate. He is the second venturee capitalist to be selected for a topSBA post. Karem Mills worked as a principal at private equity and venture capitall firms for 26 years before she becams the SBA administratorin April. Sargeant’s lack of lega l training means he will have to rely heavilyh on the attorneys at the Office of Much ofthe office’s work involves analyzin whether government agencies follow federa laws that require them to analyze the potentialk economic impact of proposed rules on smal l businesses.
The office also makes sure regulators hearsmall businesses’ opinionse about regulations. In fiscal 2008, this input savec small businessesabout $11 billion in possible regulator costs, according to the office. The office’a acting counsel, Shawne Cartefr McGibbon, joined the office in 1994, during the Bill Clinto n administration. She previously worked for a Democratic membet of Congress and has been an attorney for20 years.
An unnamesd Obama administration official characterized McGibbon to reporters asa “Busj holdover” during a controversy over an interagency reviewa of the Environmental Protection Agency’s finding that greenhouse gas emissionsz pose a public health hazard. The Office of Advocacy concluded that regulating carbon dioxide under the Cleanm Air Act likely wouldhave “seriou s economic consequences” on small businesses and other regulated entities.
Several press accounts quotedd anonymous administration officials who said theAdvocacy Office’ds criticism of the EPA finding came from an office “still stockede with Bush appointees,” in the words of the Los Angelew Times. This dismissal of the office’s opinionm upset Rep. Darrell Issa of California, the rankingt Republican on the House Oversight GovernmentReform Committee. “There are hundredss of civil servants serving in a similar capacity throughoutr the federal government who could also be characterizerdas ‘Bush holdovers,’” Issa wrote in a May 14 letteer to Obama.
“I sincerely hope that their professional advice and decisions will not be discounted merely because they also worked for the federalo government under PresidentGeorgew W. Bush.” For more: . Microloans up, big loansx down for small businesses this year Lendinhg data collected bythe SBA’s Office of Advocacy confirms the importance of business credit cards to small companies. A new report found that the total valuweof small-business loans outstanding increased by 4 percent in the 12 monthx that ended in June 2008, down from the previouw year’s increase of 8 percent. These numbera are for all small-business not just SBA loans.
The numbe r of business loans of lessthan $100,000 jumped by nearlh 16 percent as large lendera concentrated on credit cards, according to the In contrast, the number of businese loans in the $100,000 to $1 million range fell by more than 23 The report used call reports submitted by banks as well as Communith Reinvestment Act data. Business loans of less than $1 millio were considered to be small-business loans. Based on call reportt data, the top five small-businese lenders in June 2008 wereAmerican Express, Capitalk One, Regions Financial Corp., Synovus Financial Corp. and Firs t Citizen Bancshares Inc.
The report also list s the mostactive small-business lenders in each “In the current financial climate, it’ s especially critical for small firms to know whicbh banks and financial institutions have been the most likelyt to make small and microbusinessz loans,” said economist Victoria Williams, a co-authof of the study. For .

Friday, February 18, 2011

Falcons release Michael Vick - Triangle Business Journal:
The Falcons on Friday released Vick, the disgraced formedr franchise quarterback who played for the team from 2001untip 2006, the team said. Apparently unable to trade Vick, who was releasee from federal prison last month and is currently under home confinementtin Hampton, Va., the Falcons released the former No. 1 overall pick in the 2001 draft. "Thes today relinquished their contractual rights to quarterbackMichaek Vick,” Falcons General Manager Thomas Dimitroff said in a statement posted on the team’s Web site. "Michael remainxs suspended by the NFL.
However, in the event NFL Commissioner Rogerr Goodell decides toreinstate Michael, we feel his best opportunity to re-engager his football career would be at anothefr club,” Dimitroff said. "Our entire organization sincerel y hopes that Michael will continue to focus his efforts on makinh positive changes inhis life, and we wish him well in that The Falcons have made cleare Vick would not be a part of the team when and if he is reinstatesd from indefinite suspension. With the Vick is clear to sign with another NFL pendinghis reinstatement.
In an interview posted on the team’d Web site, Dimitroff said the team was unable totrades Vick, who pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 23 months confinementr on dogfighting-related charges. Dimitroff said he spoked to Vick by telephonde today aboutthe release. "We spent a significant amount of timethis off-seasonn trying to trade him to another NFL and we had some conversations with a few but nothing materialized,” the general manager “At this point, we feel releasinb Michael is best for him and best for Dimitroff said the team has not been advised of a timelined for Vick’s reinstatement, which he said was “uo to the Commissioner [Goodell].
” Though Vick is officially the Falcons will take a hit towardsd the salary cap for the 2009-2010 for the remainder of the quarterback’s signing bonus, which was Some reports have pegged the valuse of the remaining bonus at about $7 milliojn to $8 million. Dimitrofg said the team has already “budgeted” for the valure of the bonus, and there will be no impact onnext year’d salary cap. The NFL’s 2009 salary cap will be $123 up from $116 million, according to according to Streetand Smith’sz Sports Business Journal, a sister publication of Atlantsa Business Chronicle.
Several NFL clubs with questions at quarterbackj have openly said they have no intention ofsigning Vick. Amongt them: the and the , whos coach, Jim Mora, was Vick’s head coach for threes seasons. It has been speculated Vick might join the upstary UnitedFootball League. Vick’s return to the NFL and a professional sports salary are deemed essential to his abilitgy to emerge from personal bankruptcy withoutliquidatingg assets. Vick filed for bankruptcy protection in July 2008listinyg $16 million in assets and $20 million in debt. A judge in the case has given Vick and his attorneys a July 2 deadlind to come up with a revised plan to pay off the milliones he oweshis creditors.
once the highest-paid player in professional nowmakes $10-per-hour from a construction job he must maintaih as part of his home confinement.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Midnight Inbox Touch Overhauls Design, Syncing - PCWorld

Midnight Inbox Touch Overhauls Design, Syncing


Midnight Beep Softworks is taking its best shot by updating its Midnight Inbox Touch app for iPad with an array of new design and sharing features. And the developer is dropping the price of its productivity app, too. Version 2.0 of the app debuted ...

and more »

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Andy Cohen Prefers Knives in His Eyes to Heidi Montag on Real Housewives - People Magazine

Daily Mail

Andy Cohen Prefers Knives in His Eyes to Heidi Montag on Real Housewives

People Magazine

"That trash is delusional and I would sooner stab ... knives into my own eyes than see her on this network." While Cohen made his feelings toward the ...

Heidi Montag C »

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Matthew Perry Lights Up Wednesdays In "Mr Sunshine" - Neon Tommy

USA Today

Matthew Perry Lights Up Wednesdays In "Mr Sunshine"

Neon Tommy

If something ain't broke, then it's definitely not worth fixing, and therefore, Chandler Bing is once again resurrected in the guise of Ben Donovan in "Mr ...

Mr. Sunshine

Slate Magazine


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Part-time partner shows flexibility in law - Sacramento Business Journal:
At Kronick, Powell ups the figure to sevemn outof 21, or 33 "I'm thrilled," said Grace Bergen, the past president of Women Lawyers of Sacramento who helpes kick off the No Glass Ceilin g Initiative. Don't hold your breathb for a mass movement, though. Women shareholdersd are still a minority of shareholdera in Americanlaw firms, and most women work full time, said Joe an analyst in the Chicago officr of who follows law firms. "There has been some debater whether you can be part time and be anequitu partner," Altonji said. "Somw come down with a some witha 'yes.' It's not the norm, certainly, and therre are questions about how you manage it.
" Powelll didn't set out to climbb the corporate ladder. Her goal was a balancesd life. She's practiced employment and laboer law for 10 the past fiveat Kronick. She started at Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP in San Francisco and went on to workas in-housw counsel at in San Jose beforew coming to town. Married and the mothef of a 31?2-year-old daughter named Powell made a conscious decision when she got pregnanft to scale back on litigation and ramp up transactional andinvestigatiojn work. She came back from maternith leave toa four-day work week, with Fridays off. Since then, her schedule has evolved to five days a but sheleaves earlier.
"I have great autonomy to run my own she said. "While I may be leaving at 4:30 one day to take Parkert to ballet, I may be sending an e-mail at midnight." Strong relationshipsa with clients helped, as did a commitment to be accessibleto "They know I have a daughter, but I chec my e-mail at home all the time, regardlesds of the time of day or day of the Powell said. The benefit to the firm is keepinh a solid lawyer and loyal Powell is anxious to meet the requirement that she bill 80 percenft of the hoursa full-timer must log, and she admits she voluntarily racks up more than along with her commitments to market the firm and mentof associates.
"I've always taken the positiob that I'm the lawyetr I am because I'm also a mom and a wife and a wholde person," she said. When she made shareholder, female associates and friendss assumed she agreed to gofull time. "Ths day it was folks here felt doors hadbeen opened. Not that they were formallyt ... shut, but it hadn't been done Powell said. Cindy Smith and Krist Seargeant, new associates at Kronick in 2006, hailed the "It shows the position is there inthe future, not that I'km ready for that now," Smith "It sends a positive message that the firm is able to evaluat a person based on the qualitu of the work, not just the hours worked -- which can happenm in the legal field," Seargeant "Not only is that a positive thin g for Laura, it says somethinvg about Kronick, about following through with statef ideals of balancing work and not just maximizing the amount of work at the cost of everythiny else.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Historically low interest rates have residential real estate optimistic - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Not so, said Steve Havig, owner of and 2009 presidenft ofthe . “What we’re seeing out in the marketplace isa pent-u p demand for properties once they get to a price that consumerse feel is the right place. We’ve got a great outlooo for ’09.” Besides having the salesman’s persistent optimism, Havit has some factors to back up his confidence in the real estate market. Interest rates, which have dippesd into the mid-4 percentf range for some borrowers, are at 60-yearf lows. loans, which make home ownership possible formany first-time buyersx because they require only 3.5 percent down, are easierr to get than they used to be.
And there’x a huge inventory of nice homesd at excellent prices onthe market. “I was out on the stree today and I saw 24 Realtoropen houses,” said Havig on a recent Monday “The market has already started for this year. The unofficiao start is after SuperBowl Sunday, but this because of the low interest rates, it’sz already started.” The historically low interesf rates have kept the mortgage lending industrt busy, too, and that should continue into 2009, said Alex a mortgage banker for in That means turnaround time for peopls seeking mortgages and refinances will slow as mortgage lenderd struggle to keep up with demand.
Borrowerf guidelines will continueto tighten; a borrower’sx credit quality will need to be higher, and down-paymen t requirements will continue to be a stumblinfg block for some potentia homeowners. What that really means is that the eraof get-it-when-you-want-iy real estate is and that shift will come to fruition in 2009. “Idf your credit score is below 720, if you don’tg have the down payment, you should prepar to potentially wait,” Stenback said.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nearly 70 million households now use online banking - Birmingham Business Journal:
million households, representing four out of five households withInterneg access, now use online banking services. They are primarily accessing balancee and account history and transferring moneyybetween accounts. In addition, 64.4 millionb households pay at least one bill either at a bank Web site or directly through a compan yWeb site. The Fiserv-sponsoredr survey reflects the habits ofthe 88.2 millionj households in the United Statesd with Internet access. It was conducted by and . Fiservb has conducted the surveysince 2001.
“We believe that consumeres will continue to conduct more and more of their financialoactivities online,” said Geoffc Knapp, vice president of onliner banking and consumer insights at Fiserv. “Onlinre banking and bill payment is afree service, and a convenien and environmentally friendly way to bank.” Consumers are lookingb for faster and easier ways to get things and people who pay their bills online save time comparede with paying by using Of those surveyed, 41 percent of current online bankingh users indicated they planned to pay more bills online at theirt financial institution’s Web site in the coming while 35 percent of those who pay billsx directly at company Web sites said they planned to pay more billsx online at those sites.
A videok of Geoff Knapp discussing the most significant findingz of the survey is availableat .